Yea Forums MBTI typing

Attached: infp.png (1000x2480, 855K)

Other urls found in this thread:

aka the psued horoscope
no thanks

>tfw you got the gay pseud personality

op here. infp

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architects rise up

INFPs are the best

fuck yeah we are bitch

what is some INFP-core? i feel like it'd be something like heaven or las vegas by cocteau twins

pretty common in music. john frusciante, jimi hendrix, jim morrison, kurt cobain, eyedea, thom yorke, n john lennon come 2 mind

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lmao @ the communist manifesto in tier 2
what kind of retard made this

yooo im also an infp

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i always get either intj or intp.
i feel like i'm right between the two, this particular survey says i'm 60% perceptive 40% intuitive.
it's funny because i find it hard to really honestly care about other people's problems, even if i can relate, but alone i'm super emotional.
i feel like a dick now that i think about it

intp pseuds unite

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er prospecting i guess i thought it was perceptive. same thing sorta

ENTP. introverts are lame

This is the only good personality test.

>tfw suicide tier
>tfw put on antidepressants two weeks ago

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Personally Four-Calendar Cafe is my favorite CT album but they are one of my favorite groups

>tfw I'm ENFP
>tfw I'm now pseud and SJW
I will no longer stand for this.... We gamers..... We will show you who the real successful people are....

i've got that "failure at life" type

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>tfw INFP

I can’t argue with it is the worst part

i always get infp, but the first time i ever took the test i got infj. i think infp is more accurate.

>tfw the two times I did this I got infp and then istp
Should I kms bros?

as an sjw infp with barely any hope left, pretty much yeah

A nice idea would be to show a chart, or atleast a handful of your favourite albums with your MBTI resutls I r8?

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I'm INFP but I kind of doubt it.

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lol was this made in 2013?

Warpaint - exquisite corpse
INFP gang

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Gg bros... Im istp... I dont want to kill myself bros...

fka twigs is my savior

meme horoscopes for white girls of all jenders

Redpilled ISFJ here

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Nick Drake, NMH, Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash

fuck, i got

My favorite albums include:
Joy Division - Unknown Pleasures
Big Black - Atomizer
Nine Inch Nails - The Downward Spiral
Brian Eno - Another Green World
Neutral Milk Hotel - ITAOTS

among others

>half of Yea Forums is infp
explains the nmh and smiths obsession

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i'm entj and i'm a huge fucking failure

i've also been enjoying this album

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my gf of 4 years is a pic related INFP and she is hitting the wall hard. The relationship gets hard to handle due to her constant pessimism and low self esteem.

>Blondie - Blondie, Suicide - Suicide
>Chris Watson - El Tren Fantasma
>Keiji Haino - Soul's True Love
>an Aube album (really hard to choose)

How the fuck did I get listed as an INFP on this retard quiz?

>tfw infp and you only listen to prog and punk

im the smiths spammer and im entp

Please stop making thread about online quizes

OP here. good idea man

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Stop taking horoscopes you fucking dork
Stop letting some pseudoscience project itself into your actions

yep, still an INTP

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>no fun allowed you dorks

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With the risk of sounding cringe, I really am deep and intellectual with non of the IN THIS MOMENT attitude


this was fun

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Favorite bands/artists are Radiohead, Sufjan Stevens and Sigur Rós

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INTP and my favourite album is Yank Crime - Drive Like Jehu.

well shit, i'm suicide tier

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>88% Introverted
>85% Intuitive
>61% Thinking
>81% Prospecting
>89% Turbulent

Who /literallyautistic/ here

fucking everybody

> that patrician chart
> combined with that MBTI
> mere presence traces the course of thread

Well boys I think we officially found /Gigachad/

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AJJ is INFP core

most folk punk is i think like paul baribeau

INFP-T but fuck that shit.
I ain't gonna fail

INFP gang :)

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Loveless=INFP core

>INTP pseud
>Favorite artist is Ariel Pink
Sounds about right

>took this stupid thing YEARS ago
>got INTP
>was an autistic pseud child, like literally a child
>had no real sense of humor
>was not fun to hang out with by any measure
>had anger issues bc social impotence
>confused tranny faggot in denial
>taste was rymcore and Yea Forumscore even though i had no idea about Yea Forums (grunge, post-punk, shoo gays, college/undie rock and pop generally)
>9 years later: take it a couple minutes ago
>get INFP
>realise i'm not 'smart but lazy', just lazy and sometimes clever, and that is perfectly fine
>apparently make the funny
>people are visibly more relaxed around me
>conversations are many sided and evolving bc i dont try to steer it to Special Interests
>not really angry or bitter about anything, realise i don't have reason/right to be
>embrace being a confused tranny faggot
>taste has branched out considerably
people can choose, op.
>pic related: it's one of my favorites ( ^ :

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Anyone have that image where each personality is trying to open a door.

i'm infp. doomed to fail
at least im a master of escapism

My top 3 would be Soft Machine's Third, Symphony 3 by Gorecki and 98.12.28 by Fishmans

We will win

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>Double Heads
>people can choose, op.
Ok that's an epic fucking reference that's gonna go over everyone's head

Top 5 albums:
>Ceres and Calypso
>Time 'n Place
>Yoshimi Battles
>In the Aeroplane
>Merriweather Post

Heres my chart

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>successful tier
>only E's
just about done with this bullshit life

Anyone who isn't a complete idiot will realise that some test on the fucking Internet can't fully determine their complex personality. Now have fun, okay?



I like music too, guys

wow i didnt know we were doing horoscopes!

Sup brother


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Original and witty comment

>only retards believe the M-B test

infp gangggggggg

Yeezus is my favorite album. Maniac episode is my favorite part of my daily routine.

Thanks for the (you) kind stranger


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