Why does every metal band put this gay boomer shit as their album covers?

Do they genuinely think this looks good?

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what did he mean by this?

metaltards are manchildren

Why wouldn't they? The music's just as cheesy, derivative, and self-indulgent as the album art. If you can't embrace it, then maybe metal isn't for you.

That's a good album cover. I have a Number Of The Beast poster on the wall in my apartment.


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Horror = boomer

This is how I know you're black, blacks hate horror and Halloween but white people love it

I miss when album covers had actual artwork on the cover instead of a picture of the artist trying to look deep.
When I'm flipping through records at the store, I'm far more likely to pick up something cool and eye-catching like this than some album with a picture of a black dude on the cover and a parental advisory sticker in the corner. That looks generic as fuck.

Attached: Death - Scream Bloody Gore.jpg (736x736, 139K)

skeletons are gay

sgt peppers is an example of genuine artwork

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The Beatles are soi

I mean, what if I love both? Sgt. Pepper and Scream Bloody Gore are both fantastic albums with cool album covers.

what else are they going to use for the cover? The songs are about zombies, skeletons, hell, and gore.

>looks like a metal album
>is literally the furthest thing from metal
I wonder how many kids got tricked into buying this shit in the 80s. It looks like a Judas Priest album.

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This. It's an homage to schlocky horror films. There's even a song about Evil Dead.

I'm a metalhead primarily and I still love that album, one of the best albums of all time

maybe try represent that stuff metaphysically then?

Idk, all I know is that I have alot of metal albums and last night this girl was in my room and she laughed and said "lol do you only buy albums with skeletons on it" which made me realize how boomer these covers are

you have no taste

Are we posting cool metal album covers now? I'm a big fan of this one.

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>a girl challenges his taste and doesn't pretend to be whatever he's into and stan him

Lol, she doesn't even like you. Every girl I get involved with pretends to be into metal as well as all my other interests the moment they meet me, even though they're not.

>which made me realize how boomer these covers are
you're just an insecure zoomer. skeletons fucking rock.

Seriously, she sounds lame and you sound insecure. Just laugh that shit off.
>"lol do you only buy albums with skeletons on it?"
>"I guess I do. I never noticed lol"
That's the end of it.

>everything i dont like is boomer

>she doesn't even like me

is that why she let me smash an hour later?

This. I like whatever I like. Women can either deal with it or find some insecure guy they can manipulate, but I'm not going pretend that I don't like metal.

oh no some vagina didn't like something, better change your tastes

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>let me

Boy you're a wussy guy, huh? You're the kind of guy girls have sex with, but are also thinking about how lame you are at the same time


how much you wanna bet that if you met me in real life I can knock you out in 10 seconds

Or how many would've bought this if it didn't say Beach Boys at the top.

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Not likely. Women don't stan you, chances are you're a lame.

Bat out of hell is '77 though.

>"do I have no taste?"
>"no it's the boomers who are wrong!"
The nukes can't come sooner.

But Iron maiden has the most kino album art out of any metal band though.

Yeah, it sounds like this user needs to stop taking people so seriously. It seems like the grill was just making a playful jab, nothing negative about it.

for some reason I get a sort of distinctly un-metal vibe from this album cover, but I can't put my finger on why

Because it looks sad, not triumphant or powerful. This is why much black metal is basedmetal as well.

The guy on the horse looks defeated and broken down. Characters on metal covers usually look strong/victorious.

it doesn't really look black metal either, except maybe a bedroom dsbm band with a logo clumsily slapped on it. It looks more like a painting you would see at your grandma's house.

this did happen to me

Your grandma must have very different taste in art than mine.

Better :)

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