Give a cryptic description and people guess the band

Give a cryptic description and people guess the band

>Bernie sanders poetry slam over top of pentatonic D riffs played on a single single string

Attached: 50599259_10218775025793859_4876576704774012928_n.jpg (481x580, 23K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Mazzy Star

>listens to Aphex Twin once

>im really mad about 9/11 so im gonna drown my girlfriend and blow my brain out
>neon colored cancer

>im really mad about 9/11 so im gonna drown my girlfriend and blow my brain out
don't know what this is but this is patriotic as fuck god bless



uh vast aire

>band has involved members of countless famous bands
>many of the bands they influenced are FAR more famous and celebrated than they are
>both created and transcended a genre
>gets almost zero recognition from anybody
>singer is a woman

Rage Against the Machine


Pussy Galore

>fuck drumpf and fuck white people


It's My Chemical Romance. Gerard Way watched the twin towers fall in person and it inspired him to write this, which became the bands first song.

He describes it in this interview. My Chemcical Romance only exists because of 9/11.

yet another tragedy brought on by those fucking Arabs. thank God Obama took out bin Laden

RATM duh

she cute

to pimp a butterfly?


the guy with the curly hair that talksings badly about scones. already forgot their name