imma doomer what should i listen to
Imma doomer what should i listen to
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No you're fucking not.
I Am A Cuck - Tim Heidecker
Why would you unironically categorize yourself as a meme that Yea Forums came up with
Whatever faggots and teenage girls listen to
idk man
ariana grande ??
you're gonna doomer what
Imagine identifying with a retarded Yea Forums meme. I recommend you listen to a rope being slid around your neck by your own hands.
Listen to folk music faggot, that's what real men listen to, don't listen to those hipster faggots, they are all retarded
this is literally me
any recs
Bladee - eversince
The sound of me clapping your cheeks
Pet shop boys
Elton John
Village people
Someone add "Prince of Zimbabwe" to that list of e-celebs to ignore. So tired of seeing all these "le epic Yea Forums meme" youtube videos in my reccommended.
>me not degen tho, went to church once, it was aesthetics
Never seen the average 4channeler get so btfo with a simple sentence.
human sadness
lmao thanks for the laughs anons
holy moly i kekked
True avant garde doomercore.