ITT artists who aged well, starting with an obvious one
ITT artists who aged well, starting with an obvious one
Thomas Anderson
Jaxon Wood
this is much more obvious desu.
Grayson White
thats called the roastie with money making subtle retouches (because now she has money).
roger, on the other hand, is all natural top male genes(TM) aging.
Adrian Robinson
nigga she's in her early thirties
you can't say people have "aged well" if they're not at least fifty years old
Tyler Butler
Hunter Mitchell
Richard gere is not a musician tho
Liam Gray
looks way better now without that goofy goth aesthetic
Brayden Johnson
How is rog more of a daddy now than he was in his physical prime
Mason Wilson
Helps that he got swole as fuck in the early 2000's
Aiden Powell
It's too easy with men. Show me a classic female artist who isn't now an obese sow wearing a gallon of makeup.