
has there ever been an album that, after the very first listen, you have considered a 10/10? an album that blows your mind inmediatly, and you don't need repeated listens to call it a favorite? my personal 10/10s are albums that i have developed a deep connection to through time, but the more music i listen to, the more i know what i like, therefore is easier for me to identify an album that in the future will become a favorite after the first listen. But i'm curious about you lads, so, what are your thoughts on giving a 10/10 after the first listen?

Attached: 10-10-logo-copy.jpg (300x236, 12K)

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An album has to prove itself over time that it's a 10 to me, I might give an album perhaps a 9 after one or two listens but a 10 is rare and special, only for the absolute best.

being good after repeated listens is part of what contributes to how I rank shit. I've heard plenty of records that sounded fucking great at first, but after 2 or 3 listens sound pretty boring

Attached: Daughters - You Won't Get What You Want.jpg (1200x1200, 178K)

this never happens. if I get the feeling that I'm going to give an album a 10 on first listen, I immediately replay it and listen very carefully, leave for a day or two, listen a third time, and then give it a 10 if it still holds up


5-6/10, it's kind of boring but I can see why you would give it a 7 or 8. I literally can't understand why you'd give it a 9 or 10 though

Pic related for sure. Still remember my first time listening to it

Attached: STGSTV.jpg (500x500, 45K)

Attached: Arca_-_Arca.jpg (316x316, 19K)

Only time I ever thought an album was perfect on first listen. But even after repeated listens it was still magical.

Attached: mounteerie (2).jpg (220x220, 11K)