Attached: 1552910709015.jpg (530x725, 43K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Jihyo? More like gee what a ho

Attached: 441_Ddo-UJLUQAATupY.jpg (1364x2048, 685K)

Attached: leaks.jpg (536x536, 94K)

first for everho

wish i could do that

Attached: bcd026d92d6e256ad3c5f1d10d2dac21934f2530_hq.gif (540x248, 2M)

Attached: mamamoo helicopter.webm (640x348, 996K)

deer in the headlights
imagine ramming into jihyo at night at 120km/H
turning her beautiful fat tits into a red paste

Attached: D2ACpaDVAAEa5rs.jpg (1200x1180, 397K)

Remember the retards saying we were the only ones talking about it? Now she's crying in public and you're still denying it. Stop making fools of yourselves.

bang chan every time he gets accused of touching twice
>but i didn't even do anything

Attached: D1pfU2WWkA0Mjho.jpg (1125x1111, 80K)

>Analyst Lee Ki Hoon ultimately advises readers to buy YG shares

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Attached: MPD_4K_gogobebe_MAMAMOO_FanCam_MCOUNTDOWN_2019.03.14_2160p_30fps_VP9_LQ128kbit_AAC.webm (400x646, 2.99M)

post gahyeon i wanna take the meatpill

idol slave wat do

i've never watched everglow's MV sober or with my glasses on and i never willl

need a good seulgi fa*cam

kpop more like kpoop

>That low key cleavage

She looks so sad. I miss Yeji.

Attached: KPOP Feels.jpg (480x480, 33K)

not while they still have bp. shares will rise after comeback


Attached: DxMdKDMVsAAYbfB.webm (392x316, 934K)

ugly plateface

Attached: 671_Dc6s-bWV0AAku7G.jpg (682x1024, 78K)

take some dark meat:


Attached: received_407726526653420.png (850x402, 224K)

nayeon mentioned

Attached: 1552930291778.jpg (1365x2048, 469K)

Attached: mamamoo waggy.webm (1280x716, 2.34M)

oh dang is this real?



Attached: 1527896792046.jpg (857x1200, 151K)

Attached: 1548863272961.webm (540x800, 2.94M)

100% for sure my guy

Pissed off Sana is sexy.

They look extremely sticc
Maybe they filmed the tapes with Seungri and friends after all...

Attached: IMG_20190319_073122.jpg (1312x2048, 245K)

still going strong i see

word, mentioned here:

she's gonna use her sharingan

Muh speculation

She was sad because she had to leave the fan meet

Attached: D1SKrPHUcAYjUY4.jpg (4096x2730, 998K)

dont a lot of idols drop some weight before comeback
by that logic rose was a victim this entire time

Wait jihyo leaks are real besides the meme pic? Fucking when is it leaking?

is this like "soft" blurring or what
there's plenty of light there so the cleavage should be visible honestly

i dont think the jihyo meme is true but imagine if jjy singlehandedly took down twice with himself. sad thoughts

I wonder what it's like to obsess over manufactured women who have no ass or tits and the only thing they have going for them is a pretty face that would never have existed without extreme plastic surgery or make up.

Use the energy you have jerking off to girls dancing on something else.


the leaks were rumored to be released this weekend so id look for that

Jihyo will have a home in JAV once Twice implodes.

Attached: IMG_20181006_161648.jpg (840x1120, 143K)

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Attached: jihyo.jpg (452x587, 23K)

solar has a great ass

freaking omo now i cant stop thinking of her sitting on my face

how old was jihyo at 2014 09 07? not to mention the fact that you literally has the link to the original video with their names and all on the last video..

or you idiots think we cant use yandex black magic to find your shitposting?

Very original post.

fuck off twat my girls are natty and curvacious

Attached: D1_ooVMU8AEmZqO.jpg (1562x2500, 940K)

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Damn, I should have bought some shares during the dip.

[NB] Girl group Everglow holds their debut showcase

1. [+1,004, -88] I like their determination. I remember when BTS first debuted, they said they wanted to be like Big Bang and they got a ton of hate comments but they're successful worldwide now. A girl group can achieve that too, and there's nothing wrong with young girls saying that.

2. [+367, -50] They have a Chinese member, I'll take a pass

3. [+178, -30] Farewell, China

4. [+107, -40] Bye. Farewell..

5. [+46, -2] Just another group to run off to China after earning their 'K-Pop group' title..

6. [+32, -2] Why do Chinese companies ban Hallyu but try so hard to make it in Korea? The government needs to ban Chinese entertainment agencies and Chinese celebrities.

7. [+46, -23] Sorry but the rookie award this year belongs to ITZY....

8. [+26, -6] Their song is so bad, it's so tacky

9. [+20, -2] I was looking forward to the group for Kim Shihyun but the song is totally autotuned...

10. [+17, -4] Honestly, let's stop investing money in foreigners. Just use Korean kids. Tired of watching foreigners who brag about their rich houses overseas and can't even speak Korean.

11. [+11, -1] Too bad they don't have the visuals to be the best in the world ㅋㅋ but dream big

12. [+7, -1] I'll support them for Yiren and Shihyun but those two won't be enough.. I don't really see an ace member in the group.

It is the ame analyst who triggered K-Pop stock in october
so you can trust him

Typical KPG shitposter in the background.

Happy birthday CLC

Attached: DznKty4UUAA9QZg.jpg (985x1200, 205K)

Y'all are so annoying.

It's not even Jihyo. It's a Indonesian porno actress.

Sending screenshots to JYP email as we speak.

Attached: D1_yeSdU8AAdull.jpg (1768x2500, 996K)

wow so woke
the real awakening is the realization that life is one huge joke and there is no better use of cum or energy
they were literally created in the forge of billions of years for me to yank my disgusting beat up dick to and so that's what i'll do

blackpink has gone from being the revolution to being the singular inflatable lifeboat

the dude is standing beside her....

nice shirt jennie

Attached: 1528773560362.jpg (1080x1350, 1.73M)

Attached: D1_ycZBU4AELxUS.jpg (1767x2500, 512K)

50 won has been deposited to you JYP account

>the revolution

considering how they went to usa and knew they were the sole promoter of GG's in usa
id say its more like devolution

>7. [+46, -23] Sorry but the rookie award this year belongs to ITZY....

based knetz

binnie time

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There's a dude behind them user, you can't see him? That's weird.

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I dunno why people thought YG was in trouble. The point of corporations is that they're legally independent from any individual person.

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chinbros, how is ryujin so cute?

Attached: ryujin.webm (294x296, 99K)

always up for some yerin baek

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any loonegro in?

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SuA going goth

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this isnt usa and their stupid laws

Because profit

literally who

Who the fuck is that guy?

Do you think jeong molested him?

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All black

Attached: D1_5mWAVAAEsO9g[1].jpg (1364x2048, 412K)

Absolute Goddess

>Sorry but the rookie award this year belongs to ITZY


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A cute chin to shoot your ropes on

which idols have been double penetrated already?

Attached: 1.png (384x505, 303K)

sigghhh im aimless guys aimless

whats my issue
what do i do need to do

i almost just invited a hairy man over from grindr

what am i doing

Attached: file.png (424x690, 332K)


post p

Attached: dahmo.jpg (773x512, 46K)

Just shut the hell up and post thicc Nancy

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jane by dami and binnie

And Black Dong + midriff. I really hope this is indicative of their next comeback, even though it's far away

Attached: D1_-9wRUgAAn0Hy[1].jpg (2048x1536, 343K)

Post more Darth SuA

dbh the song was kinda novel at first but now ive grown tired of it after 2 more listens

Jihyo Knights Visual film when?

Attached: 1549845209913.jpg (660x1225, 142K)

If Jihyo didn't feel guilty for being such a slut she wouldn't be crying, toplel.

there seems like theres a blockage on my life im not sure what im supposed to be doing

to like break out of it

anything i do seems wrong

Attached: Nancy McDonalds.png (609x1079, 731K)

jihyo looks happy with her scandal

i hope when we get the leaks someone builds a harem with all of them

omo post more

i hate those dumb boots but yum

That's all atm, fansites just started uploading. Probably lots of pics later today and tomorrow

Attached: D1_zT4JU4AAMt_C[1].jpg (686x1024, 72K)

How do I unsubscribe from this blog

Attached: 1553408957.png (828x827, 466K)

how can a dead walking corpse have a sex drive

Attached: c12f79742cb13515617d0f3e1e80653d.jpg (1242x1171, 923K)

that's the least lewd dahmo i have. if i post anything more ill be banned friend.

Ok I’m counting on you to make a compilation, upload it on imgur and post it her in 24 hours

>"delete the tape"

Attached: chewy yoy gun 1.jpg (504x1347, 422K)


dont be rude homie

its a honest question

or i guess not even question im just telling you

because thats how i feel.

Attached: DzkALngXgAEJzAq.jpg (1364x2048, 264K)

>gets called out on his bullshit
>change its rhetoric and attacks the user

Attached: Reaction-pic---Crying-meme.jpg (700x700, 149K)

Attached: BL7I5207.jpg (1280x1920, 1.52M)


so did jeong's sister get plowed on tape?


tf why is he so pale

Attached: yourendisnow.jpg (540x539, 26K)

>seconds before disaster


I'll just make do with the thought of it

>have to phonepost because australia is a piece of shit country

Of course not

Attached: 1551141079314.jpg (1919x1280, 499K)

I'll probably just dump the pics in like 12 hours if there are any non-preview ones then

I wish, she is so much hotter.

when he's not in the studio he's indoors playing kingdom hearts 3 or final fantasy

looks like a busted version of my ex gf

Post Sana's sanas.

I actually like previews. They’re not overly edited

took you like half an hour to start shitposting with the pictures eh


Attached: 1526515151873.jpg (800x1200, 110K)

get fucked aussie

post the link or fuck off, retard

search for malaysian in the archive

where is the towel?

>every other twice member is avoiding her

don't you fucking dare australia pride world wide CUNT CUNT CUNT CUNT CUNT

Jihyo should leave twice because of what she did desu

Attached: jihyojeong.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)


whore you shouldnt have fuck around with seungri this is what you get

seungri needed it to choke a jap girl

fake news

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not sure what im doing guys

im a sinking ship

where am i going

im aimless ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Attached: D09-waEVYAAGW7a.jpg (2048x1536, 266K)

kek how based is this guy?

Imagine being so desperate to fap to Twice that you make a fake sex tape rumour.

A lot of the earlier DC fansites weren't as good, but now there's a lot of them that are quite good at not fucking with the images too much, but all of the best ones always put a diffuse filter for style on everything they upload, like this one for example.

Attached: 106_DzXm4OXU8AAFFrE.jpg (4096x2730, 1.76M)


if hes gonna go down he might as well go full narcissist and enjoy how he looks in a suit

i love you tinny i just want the best for you whatever that implies
i want to see you stacking shelves in a target for minimum wage but renting a room in an apartment at 36 years old nonetheless

guys help i'm seething

worse way to use arin for pleasure tzubh

>chilling in the dorm playing sc2 with the bros
>this fuckslut walks in
wat do?

Attached: jihyo fuckdoll.jpg (1052x1405, 181K)

Koreans are goods singe-

Attached: 1552942549302.jpg (474x474, 21K)

Ella tape when?

alright alright alright

tell her to leave bc shes ruining my apm

shut up slut

>Sorry, not really into trannies.

>wakes up
>logs to kpg
>goes to see any good shit around
>falseflagger is still up and shitposting

thanks for the support i appreciate the positive reply

but my life is not exactly like you think

if u got discord i can talk about whatever

or not w.e

Attached: D1H0r7FU8AA_uem.jpg (1364x2048, 309K)

has anyone ever claimed koreans are good singers?

Actually some non-previews up already

Attached: D2AOfZJU4AAT6ZZ[1].jpg (1125x2000, 299K)

would you fuck her brains out? don't lie

Attached: jihyo fuckdoll (2).jpg (790x1049, 508K)

jihyo kysing herself when?

what's this talk of a tape?

this jihyo shitposting is great keep it up lads

Attached: D2AOeL-UgAEbpw4[1].jpg (2000x1333, 383K)

someone already found out his shit user dont even bother with him he will probably die in few days when he is out of energy shitposting from different devices anyway

still waiting for those kookie tapes

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not at this angle

Attached: 1551114223530.jpg (1236x403, 206K)

There is falseflagging all the time. The only difference now is that it’s jihyo lmao. You are so fucking mad

sure but i have no standards. even babysoul is an option

I am that tape

Attached: 1fG28pW.jpg (640x770, 157K)

Why would Jihyo do this

Attached: a2702523eb9e9bba.jpg (516x507, 24K)

i really wish i knew what her name was so i could find all her videos

did the dreamcatcher hoes get jjyed?

>log into kpg
>it's lit


Jihyo sextape

what does seungri blasted jihyo p smell like?

not to that extend i mean half of the shit here is literally him shitposting about her
not even slugposter goes that far he usually gives up half away on each thread but he just goes and goes

d-do you think the d-dark sua is for the d-diamond video? Haha...

Attached: yeji.jpg (1000x1829, 655K)

Do you think that they were paid to say that?

i dont think you give slugposter enough credit for his tenacity

he's still seething

Attached: 1549329628681.jpg (721x960, 101K)

Attached: D1SpHJtUwAAB1t4.jpg (2333x3499, 840K)

>log into kpg
>it's full of flips
shouldn't you be sucking duterte's dick right now?

there is literally nothing wrong with seething

It's for the Trap video

do you guys have any favorite sexual films? I've always been into amateur porn, usually wmaf, but every now and then I fap to JAV or kpop fancams

Attached: ew.jpg (227x244, 11K)

girls with huge milkers are predisposed to become whores. it's in their dna

Attached: jihyo fuckdoll (3).jpg (1403x1048, 605K)

i want to rape wookie

Slug posting goes on for multiple thread. Hell the shit posting has been going on for months now. But here you are seething over Jihyo posting that’s what? A few days old? Jesus you are such a little bitch. This place isn’t for you

well he found a way to be less annoying by not flooding every thread
props to him to be honest

For me it's the Jihyo tape

Attached: 1552660364177.webm (720x720, 2.32M)

>2. [+367, -50] They have a Chinese member, I'll take a pass

what the hell! is this actually jihyo? is this the leak people are talking about??

finally a cute girl

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Attached: DSC_4104.jpg (1287x2100, 1.36M)

>sua's dick
Would you?

Wow she's even showing her tits now, shame on her.

Attached: 1552863545284.jpg (1800x1200, 269K)


can only do it to sexual films i've taken of my own personal conquests. my favourites are my jihyo tapes.

slugposting happens on usa hours only you dont see him shitposting day and night and literally flooding the threads thats the difference
plus its been a year already and possibly even more

Don't joke about that


Attached: 1453286590732.jpg (1280x720, 292K)

those are some nice fuckin titties tho

>I’m gonna have to wait for the trap and diamond video as long as the yuqibros have been waiting for her f**t

Attached: 1550212894486.webm (1280x720, 2.8M)

based jyp with organic lewds

What's this I hear about a Twice sextape? Any comment from JYP yet?

Attached: DyaVWQ8U0AAwF0y.jpg (4096x3072, 1.54M)

HANTEO: #Bom - Spring

190318: 4,534 copies (1st day sales)

there are a lot of seulgi posters

Attached: 1552351775677.jpg (879x1199, 169K)

Too many to name. I've been blasting to MIAA-037 a lot recently.

Attached: 18-09-25-08-48-39-212_deco.jpg (840x946, 129K)

Never mind the fact that Jihyo was fat 3 years ago when this sex tape was supposedly filmed.

Yeah, of course. You wouldn’t?

just you roastie

jihyo has a sextape leak?

the more i learn about bang chan the more i think he would be that emo kid in school who purposely chooses the anime protagonist window/corner desk in the classroom, and everyone else mistakes his weebness for being a potential school shooter on first impression

Attached: D1336O3WwAEJ4A8.jpg (1080x1080, 79K)

But real talk, it's for their Immortal Songs 2 appearance they recorded yesterday. She'll probably keep it for their upcoming tour, so we'll get a special clip with that hair when they upload their cover(s) this time.

Attached: 469_DLyQedzUQAEpW4Q.jpg (1600x2000, 384K)

Yes. Jeongyeon and I made a tape.

Dreamday dome tour today btw

Attached: jypstock.png (683x541, 33K)

“I will reveal all in three months”

yeah it is breaking news turn on your tv dude

I love them so much

Attached: 1550009293176.jpg (2000x2362, 882K)

>cuck porn
to whom is ur waifu?

kpg memes about a jihyo sextape but what kpg is really saying is that they're praying for a sextape because the alternative is much worse: that jihyo was dating but is sad because she broke up. its easy to laugh at whores, but a bitter pill to swallow if you found out that you've been a cuck this whole time.

for the korean standard she was a landwhale

for the rest of the world she was fit

ok faggot listen here to my 5 easy steps to success

1. stop whining around and stop pitting yourself
2. get a job if you dont already have one
3. get a dog if you dont already have one
4. work out if you dont already do
5. get a real hobby in some kind of club where you are forced to socialice with others

Focus on on either job/gym/hobby set yourself goals and if your current surroundings dont allow that then move to a different city.

Attached: ^^~^~.jpg (644x703, 82K)

wait, i thought people were meme'ing when they said people on kpg had face blindness...

they are all pretty except wheein

BMAF is the thinking man's porno.

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thank god there are 4 pure twice girls left

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omo. i dont mind being shot by him.

Yes. Dubu and I made a tape.

No, some people unironically like Nayeon

both those scenarios are examples of being cucked tho

momo impure with manage
sana impure with bang chan
Tzuyu impure with at least four members of stray kids
Dahyun impure with the dirty old priest at her church

chewy and momo both banged jyp to get into twice

wait i thought people were memeing when they were saying jihyo has leaks. they are real?

w-wtf bros??? kpg told me twice is finito!!
j-jihyo leaks mommy cummies killed twice noooo..........

you tell him, twiceboy. bully him into being a better man.

3)why get a dog? get a cat you can feed it and it wont give a shit about it anyways
4)doesnt change nothing
5)get a hobby go to clubbing what?

Attached: 999636335A163206256DA8.jpg (3096x2064, 1.37M)

>two of them got straykids’
>one got the heechul special
>the other jjy’d

sorta have a job .
cant have a dog where i live

i do some push ups sometimes just to get the blood flowing im pretty limited in what i can do tho

not really interested in most normy hobbies what do you even mean by that

Attached: D08J1X8V4AcCVlo.jpg (959x719, 87K)

I self-insert as the guys doing the cucking or the girl.

Attached: DnILG9hV4AAyd4b.jpg (770x1024, 182K)

>tfw when managed to find the source of the pics
>its from Yea Forums
what are the odds

don't make stuff up about the last 4 pure girls

at least omg is still pure

Attached: 99DC2A415B8F87DB1A.jpg (1110x1476, 252K)

just watch some jordan peterson vids on youtube m8 he'll help you slay the dragon of chaos

is momoland dropping today? or is that tomorrow/later?

>twice antis go to Yea Forums

imagine my shock

Attached: 1544003298908.jpg (1400x2213, 326K)

Stop seething already

Attached: 1551044801815.jpg (1476x2048, 534K)

good taste user

100% Sana is tainted. Not even taking into account she history with Bang Chan. Have you seen her Japanese friends? They’re more raunchy than Gal JAVs

so do i actually
based and redpilled

That's actually a good description of him.

Can't wait to have a folder full of wholesome right-wing BTS memes.

Attached: ezgif-4-172b1aaed303.gif (442x264, 961K)

i just got here lads

what happened with jihyo?

why would any of twice settle on stray dwarfs


don't project your impurity onto sana

why are arin omotails so omo
why is arin so omo

Dubu tape SOON

you should learn that no one in the kpop industry is pure, user. They all have to fuck executives of their company in order to debut, then please sponsors to get work and money

>OR the girl
wait no i don't do that
cringe and transpilled

Attached: qkyshci2cum21.jpg (617x768, 79K)

ex leaked her nudes. it's all over the news. apparently there is a sextape too

every day is twice day
every thread is twice thread

Sextape leak

Not my wife tho


make a sex thread

Attached: 1545380859829.webm (852x480, 755K)

what the hell is wrong with youtube and their search filters? seems like most of the stuff from not verified accounts are blocked



Attached: 1475434406372.jpg (867x1300, 294K)

>watch the Jihyo tape
>sagging tits
>brown nipples
>huge areolas
>clit the size of a pinky

post faster cowards

imagine irene doing that



what do you mean with sorta?
Why can't you have a dog?

Push ups at home dont count, regularly go for runs or into the gym

Hobbys not as in collecting kpop pics at your home but like get into dancing or climbing or swimming or cooking, something where you can actually improve yourself

Attached: ^^8^^.jpg (651x611, 47K)

Sauce me.

i miss the good old kpg where the jannies kept it clean



3. dog will help him have something to live and care for, cat can work but not as well imo
4. pushes his health and self worth
5. what clubbing? join a tennis club or whatever

not even worth collecting them

everyone else has scandals
mamamoo dressing up as cats and dogs
truly the best group

Attached: cute.jpg (1280x720, 142K)
