Does anyone know of more like this?
Does anyone know of more like this?
What is that?
some vaporwave crap, I suppose? Com Truise, Windows 96. The list goes on.
anything else that Robin has made, for instance Liberated from the World
>either phoneposting or not knowing how to reverse image search
either way cringe
please remove yourself from the gene pool
>calling other people cringe and being this cringe
>please remove yourself from the gene pool
>says the user listening to vaporwave in current year
>answering the actual question instead of shitting myself is cringe
>says the user not listening to vaporwave in current year
This is one of my all time favorite records ever. So much so that I used it as a main example in an essay I wrote on cultural criticism and criticism of capitalism. A timeless haunting, alienating, absolutely wonderful record that I'll never stop recommending to listeners. Do yourself a favor and listen to this record. Over and over and over again. It will change your outlook on many things, especially if you delve into it's philosophical background too.
okay, user, we need to talk. I love vaporwave too, and I can see why you'd consider this one of your favorite albums of all time, but you can't just go around and write essays about the philosophy of vapor. you're actually autistic. do some soul-searching and straighten yourself, please, for the sake of your friends and family