Does anyone know of more like this?

Does anyone know of more like this?

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What is that?

some vaporwave crap, I suppose? Com Truise, Windows 96. The list goes on.

anything else that Robin has made, for instance Liberated from the World
>either phoneposting or not knowing how to reverse image search
either way cringe
please remove yourself from the gene pool

>calling other people cringe and being this cringe

>please remove yourself from the gene pool
>says the user listening to vaporwave in current year

>answering the actual question instead of shitting myself is cringe

>says the user not listening to vaporwave in current year

This is one of my all time favorite records ever. So much so that I used it as a main example in an essay I wrote on cultural criticism and criticism of capitalism. A timeless haunting, alienating, absolutely wonderful record that I'll never stop recommending to listeners. Do yourself a favor and listen to this record. Over and over and over again. It will change your outlook on many things, especially if you delve into it's philosophical background too.

okay, user, we need to talk. I love vaporwave too, and I can see why you'd consider this one of your favorite albums of all time, but you can't just go around and write essays about the philosophy of vapor. you're actually autistic. do some soul-searching and straighten yourself, please, for the sake of your friends and family

have sex

one of your favorite things ever is a criticism of capitalism

grow up bro

Read pic related. It gave me nightmares.

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postmodernism is for fags

Fine, I guess I'm going to need to prove to you that it is based.

>alt-J is the left’s equivalent of conservative country music, but instead of offensively simplistic illusions of God creating girls because “[s]omebody’s gotta wear a pretty skirt,” alt-J proffers utter lyrical nonsense and fratty dubstep synth lines disguised as obliquely hip, trailblazing music whose only forebear is Radiohead. If alt-J is the band of the mid-2010s deemed worthy of a comparison to Radiohead, then I guess I am sick of music as well.

>They term this form of music writing, the kind that pops up the most online where anything can be referenced and hyperlinked, “retro-historicism,” “historical list-making,” and “influence fishing.” These music sites write reviews that engage in “mere identification and cataloguing of historical reference points before moving on to pass judgment, as if that were in any way sufficient.”
>“This type of review says so little it might as well read: #ChewedCorners #Paradinas #chillwave #italodisco #pianohouse #hiphop #hardcore #footwork #UKfunky #house = 7.1/10,” Parker and Croggon write, and their insight is spot-on. Retro-historicist reviewing does little more than offer a series of terms to joggle our addled, harried memories into thinking, “Oh, this is good because it references krautrock.”


>With social-media sites and mainstream music outlets parroting one another’s opinions, there is no longer any room for a differing opinion. Either you subscribe to the monolithic opinion of a hyped band or you are simply a contrarian, and the best part is you don’t even have to listen to the music being discussed to join the chorus of prevailing opinions.

no I will not, since as I said, philosophy and vapor do not mix
saying postmodernism is bad is postmodern

keep going user, ignore the haters

>philosophy and vapor do not mix
I agree. The book goes beyond that though, and into the fetishization of nostalgia.

also these posts are kind of pathetic

>saying that postmodernism is objectively anything is postmodern

you saying anything is irritating

yeah you lost me here, but I liked your previous posts

Damn, can you imagine a band that scream irrelevancy more than these guys? No one even remembers them

postmodernism is about the critique of philosophy and modes of thought
calling postmodernism bad is critiquing a philosophy, which is postmodern
therefore, calling postmodernism bad is postmodern

implying we care about the opinions of a Romanian

>In this oversaturated culture, we feed on media to a point beyond fullness, and that can open up within the most avid media junkie an “abyss,” as Reynolds calls it, “the dimensions of which are in proportion to the emptiness of your life.”13 Perhaps we can think of it as digital melancholia, the feeling of never being full, of never encountering an end to the information stream, of never actually catching up with all that culture we feel we must keep up with in the first place. It is a lonely, exhausting burden unique to our moment in history. After all, you are still alone in your room even after checking Facebook, downloading a trove of music, and watching pornography. This bitter loneliness, one that gives the illusion of socializing on these social-media platforms, is a facet of this digital melancholia: we surf the web alone and binge on media alone.

that's such a vague, inaccurate, and useless definition of postmodernism

nice try user, but you have no idea what you're talking about

Proves his point even more, that music criticism is a useless hype machine.

not as vague, inaccurate, and useless as the much more common definition "anything further left than me that I can't disagree with without looking like an asshole is postmodern :(((". if you really think my definition is terrible, give me a better one

Postmodernism is just extreme relativism. A postmodern theory of music would be that all music is equal because relatively it is subjective.

I was just posting the authors take on your life though, user.

>spoonfeed me

I'll bite and give an equally vague, but more concise and less useless definition

postmodernism is the critique of anything predicated on objectivity

>hey, can you stop being so Socratic and tell me what you think is right so I understand what you're coming from?
postmodernism is the critique of absolutism (the belief that certain things can be objective)
calling postmodernism bad is critiquing a philosophy that says something is objective (namely, that nothing is objective)
therefore, calling postmodernism bad is postmodern

yeah you're right, don't know why I was being such a dick. I apologize

I still disagree though. I think you're being too general. By your reasoning it seems that critiquing anything is postmodernism

not quite there yet; my view is that critiquing anything philosophy-related is postmodernism. that may still be too general (you could say that the grammar of a philosophy essay is related to philosophy, thereby making grammar corrections postmodern), but I'm not sure how to refine it further

I should say by your reasoning it seems that critiquing anything that makes a proposition is postmodern

I think that your definition of postmodernism spreads the umbrella too much

what if you were critiquing one objective mode of thought, not because you reject absolutism, but because you advocate a different objective mode of thought?

whoops my definition just fell apart. I'll have to think about this for a few hours at the very least

honestly like you, sorry again for being a dick

also I'm curious why you seem to be so opposed to the marrying of philosophy and vaporware

wasn't vaporware supposed to be anti-capitalism and anti-industry in its inception?

postmodernism is a centrifugal force in society critiquing any and all forms of order, mushing everybody into the cracks of western socio economic systems like play dough made of crying complaints

there is more to life than materialism and modernism

there are more important things to life than critiquing it's context - try being more present in reality rather than lost in a neverending debate that is somehow larger than the present and future

Underrated post

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OP here. I definitely feel what you mean. This album is pretty much the gold standard of what i look for in vaporwave.

the issue I have with mixing anti-capitalist philosophy with vapor is that artists unironically embrace nostalgia and capitalism about as often as they satirize it. it's hard to say that vaporwave has any one absolute attitude towards capitalism in general

Boy do i have one hell of a thread. I was expecting no reply for hours except for one user telling me to fuck off but i actually have a cool discussion going.


I didn't even know he made both of those albums lol. Pardon my retardation.

>*gets asked for vaporwave*
>*reccomends Synthwave/Chillwave*

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Internet Club - Redefining the Workplace

Only fucking soiboys distinguish these genres

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