3x3/4x4/5x5 weekly collage

how has everyone's day been?

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have the flu, but today wasn't too bad
reccs appreciated

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wasnt too bad
i'm tired af though

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gonçalo penas - ego de espinhos
bremen - enter silence
oren ambarchi - sagittarian domain
lilacs & champagne - s/t
melting euphoria - inside the gardens of the mind
darkside - psychic

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it was ok, not much really happened
+NSB, BOC, Coil, Swans, Gas
great stuff

get better soon :)
>Blue Dream - Volume Blue

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pedro soler & gaspar claus - al viento
telo mimetico - we were once made of steel
trappist afterland - burrowing to light in the land of nod
noothgrush - failing early failing often

The Verve Pipe - The Freshmen

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in need of some new music. i have no idea where to go

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absolutely horrendous, but manageable, so I can't complain about it
ace, what'd you think of some of these revivalist acts? recently relistened to power trip's two records and they're almost a little too by the numbers for me, as good as they are

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mordant music - symptoms


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Helmet - Betty

Good taste my man

Donovan - Sunshine Superman
Mort Garson - Plantasia
Herbie Hancock - Headhunters

Modern Lovers s/t

Townes Van Zandt s/t
Bert Jansch s/t

Red Death - Permanent Exile
Power Trip - Nightmare Logic

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bremen - enter silence
right hand left hand - s/t
the gault - even as all before us

farrah abraham lmaoo still rockin it nice
idk these metal albums

cool stuff, do you like Horse Jumper of Love

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algiers - the underside of power
trust - joyland
xosar - the possessor possesses nothing
serpentwithfeet - blisters

Where did you make this chart, is it a website?

that one was made on neverendingchartrendering.org while the rest of the collages itt were made with either tapmusic.net or nsfcd.com/lastfm/

Tfw working on 10x10

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>algiers - the underside of power
this is too much for me but thank you for the rec, i'd never heard of them before

haha hey dad, did you check out:
Budgie - Squawk
Flower Travellin Band - Satori

Yes, I liked budgie, not so much FTB but I'ma try em again later

Iron Maided - Kill Yourself Young Man, This Country is Mine
Yung Kike - Drink My Blood, Cock
Mousescroll - The Quest in Our Heads
Recoil - Endless Death
Army! - Find Our Way As We Decay
The World Caused It - Plain Weird
Megamaiden - Virginity Is Hot
Suck my cock(the complete discography)
Forgotten Origins of A Christ Unknown - This Is History
Never Never - Misty Palms Sweaty
Jaime Love - In cest bene
Sorry man, can't think of anything

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ethan roderick - ethereal beginning

yeah FTB takes the right mood to listen to i feel like, budgie fucken rules though glad you liked

Kettel - Smiling Little Cow
Future Beat Alliance - Hidden Emotion
Bitstream - Domestic Economy 7
Lee Gamble - Mnestic Pressure
Boxcutter - Glyphic
Bandshell - Dust March

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we don't listen to the same things but I didn't want this post to have little to no replies
so try this out

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Seasonal depression is finally kicking in as winter closes out.

I like the cut of your jib, try Against All Logic - 2012-2017
I've been listening to Pantera in the car recently for some reason.
tfw your gf sees a chart and asks "whose dick is that?"
Can someone explain to me what the appeal of Like Clockwork.. is compared to literally every album before it? Maybe I just miss Nick Oliveri.

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Also giff recs please. I really need them.

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Top 49 MONTHLY coming through
Cool ambient ambiance.
+Set Fire to Flames
Allesandro Cortini and Lawrence English - Immediate Horizon
Biosphere - Shenzhou
The Black Dog - Music for Real Airports
I've already given you reccs on yesterday's thread
Magnolia Electric Co - Trials and Errors (Live album)
Drive like Jehu - Yank Crime

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pretty okay

made a vow with a woman at work to quit smoking together

won a hollow victory in court

going out to dinner with my ex for her birthday

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Pretty good

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Rated R does things to my ears like nothing else

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It's kinda like their Pinkerton, except instead of emo heckitude it's a concept album full of good songs.

grails - deep politics
truckfighters - V
ash borer - bloodlands
skullflower - exquisite fucking boredom
gnod - chapel perilous
o'death - outside
+vatican shadow, aisha devi
xosar - the possessor possesses nothing
prurient - through the window
cut hands - black mamba
>Forgotten Origins of A Christ Unknown - This Is History
i can't find this
the gault - even as all before us
henry flynt - new american ethnic music vol 2: spindizzy
the fertility cult - heavenly bodies
stonehenge - bunch of bisons
stoned jesus - seven thunders roar
toner low - s/t
om - conference of the birds

>xosar - the possessor possesses nothing
>prurient - through the window
>cut hands - black mamba
thanks a lot for these, especially cut hands
really loving this remix delroy did for xosar too youtu.be/g7MKPfay-0M

>>Forgotten Origins of A Christ Unknown - This Is History
>i can't find this
>the gault - even as all before us
>henry flynt - new american ethnic music vol 2: spindizzy
Sorry I'm a dickhead, I did all fake artists and albums. It was more about creating stereotypical names than recommending stuff. Hope you enjoyed it anyway xx I'm a creative guy