Literally fuck Trump and fuck white people the album

>literally fuck Trump and fuck white people the album

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shut up drumpftard, go back to /pol/. we don’t value white people here.

holy shit this album aged so poorly

Not this shit again


>came out years before trump became president
is this some new trash meme?

I've been making this thread since jan. 2018, newfag

>several years old and this still gets (you)’s
Never change moo

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I never realized that Kendrick was holding a white baby until now

>>came out years before trumps became president
>came out in 2015
>trump elected president in 2016

>Those facial features
Not white

i never realized kendrick was on the cover til now

Math is hard, bruh

>Album was in development and came out way before Trump mattered.

trump has mattered for the past 30+ years... we're gonna pretend he came outta nowhere now?

fuck niggers. we love our president here and the western world that white people invented.

the only thing this album is guilty of is that gay corny 2pac interview bullshit going on and climaxing on the final track.

Yesh but he didn't matter because he was a ridiculous presidential candidate who started spouting rascist shit and every rascist everywhere started supporting him.

i hate americans fucking so much. the world would be a better place if all you obese martshart goblins would drop dead

go rape a goat muhammed

I FUCKING BET Trump doesn't get reelected and spends his last years in fucking exile. Screenshot this, but I bet it's Hillary.


Found the nerd

She's not running

This came before Trump you idiot

He will. Literally all of the DNC knows Trump will win.

FUCK drumpf and
FUCK huwite "people"

No shit shes not running. Thats why I said screenshot it. If you seriously believe trump is going into this election with any chance of winning you must be retarded

>following politics
Why not just watch wrestling or golf?

same wth


>album came out in February 2015
fucking fake music fan go back to /pol/ with your dumb ass

Still a great album. Kys op.

no it is from 2016

is this bait?

>oh, of course its bait, it's totally not the truth

my bad it came out in march 2015

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You know, I used to look back at the Reagan years as a cultural high point. And this time at least we got a jazz album and , wait a minute. Isn't this the Obama years?!

I only came here for the Michael Jackson thread.


I wouldn't go for the second term if I was him but I reckon he's gunna.

can you quote some of the racist stuff he said here?

It's actually
>fuck black AND white people

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It's funny how how the ones that spout "fuck haters" are usually the ones hating

Yes, Kendrick addresses racism. But he does it with wisdom, and in a position of cultural relavence. His message means a lot to black people. Hes not inciting division or helplessness, he tells them "We gon be alright."

Also Kendrick calls the black community hypocrites.

"So why did I weep when Trayvon Martin was in the street?
When gang banging make me kill a nigga blacker than me?

Inb4 reddit spacing. fuck off

Aren't y'all tired of this same stupid question?We get you're racist

Faggot, cringe.

Literally no one likes niggers and their shitty music

If you think Trump won't win you must watch CNN

>literally white fragility the post

Check these dubs

Yeah I’m sure you’re not new at all you fucking phoneposter newfag scum.

He didn't become president until 2017

>>trump elected president in 2016
elected nov 2016 and didnt take office till 2017

God damn they're ugly.

most rational comment in this entire thread and it didn't get one reply.

good ol Yea Forums

>came out in 2015

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:) well said