Yea Forums MBTI typing
Other urls found in this thread:
aka the psued horoscope
no thanks
>tfw you got the gay pseud personality
op here. infp
architects rise up
INFPs are the best
fuck yeah we are bitch
what is some INFP-core? i feel like it'd be something like heaven or las vegas by cocteau twins
pretty common in music. john frusciante, jimi hendrix, jim morrison, kurt cobain, eyedea, thom yorke, n john lennon come 2 mind
lmao @ the communist manifesto in tier 2
what kind of retard made this
yooo im also an infp
i always get either intj or intp.
i feel like i'm right between the two, this particular survey says i'm 60% perceptive 40% intuitive.
it's funny because i find it hard to really honestly care about other people's problems, even if i can relate, but alone i'm super emotional.
i feel like a dick now that i think about it
intp pseuds unite
er prospecting i guess i thought it was perceptive. same thing sorta
ENTP. introverts are lame
This is the only good personality test.
>tfw suicide tier
>tfw put on antidepressants two weeks ago
Personally Four-Calendar Cafe is my favorite CT album but they are one of my favorite groups
>tfw I'm ENFP
>tfw I'm now pseud and SJW
I will no longer stand for this.... We gamers..... We will show you who the real successful people are....
i've got that "failure at life" type
>tfw INFP
I can’t argue with it is the worst part
i always get infp, but the first time i ever took the test i got infj. i think infp is more accurate.
>tfw the two times I did this I got infp and then istp
Should I kms bros?
as an sjw infp with barely any hope left, pretty much yeah
A nice idea would be to show a chart, or atleast a handful of your favourite albums with your MBTI resutls I r8?
I'm INFP but I kind of doubt it.
lol was this made in 2013?
Warpaint - exquisite corpse
INFP gang
Gg bros... Im istp... I dont want to kill myself bros...
fka twigs is my savior
meme horoscopes for white girls of all jenders
Redpilled ISFJ here
Nick Drake, NMH, Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash
fuck, i got
My favorite albums include:
Joy Division - Unknown Pleasures
Big Black - Atomizer
Nine Inch Nails - The Downward Spiral
Brian Eno - Another Green World
Neutral Milk Hotel - ITAOTS
among others
>half of Yea Forums is infp
explains the nmh and smiths obsession
i'm entj and i'm a huge fucking failure
i've also been enjoying this album
my gf of 4 years is a pic related INFP and she is hitting the wall hard. The relationship gets hard to handle due to her constant pessimism and low self esteem.
>Blondie - Blondie, Suicide - Suicide
>Chris Watson - El Tren Fantasma
>Keiji Haino - Soul's True Love
>an Aube album (really hard to choose)
How the fuck did I get listed as an INFP on this retard quiz?
>tfw infp and you only listen to prog and punk
im the smiths spammer and im entp
Please stop making thread about online quizes
OP here. good idea man
Stop taking horoscopes you fucking dork
Stop letting some pseudoscience project itself into your actions
yep, still an INTP
>no fun allowed you dorks
With the risk of sounding cringe, I really am deep and intellectual with non of the IN THIS MOMENT attitude
this was fun
Favorite bands/artists are Radiohead, Sufjan Stevens and Sigur Rós
INTP and my favourite album is Yank Crime - Drive Like Jehu.
well shit, i'm suicide tier
>88% Introverted
>85% Intuitive
>61% Thinking
>81% Prospecting
>89% Turbulent
Who /literallyautistic/ here
fucking everybody
> that patrician chart
> combined with that MBTI
> mere presence traces the course of thread
Well boys I think we officially found /Gigachad/
AJJ is INFP core
most folk punk is i think like paul baribeau
INFP-T but fuck that shit.
I ain't gonna fail
INFP gang :)
Loveless=INFP core
>INTP pseud
>Favorite artist is Ariel Pink
Sounds about right
>took this stupid thing YEARS ago
>got INTP
>was an autistic pseud child, like literally a child
>had no real sense of humor
>was not fun to hang out with by any measure
>had anger issues bc social impotence
>confused tranny faggot in denial
>taste was rymcore and Yea Forumscore even though i had no idea about Yea Forums (grunge, post-punk, shoo gays, college/undie rock and pop generally)
>9 years later: take it a couple minutes ago
>get INFP
>realise i'm not 'smart but lazy', just lazy and sometimes clever, and that is perfectly fine
>apparently make the funny
>people are visibly more relaxed around me
>conversations are many sided and evolving bc i dont try to steer it to Special Interests
>not really angry or bitter about anything, realise i don't have reason/right to be
>embrace being a confused tranny faggot
>taste has branched out considerably
people can choose, op.
>pic related: it's one of my favorites ( ^ :
Anyone have that image where each personality is trying to open a door.
i'm infp. doomed to fail
at least im a master of escapism
My top 3 would be Soft Machine's Third, Symphony 3 by Gorecki and 98.12.28 by Fishmans
We will win
>Double Heads
>people can choose, op.
Ok that's an epic fucking reference that's gonna go over everyone's head
Top 5 albums:
>Ceres and Calypso
>Time 'n Place
>Yoshimi Battles
>In the Aeroplane
>Merriweather Post
Heres my chart
>successful tier
>only E's
just about done with this bullshit life
Anyone who isn't a complete idiot will realise that some test on the fucking Internet can't fully determine their complex personality. Now have fun, okay?
I like music too, guys
wow i didnt know we were doing horoscopes!
Sup brother
Original and witty comment
>only retards believe the M-B test
infp gangggggggg
Yeezus is my favorite album. Maniac episode is my favorite part of my daily routine.
Thanks for the (you) kind stranger