Why does every music group/community I join have these autistic little manchildren and girls with a mentality of a 12...

Why does every music group/community I join have these autistic little manchildren and girls with a mentality of a 12 year old THAT JUST CANT ACCEPT that you don't like their kpop songs and then proceeds to attack you verbally.
On top of that the mods have to silence everyone that replies to the kpop cesspool because they want to keep a "friendly environment for everyone".

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kpop is good you dumb frogposter

I dont give a fuck if you think its good or not you autistic dipshit I DONT LIKE IT, get over it. It's just music for maneuver mass

i don't care if you don't like it you dumb gay frogposting idiot

it seems like you do because you just proved my point by going to my thread and defending your shitty ass maneuver mass music.
If you disagree you are already party of the maneuver mass, sorry retard.

dumb frogposter

you dumb fucking cretin, you fucking fool, absolute fucking buffoon, you bumbling idiot
fuck you

frogposting idiot baka

I get that you are just baiting but I'm really on edge with this whole situation so please be understandable

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maybe you should gargle on some frog cum you frogposter, or perhaps listen to some nice kpop to calm your autistic frogposting nerves

ok sissy k-poster
i hope you mommy mixes up your medicine with cyanide pills so your life becomes a russian roulette between being retarded or being dead

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dumb frogposter

imbecile sissy k-poster

"ribbit ribbit i am a faggot" < this is you, frogposting garbage

>another literal gay triggered by kpop
how hard is it to simply ignore the containment thread?
I never thought i'd ever side with the koreaboos but some of you retards have even lower IQ which is a feat

are you literate? did you read the thread?
it's stated that its not about Yea Forums but other music communities, no one here complained about kpop threads you dumb smegma riddled retard.
how can your iq be so low you drooling idiot?

ok then why should we care? time to delete your post nigger

I'm not upset about kpop threads, I'm upset about the whole situation involving mods and manchildren from other communities
god, cant you just correctly interpret two lines of text?

> time to delete your post nigger because i cant read for shit and now ive made myself a fool

At least they're not a hivemind of zoomers and commies who think complaining about people who's favorite movies are Drive and BR2049 and crowing sub meme trap is a substitute for a personality

They pretty much are a hivemind with no personality desu

as a literal autist (moderate autism, probably aspergers) i agree. they're more autistic then i am.


Kpop is way better on average than American pop have you actually listened to it?