ITT: Album covers that match the music of the album perfectly

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ngl all the weezer shit fits the album cover

I mean most albums do this. A better thread would be which do NOT match

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What's this album art even supposed to represent? I don't get it.

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damn this album really DOES sound like a house....damn
damn this album really DOES sound like a pink guitar....damn
damn this album really DOES sound like a mountain....damn
damn this album really DOES sound like a coackroach....damn
damn this album really DOES sound like a guy screaming....damn
damn this album really DOES sound like a guy looking at the sky....damn
damn this album really DOES sound like a picture of an american flag and a butterfly....damn
damn this album really DOES sound like a group of buildings....damn
damn this album really DOES sound like a mountain range....damn
damn this album really DOES sound like a picture of water....damn
damn this album really DOES sound like a sunset....damn
damn this album really DOES sound like 2 people leaning over....damn

you faggots are all retarded

you first, OP

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damn this album really DOES sound like a white girl crying inside a crystal ball.....damn

it actually does. if you listen to it, the aesthetic of the cover and it's weird early 2000's internet feel it has with the skeleton and the word art really suits the music itself. stop being purposefully obtuse

>doesn't know how an image can evoke the same abstract feelings that a song does
>calls others retarded

dude youre totally right. i finally get it. listening to american football like legit totz sounds like a house bro.. fuck dude this is so deep......damn

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You're welcome

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holy fuck thank you so much bro....legit in tearz listening to loveless now....bro.....dude...liek finally i get it u know....all this really does sound like a pink guitar........this is SO fucking deep bro... how do i become as deep as you to really GET it like this all the time dude.....please tell me.....

damn this post really DOES sound like an autistic faggot.....damn

fuck man how do i become unautistic like you bro.......come on man you gotta tell do i become enlightened by own intelligence like you.....dude please......

Holy mother of based


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bro how do i stop being a retard? do i have to pretend that album covers evoke musical sounds like everyone else itt?? will i be DEEP and BASED then like you ???? fucking faggot kys

i want to fuck your fat gay ass you sexy bitch

user... I'm concerned.

how fucking bitter can one be

good lord

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dudez come on....please just tell me....i want to be cool and based like you guys.....

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user please talk about it. I'm here to listen.

this ones for sure

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damn this album really DOES sound like two severed floating hands.....damn

>a mountain

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haha hope you're trolling but if not try to use your brain a bit more.

for example the kid a cover doesnt mean that the album looks like a mountain lol, for me it transmits how the album is: cold album on the front (the snow mountains) with a distored/eletronic sound (the somewhat glitchy lines at the bottom) but in the background you can see raging fires, just like the album makes me feel, it kinda burns me inside making me feel something in the background, faraway after you get your heart frozen by the snow if you listen carefully it can light up a bit of emotion in you cold body, maybe rage maybe love maybe something else.

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you're fucking stupid but i laughed

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haha i know....if only i could be as intelligent and BASED as you. can you teach me how??? please bro! i need to know how to be so cool and deep and smart and most importantly, BASED AND REDPILLED like you.

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good fucking god this is pathetic

can you teach me how to be cool like you then? i keep asking but no ones answering ;(
bro PLEASE. come on. step one has to be being a psuedo intellectual faggot like you and every other person on this board. BUT WHAT IS STEP 2??!? please tell me dude

Thank you, at least someone brought it up

user please talk about it with me, this is probably the weirdest thing anyone has made a scene about on here and I wanna know if you're okay.

damn this album DOEs sound like a bunch of guys in a lake...damn
damn this album DOES sound like a gril and a seal in a bunch of ivy... damn

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why are you even in this board? it's an 18+ website so you can keep the cheap cynicism to another part

to learn how to be cool from awesome peepz liek you obvi xD

i kno rite?? arnt i da best????

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Do you not get enough attention at home, user?

oof ouchy this pic make foot hurty :(((

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this is actually concerning. Even by 4channel standards

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