He has an annual income of $173,000 that puts him in the top 5% wealthiest people in the 21st century. He's a self-made millionaire and an entrepreneur. Who the fuck gives him the right to lambast 'rich people' for internet points? Does he not see the irony in constantly retweeting AOC? I'm starting to believe he doesn't actually agree with any of the socialist talking points he regurgitates and just says that shit for clout. He doesn't want to piss off his highly impressionable suburban white teenage audience (who are the purveyors of socialism as a FUCK YOU MOM!!!!1!!11 phase). Not pissing them off means consistent ad revenue which increases his personal wealth. He's a two-faced slimey capitalist who will step on the next person to get a dollar.
Capitalism is ruining music
Other urls found in this thread:
I'd skullfuck you to hell if I could.
And I'm supposed to care WHY?
He’s a hypocrite but most celebrities are. Nothing wrong with making your own money commie faggot
>annual income of $173,000
nice reading comprehension
>confusing net worth with annul income
Confirmed for basement dwelling NEET
This post is off-topic.
This user is underage.
Get a hobby
What work does Fartano offshore?
>the primary driver of where music is going and how it sounds is offtopic
lmao nice """""""""music""""""""""" forum
he hires chinese children to write his reviews and edit his videos
don't believe me? go on his website and check the country it's listed in
Shoo redditor
This post is off-topic.
This user is underage.
go to bed anthony
>caring about off-topic posts
>calling others underage
This post is off-topic.
This user is underage.
>net worth is the same as annual income
>$173k net worth in your early-mid 30s qualifies as "rich"
This post is off-topic.
This user is underage.
i bet you got an orgasm writing this post
I agree with this picture except for Sam since he's never presented himself as being smart or intellectual unless its for a bit.
A net worth of $173,000 is not even close to rich.
Neither is an annual income of $173,000 (which he does not have)
he has dozens of 'serious' videos where he gives 'smart' life advice
173 thousand is an estimate. I'd say it's a lot lower considering how relatively little views he gets and how the state of youtube ad revenue is going
>I know you are but what am I
This user is definitely underage.
Reckon half of these are much more intellectual than the pseud who made this image.
doesn't change the fact that OP is a brainlet
how old are you?
>This post is off-topic.
>This user is underage.
This post is off-topic.
This user is underage.
cry all you want it's on topic and wont get deleted just because your faggot #MAGA ass is triggered by its anti-capitailsm undertones
Where do you think all those Vinyl mats and shirts come from. You really think it's just him and his 12 children making it?
>imagine giving a fuck about money from others
your life is sad
Guys, we live in a society...
I'll take the bait.
AOC isn't actually a socialist, none in the DNC is.
That being said, the central point of the socialist ideology is absolutely not taking money from the rich and giving it to the poor period. No socialist thinker ever argued for that.
Now let me dumb this down for you.
The goal of socialism is the shared ownership of the means of production in a way that the owner can't reap the benefits of the surplus value of workers' labour without contributing at all.
An artist a writer or a similar figure would make money just as they do now in a socialist system, they aren't part of the owner class.
The injustice that the socialist oppose is the fact that for instance if you're say an engineer that works 80 hours a week and creates loads of value for its company you'd still earn WAY less than a shareholder that has a marginal share of equity in the company and has no clue what the company does.
you're the reason music criticism is the state it is right now
too long didn't read
>too long didn’t read
You’re the reason no ones taking this thread seriously
You're a fucking moron. a net worth of 173k puts you in the 75th percentile for americans his age. How many times do I have to say this. He's just barely above average and for a college grad he is basically average.
You fucking illiterate moron, stop shitposting this stupid retarded shit. I dont even like Fantano but you're actually a fucking retard for shilling this same stupid thread over and over again even though everything you say is wrong and retarded
faggot cunt
Just dropping by to say Contrapoints and Chapo are fucking great
Contrapoints is okay
Chapo is absolutely awful and the three guys that run it are pseuds and economic illiterates, you're a bit of a retarded faggot if you like them
says the one who capitalized the first letter of the sentence
dice el que habla en ingles
How are they economic illiterates?
I don't remember hearing them talk economics too much.
If you're american then yeah, you'd probably think that.
How many revenue streams does he have? Does it all come from Youtube hits, or what percentage do you think is merchandising?
When they do, it's painfully obvious
But moreover anyone who identifies as a socialist is an economic illiterate at a very basic level
cute posters
Provide an example form one of their podcasts. If you can't, it proves you were lying.
counting up all of the revenue streams I'd say he probably makes an average monthly wage
>With a country that thinks contrapoints and chapo are great
Nah, you guys are worse than swedes.
top 5% richest person is pretty rich, maybe you are the brainlet?
Sam is a satirst though. dont ignore him just laugh along with him :^)
Music and art are some of the most regulated markets imaginable, in any country. Monetary centralization and the resultant stylistic homogenization is what's killing music as a craft. Anthony Fantano is just collecting whatever drip he can get off of that arrangment (i.e. "thank u, next" review). He can and should be ridiculed without addressing his or any one else's politics.
>he’s still talking about america even though no one brought it up
A guy making memes making that much? Id consider it rich, then again im a poor fag not some trustfund kid
>But moreover anyone who identifies as a socialist is an economic illiterate at a very basic level
Like all the economics scholars and professors that are socialists.
Saying contrapoints and chapo are great screams american, so you brought it up yourself.
>But moreover anyone who identifies as a socialist is an economic illiterate at a very basic level
>if don agree wit ting, ting stoopid!!
>even pretending to be intellectual
For a popular youtube music reviewer, it's a drop in the bucket. Take Chris Stuckmann for example. he reviews movies, not music, but is very similar to Fantano. Stuckmann has about 300,000 less subscribers than Fantano, but he has a net worth of $700,000
Socialism is extremely stupid. Fantano will forever have a mind stuck at 17, and a world view stuck in 2012. He sucks for reasons completely unrelated to political theory and governance.
wasnt talking bout Fantano
>doesn’t know how anonymous posts on Yea Forums work
>actually thinks I’m the one who mentioned some shitty ecelebs
>he’s still responding and pointing to america in stockholm syndrome fashion
That's some deluded spout I am seeing. Almost like an american.
>Socialism's stoopid
So that's really your entire argument?
You're not capable to argue your points in any way whatsoever? That's pathetic but not really surprising.
i don't know who chapo is or anyone else on that image desu, but contrapoints is okay.
fader article really got him, he started making a slight turn from right to center to left ever since
It's stupid because all of its core tenants disregard human behavior and is centered entirely around wishing people were something else. It's an anti-sentient ideology.
>net worth = annual income
American education
>he’s still responding
Can you list their 'core tenants' for me?
What part of human behaviour do they disregard?
people forget Anthony invented the number 10 solely to give it to the best albums
When the fuck did Anthony ever make right/centered content. Dude has been a liberal since forever
You're responding to the wrong person. And I'm a leaf, my dude
Like how you're obsessed with replying to me, so I must've struck a nerve somewhere.
correct take
No. First of all the vast majority of professional economists are pro free market. Even guys with a huge leftist bend against neoliberalism like Thomas Piketty (and myself) are pro market because it's a widely established fact that a market and incentives associated with it are necessary for economic development.
>i’m not obsessed
>you’re obsessed
say it with me: obsessed
Spent 5 minutes googling and couldn't come up with anything?
Kek. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
Still replying to me.
sometimes I forget I'm posting with teens here but then they bring out these epic high school talking points
>Socialism is extremely stupid
Stick to music, American.
Where have all these amazing opinions been all my life??
>muh hooman natschurr
>money and greed natural and good!!
Ah, yes.
Suck a dick, whatever cuckshed of a country you come from
Daily reminder that your "culture" is degenerate and decadent consumerism and your mentality is that of a 3rd world shithole. Cheers, fella.
Capitalism will make you sell your mother for snapchat updates.
so you've reapeated the classic conservative 'muh hooman nature against goomunism" talking point.
Yet you can't articulate what you think socialism is or how it goes against human nature.
At this point I only invite you to read more and try to understand the things you claim to hate.
I suggest you start with the article "Why socialism?" by Albert Einstein. An author that probably aptly suits the taste of a very logical 'facts don't care about your feelings' teenager like you
What's your "culture"? Sucking infant penis and framing your friends for crimes you commit?
Human nature, eh? Let's see, capitalism doesn't give a shit about:
>culture or traditions
>the sciences
>the arts
>the ecosystem
>the planet in general
>only cares about profit
Really the most natural thing we could have!
I never defended capitalism.
Thinly veiled antisemitism is not a cultural trait, American.
>we're not socialists, we're democratic socialists
It's whatever you power-grabbing book-burners think makes you sound like the good guys.
Call me 16 again. You'll be a Jew forever, though.
Good. Now the next step is growing some balls and defending something which benefits humanity and opposes capitalism (these two go hand in hand).
Reminder: nobody gives a fuck about eurofags anymore lol, you niggas haven't made great art in decades
That's true. Good for you, you high-IQ Ashkenazi. Openly-declared hatred for gentiles, on the other hand, seems to be.
>an American
>trying to talk about art near me
I'm not Jewish but I've already lost the debate because you called me Jewish. :(
Stigmatizing multi-generational households is extremely Jewish.
This thread is Anthony Fantano's inner monologue. A tug-of-war between living leftwing values authentically and casual antisemitism.
If Rowling was what it took to make them pick up a book, wasn't that a good thing?
It is not. "Harry Potter" will not lead our children on to Kipling's "Just So Stories" or his "Jungle Book." It will not lead them to Thurber's "Thirteen Clocks" or Kenneth Grahame's "Wind in the Willows" or Lewis Carroll's "Alice."
Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.
>in a world where the authoritarian statecapitalism of China is slowly but surely dominating the global economy someone really believes this
lmaoing@urlyfe tbhwyfam
But Stephen King is great
How has fantano professed antiseptic views??
Still replying to me
Let's just say he's going to have to face some difficult questions sooner or later.
Still replying to me
Imagine believing that the struggle in this world is a socioeconomic one.
I'm pretty sure we would know all about it if Fantano was antiseminal
What is that image?
I like to call it, "get used to it".
fuck, I HATE lazer beams!
nah mate
imagine judging someone because they succeeded at life
I like to call it, "1541997212361.jpg".
plz no sarcasm
Just because he has a shaved head doesn't make him a nazi
It's how forest fires start.
>make retort post
>seething user responds within a fucking minute
>literally waiting for my reply so you can reply as soon as possible
holy obsessed, quit replying to me and maybe don’t spend your entire Yea Forums experience in a political thread on the music board
it's how the lizards get here
You politicucks are all brand-recognition. Shallow, Fantano-watching fucks. I bet you think being an artist makes you some revolutionary, otherworldly man of the cosmos.
dude me and the seething user have had a back and forth going here, try not to barge in with your retarded nonsense please?
let me guess its da juice
I go wherever the fuck I want and say whatever, bitch.
Still replying to me with deluded spout
lol no. That wasn't the Jews.
I was just implying if he was ppl would be meming about it costantly.
But you could never know, there are terrifying antisemantic criticisms of Israel's lobby, apartheid and warcrimes being thrown around everywhere, even by members of our congress!
$173 thousand? it just has to be more. mike stoklasa from RLM, who have 900k subs compared to fantanos 1.7 million, has a net worth of 15 million.
fantanos videos all have about 100k views and most are monetized. this faggot also makes his shitty tours and sells merch and has sponsorships where he shills some gay shit in his videos. for what he's doing this asshole is filthy rich and thats not $173 thousand filthy rich
Its not a real photo brainlet
Have you guys seen this music video
Maybe he’s bad with money
I wanny a jakey pauly music video
you think jews can blast lazer from their eyes?
it's the Somalis idiot
I don't think there's a chance he is antiskeptic. His support of Omar's criticism of AIPAC wouldn't make me think he resents Judaism
That's how it begins. We're not talking about a man with useful skills and self-efficacy. We're talking about a guy who's job it is to be liked and is financially motivated to say the most socially-acceptable thing. The incoming clusterfuck will break him.
haha I love Joji
also cool easter egg in the beginning, RIP Jahseh
Wow you have convinced me, excellent work
fuk u, i'm dj dubbi
What's your favorite 80s album?
pathetic obsession at its peak
spirit of eden
Bon Jovi - Slippery When Wet
I'm pretty sure most socialists aren't poor. Poor people know there are character related reasons for class, i.e "my brother is poor because he keeps spending his money on whiskey and cigarettes".
I'm not mentioning anything about america anymore and you're still calling me obsessed, what's your favorite 90s album?
Surfing With the Alien
ok fair enough, probably dummy by portishead
Favorite early 2000s and late 2000s album?
the thing is even without all the character related reasons for class, class would still exist cause thats what the way things are currently organized tends to do
He doesn't make that much per year you fucking brainlets. 173k NET WORTH means all of his property/money in the bank adds up 173k. He isn't rich. This thread is a trainwreck
>thinking that will protect melon from the online prog mob
They already know what it takes to bend him.
clouddead s/t and person pitch, lots of other contenders though
how the fuck is pan a pseud
I dont think class is the problem. If there is natural hierarchy it makes sense for there to be social and economic hierarchy. The way things are rewards the wrong kind of characters though, and allows people to hoard money multitudes greater than their worth to the nation and in a sense deny opportunity to the best of the lower classes. A maximum and minimum wage/income with enough differentiation to reward greater contributions, cut off the parasitism and hoarding of the upper classes, and ensure the safety and relative comfort of the lowest classes would be the best solution. There also need to be pressures to increase the overall quality of the people.
>tfw recognize
Lmao if you add up my assets and liabilities it's a fucking negative number, sheeeiiit
ebin thread