/metal/ general: cockbullier edition
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/metal/ general: cockbullier edition
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melodeath sucks
How the fuck do we stop Japan?
dang I'd pee in her butt
Tampon edition
they've already won
Death sucks and there are at least 50 bands better than them
Mental Illness edition?
Even Trivium is better than Death.
What are your thoughts on Celtic Frost's Vanity/Nemesis?
she's a big girl
lad i think you know
wasted digits
Sorry Misþyrming, Iceland has a new king on the black metal throne.
Imagine when she makes big sewer farts on the toilet
How do I do a black metal shriek? Obviously practice but I don't want to fuck up my vocal chords. Any good youtube tutorials people have followed to success?
1st wave superior
>boy I sure hope this isn't disso-
It's not, actually. Listen to the final two tracks.
Those digits were given to me by the spirit of Martin Eric Ain.
Here's a question, what is the WORST metal record you've ever heard. Something so terrible you still remember it to this day.
literally the worse riffs I have ever heard plus her voice reminds me of top ramen noodles left on the stove top for a whole day
that shitty fucking trend has actually made me not bother to listen to any bands from Iceland anymore
Every album from this band, worst part is that they're completely serious.
I never knew black metal could sound like a 2000s pop song until I heard this album.
Katatonia - Brave Murder Day, but it isn't THAT bad
or the Crab Society North demo from S.O.D., but that's basically a joke
manlets are obessed with brappers because they're so short that then they stand up straight their noses are in asscrack position
Yea, I'm a big fan of drown in solitude... how did you know?
Wow, with taste so shit I'd just quit listening to metal altogether if I were you.
Cool drawing. Does he have a name?
I can't breath
his name is nigger
>this song
you know if you gave the woman vocal lessons, gave them a studio, budget, and good producer, this probably wouldn't be too bad
I never thought to come up with a name. I think "Sepulchral Rifflord" or something would suffice.
That's pretty based, too
>One copy of The Chasm - Deathcult For Eternity: Triumph on vinyl please
What do you mean?
>no swastikas
false do not enter
is it fun being mentally challenged?
what kind of metal do girls with fat tits listen to
you cant even understand what i wrote so it really confirms you're retarded
literally too true, my ex with fat tits loved the misfits and danzig
my chad nigga
post pics
This one may be slightly better though. Not a huge fan of the whisper vocals.
Instrumentally it's more intesresting.
>the vocals
Just saw ol Wagner released an album last month.
Yeah you can tell the guy liked Silencer. A lot.
What is your take on Vio-lence? Once the vocals grew on me I enjoyed the fun riffs and energy
local British woman cums her pants over Devin Townsend's vocals and guitarism
Those vocals are really weird but I guess they fit.
>sorry for the bad audio... I moved
more like she had to clean up the puddle she left behind
based fukken hevy devy
Recently started listening to tool ALOT but they are the only metal band I know any recommendations of similar taste
shut up kevin
Today's classic album
Looks pretty cool Riffsposter. I might draw him when I have the time tomorrow.
fuck off reddit, townsend is soi as fuck
Your post is onions as fuck. Come back when you can make a coherent argument
A great album.
Also: anyone (except TGW) who dislikes Cold Lake, dislikes Heavy Metal.
I think the guitar tone in this song might be the near peak for non-overproduced second wave of BM and beyond scat.
Seriously, it embodies the black metal essence to the end. Great shit.
Tom G. Warrior is a poser.
Dio can go fuck himself (in heaven. RIP), Udo is the true manlet king of metal.
man his farewell to accept show was so good
>king of anything other than being a bitch
>not the Elvis of metal
>not god-tier
>king of getting BTFO backstage
At the lowest of lows right now
I need either metal that will lift me up and make me fight another day
Or metal that will decimate me and push me into the mud
Your choice
does your dad like metal?
AOTY so far?
He likes the Allman Brothers Band and The Grateful Dead
So no. He does not
how about a song that kinda has both feels?
>does your dad like metal?
My dad raised me into metal and would beat me if he caught me listening to anything else
should i go see deafheaven live? i think they're playing their new ep/album only on the setlist
I find it hilarious how Quorthon would say that he didn't listen to Venom to appear kvlt and underground but when you listen to Bathory's debut it is dripping with Venom influence. Like, it's not even up for debate.
This is a Metal thread.
>dat original Entrancemperium riff at 0:35
does anyone know the lyrics to this?
>inb4 graagh
are they on the record insert or anything? i've been wondering about this for a while
Cover art had me thinking it would be generic prog crap, but then I hit play and... Holy shit
Jesus Christ.
>that's a label release
lmfao what is happening to people
>tfw local grind band is playing in a couple months
>theyre playing with neckbeard deathcamp
in all its glory
Wtf Neckbeard Deathcamp actually tours?
unfortunately. really debating whether to go to this lad. hopefully theyre an opener so i can skip their set.
>coming to st. louis
im down to check a meme
black metal room discord.gg
Christ, /metal/.
Get it together.
literally a walking goddess
fuck of discord tranny
Gaahl's new shit is surprisingly good, thought spooky gay boy was a meme musician
hey guys :3
hey cutie
Come back Abbath meme image user, I want to know what you think about the album I shared.
France >
and thank me later
ok, which one of you is this?
>Nightcore is still a thing in the year of our Lord two thousand and nineteen anno domini
we have been abandoned by our creators
i don't understand senpai
it's a copper nugget in shit
Why can't discord kids just be satisfied with posting in dedicated Yea Forums threads?
>the crooked glasses
kills me
That's not that bad. What the fuck are you nigs talking about?
subscribe to pewdiepie lads
>tagged Avant-garde Doom/Death Metal on metal archives
fucking lmao
Everyone knows about this guy already you turboretard, you can stop spamming about him. Pewdiepie fags are so damn annoying.
Kek what the fuck, calm down lad.
I come on behalf of our guy Brenton.
Can I get some 10/10, not very well known doom/stoner metal albums?
haha nice one
This is what all trad sounds to me like
If it was all clean vocals it wuold be decent post-punk
you are afraid of warmetal or something??
woah calm down bud
that's power metal you dingdong
>I come on behalf of our guy Brenton
cool and edgy xd
post more
trad - glam - power
the based trinity
Stop shilling this autism
What's the most repetitive but still good tracks you know? Like something with badass riffs that are just repeated over and over.
none because that makes a track bad
LLN sucks. The MNQ scene does it ten times better.
t. nu-male
Early Katatonia
im making a glam discord
ur mum BIG gay
MNQ being the Quebecois, right? I'm not overly familiar with both but I haven't heard that many similarities between the scenes besides being black metal and usually singing in a variant of French. Defo agree that it's better tho but can't really say they try to do the same thing imo
Where does the K in KPN come from?
Driving a forklift and listening to Panzerchrist n shit, FUCK YEAH!!
kiddy porn neutralizer
Post first wave deathcore!
This is one of my faves.
Shit bait, but, if you are looking to get into deathcore, god willing you arent, despised icon is all you'll ever need
Earth – Pentastar: In the Style of Demons
I want Floor Jansen to choke me against a wall
>she is still worst Nightwish grill tho
Haunting the Chapel + Hell Awaits = best thing Slayer ever did, prove me wrong.
Show no Mercy is slightly better
kek this shitty intro
It's odd, I used to be positive that Show No Mercy and Hell Awaits were the best Slayer albums but now it's Reign in Blood for me. I dunno, it's like I came back to where I started.
RIB is really good but I can't get enough of HA + HTC raw evilness
Where is the Thrash metal server? Blackies are embarrassing.
>Gay twink butthole album
Nice chart queer
change glam to speed and it'll be true
I hope you guys are ready for the new Lykathea Aflame album this year.
There are 49 bands better than Morbid Angel also
RiB > HA
I mean yeah but I wanted to check out some stuff like that. If the track isn't the great the riff might still be.
Yeah, in DSBM there's a lot of this.
Listened to that a shit ton in high school, didn't think of it fitting in here but it kinda does.
This is exactly what I had in mind, thanks!
How come nu-Nightwish is so crappy? They were great between AFF and Once, and I think Oceanborn and Wishmaster are masterpieces of power/symphonic metal. But almost everything they have put out since those days has been boring as shit. It's always just the same powerchords played over and over with shit distortion, with some generic orchestral stuff in the background. No cool riffs, leads from the keyboard, or even a memorable chorus. Does Holopainen even play anymore? Since the orchestral parts are all playbacks, I'm convinced that he just larps during the concerts. I think the guy never wanted to be in a metal band, but he got stuck on Nightwish because it became too successful.
I was excited when they got Jansen because I think she is a great singer, but Endless Forms turned out to be of the blandest albums I have heard in my life, I can't even remember a single song from it. In fact, I couldn't even remember the name of the album, and I had to look it up. At least she does justice to their old material, but now they have to fit meme flute guy into their old songs as well, which spoils it a bit.
This post was made by Seasons In The Abyss gang
>having this shit of a taste
Have some Hypothermia
oh no no no no no
Im already familiar with second wave deathcore, but I've been binging first wave deathcore lately.
Listening to some Obituary atm.
kek then the vocals come on.
I wonder what swedish DSBM sounds like if you don't speak Swedish, it's fucking funny to me, especially Woods of Infinity.
don't have Hot Topic here though
Why do not you think girls also listen to black metal here?
You're still a nigger
what do you guys think of Deathgaze?
what do you mean buddy
Shittier Dir En Grey.
Really? that's Gazette for me.
Who else is excited for the upcoming Tool album?
I'm genuinely getting that anxious pre-album feeling about this one based on some of the things I've heard and a conversation I had with Adam Jones
this album should be more founded on Adam, Justin and Danny jam sessions rather than motifs presented by Maynard
not that Maynard's ideas are lame, but his focus has shifted more towards his APC and Puscifer styles
his stuff isn't like the oldschool CAD or Texans stuff anymore, and while Tool is always evolving, I much more prefer the jams that Adam Justin and Danny come up with
especially after 10KD
because varg said so
Adam is a great singer but Tool is the only band where he's also working with great musicians and espescially composers
>down the road
>parents call telling him he was accepted at uni as he bleeds from neck
>blows his head off
best scene aside "I thought you were true norweigan black metal"
Adam is the guitarist of Tool; not the singer.
Right on the money, except Jensen sucks.
>tfw Iommi invented slam
Is there anything he didn't do, at least 15-20 years before anyone else? Hell, he even made some riffs that were almost black metal.
How the fuck did I not know Blood on Ice was recorded before Hammerheart until now? I feel retarded
for you
stupid name and ugly face
I might go for baroness then leave when deafheaven comes up
Stop being a hipster faggot. Stop being a mindless drone to music critics. Stop being a thrash-fag metal purist. Stop being a bitch.
Just accept that The Black Album is the best Metallica album. Not a dud on it, with the band's best riffs, heaviest guitar tones, tightest song-writing, and perfect balance of variety with keeping you headbanging all the way through. Just accept it, /meal/: Your step-dad was right all along.
It's a 9/10 but definitely not their best
One of the best riff albums of all time.
I don't dislike prog for normies, but if they never released another album I wouldn't care. not like it could ever live up to the hype anyways. its going to be duke nukem forever the album
Real prog metal = King Diamond, Opeth
Fake "prog" metal = Tool, Mastodon
but i don't want that shit, i want the headbanging shit
based and progpilled
add gojira to the fake list
there is a version of and justice for all on youtube with the bass guitar not Larsed out of existence. thats their best album
Jansen's vocals suck..
I miss Tarja days
It may as well have been a 60 minutes loop of Enter Sandman. Did it even have any other songs in it?
this song would be perfect without the meme vocal effect in the acoustic part
cool song
It now sounds more thrashy with the bass.
Mental Funeral is overrated. Severed Survival is vastly superior.
literally how?
That riff isn't slam at all. Still one of their heaviest riffs though.
I fucking love Annie. I could listen to her sing the dictionary.
This and new Pig Blood are amazing
Funeral's compositions are too mishmashed, they don't flow well. They also went overboard on trying to sound doomy.
Survival is more consistent.
>Survival is more consistent
I'd say it's the complete opposite but whatever
as a general rule if a band calls themselves prog they are complete shit
All prog is shit
I almost forgot about the other god-tier true progressive metal band Iron Maiden
If you don't like King Diamond you're not even worth licking the shit from my asshole, people like that should be banned from /meal/
Who is the Crimson Massacre of black metal
Are we ever going to get another release from these guys?
What about voivod you fucking poser?
kek, you know what would also be a good one? soifod as in soifodder.
Ive been listening to a lot of post-metal recently its great
Tool has never been a band to label themselves, not sure why they get lumped into the prog list
one member cited being influenced by a prog band (kc) so maybe that's why
Im looking for one song that in the first comments there was comment saying like trully evil vocals something like that can u help me mister mu
They are progressive, butt rock.
i meant to reply to you
you guys told me that metal was only for white people
It never was, it's for everyone.
>Freedom Call
Shitty pop music.
imagine being this retard
>look up progressive rock bands
>tons of different sounds but still sound like they encompass a genre. Intelligent, masturbatory songwriting
>look up progressive metal bands
>Jared Leto-core singers, butt metal bullshit, breakdowns and dudebro chugging riffs up the ass
You'd think the umbrella wouldn't be as retarded with how metalheads like to come up with subgenres and classifications for nearly everything
it's not serious retard
I know right. I hate it when a prog album turns out to be "prog metal", and hence automatically shitty.
t. big nonce
What evens makes Soivod thrash metal anyway? I've never heard a song by them that I would consider thrash except Killing Technology.
djent was a mistake
everything up to Dimension Hatross is thrash
Crimson Massacre
their debut is black metal
>He hasn't listened to War and Pain and Rrröööaaarrr
Turbo pleb detected
Those don't sound like thrash either though. It's like speed/hardcore.
Tbh I still don't think I know what djent is and it's been explained to me multiple times. Most metal is fucking palm muted anyway
palm mutes have little to do with it, its the rhythm of the chugs that makes people hard for some reason
roar sounds like thrash crossover, with unorthadox riffs
The breakdown was perfected in 1991, I don't know why people tried to fuck with that.
If there's an open 8th string tuned to G at the highest, it's djent
speed metal and crossover > other metal
now post some face ripping crossover thrash
Hey Abbath user come the fuck back. You need to review the album I shared
They are actually from around where I live. I've also included Bulldozing Bastard in one of my posts before.
Thanks Speed Metal user
Voivod isnt really prog. But it has prog elements
Best live band i have seen in years
Nothingface and The Outer Limits are entirely prog
These poser hipster peace emo faggots sure get upset by everything.
You know, I kind of agree
Well that's fucking great
>just says dumb shit without any merit
fuck off /pol/yp
Two albums do not turn them into a prog band still.
Joe Black
No one said voivod was a prog band
is this better than machine head
you should take a look there faggot
How does anyone listen to this band? The red album is ok, not something I want to listen to again. After that, there is no fucking way.
asbolutely, but it's not hard to be better than machine head
A band's genre isn't the sum of its releases.
If a band releases a hardcore album and a jazz album that doesn't make then a jazzcore band.
Dubs tell the truth. Fuck genrefagging anyway.
just sigh really heavy so you get some distortion and then keep pushing but now add your high singing voice. boom, black metal vocals. play around with it and make it sound good.
So now that last.fm is deserted, where did everyone fuck off to? RateYourMusic? Or is it just because everyone used streaming services now or what?
Crimson Massacre are shit fuck you
i kind of like the first 2 mh albums
i'm in pol
in awe at the size of this lass
deep thoughts songs?
why contain it?
>file was deleted
because its too erotic senpai come on
all i want is MELTY LOVE
Ironic that bands that self reference themselves as slam and are obsessed with the label of slam are almost always deathcore