Have art hoes ruined indie music for anyone else?
I can't even listen to Cloud Nothings anymore without feeling like I vote Hillary for president
Have art hoes ruined indie music for anyone else?
modern indie is trash, the market has grown massively in the 2010s and a vast amount of bands have milked the modern scene dry with the same white boy 3 chord, capo on 7th, chimey sound
i once caught some shit band called spinn at a day festival and it was fucking awful. i watched the only guitarist play those 3/4 chords with a capo on 7th for a whole 30 minutes, every song sounded the fucking same and to no surprise. the crowd of art hoes loved it though because the singer has floppy hair and his entire outfit was from urban outfitters
That's what you get for listening to formulaic, commercialized garbage aimed at the "I'm not like other girls" and "she's just like me" crowds.
It's like complaining about how the little girl fanbase ruins mlp for you or something.
didnt want to put it like this, but guess what, women ruined music.
i only listened to it because i was breaking between other sets, its awful i wouldnt dare listen to that shit again BUT indie music has been good when it wasnt aimed towards an awful fan base
Who are you referring to specifically?
At least in my area, I think that indie scene needs more genuine personalities and to detach itself from CalArts/Rick and Morty type aesthetics. I maybe be asking for a lot here.
As a he-man woman-hater, I hold orbiters entirely responsible for the presence of talentless, socially-corrosive women.
Something with a name like "indie" is bound for pretension.
ok incel
>I can't even listen to Cloud Nothings anymore without feeling like I vote Hillary for president
imagine letting a bunch of instagram sluts who take bbc live in your head THIS rent free
Being okay with it means you get to play to disinterested bluepills forever. It's a lucrative business model, pragmatically speaking.
What a fragile little faggot
You're a mean faggot.
Sorry about your feelings, kinda, not really
If you listen made for woman you deserve being grouped with them you big brainlet
post some art hoes Yea Forums
I'm not sure whether a beer would be enough to fuck that or not.
she got some nice tiddies and suckable lips
I would smash that sober
I like women
what your fucking problem, asshats?
Who said anything about "women"? We're talking about the subcategory of "art hoes"