Who /monoanalog/ here?

Who /monoanalog/ here?

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Other urls found in this thread:


There is literally no reason to buy a monophonic analog.


gimme one reason not to, that doesn’t involve your poorfag mentality btw

Analog monos are not expensive. But have literally no sonic advantage over analog polys, which you can get at the same price point. You limit yourself, gain no greater sonic versatility, and pay the same price.

t. never played a synth in his life

>no greater sonic versatility
come back when you actually buy a fucking mono, pleb

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so you can’t even come up with one reason?

If you’re all such great synthesists, post your patches. Because I bet, dollars to donuts, that they are totally unoriginal, blatantly vanilla “electronic” sounds.

>not expensive
>same price point
>pay the same price

Hey poorfag, I said without your poorfag mentality all you bring up is money



yup, still no reasons given. literally talking out of his ass, this lad here, everyone just ignore him.

Boring, childish insults to make up for a lack of timbral imagination and to prop the most boring, dated synthesis technology.

>substractive is boring and dated
lmao look at this bruh

this guy would buy a korg mini over an ms20 because he can play three more notes; i do, in't claim to be great, i claim that you're shit, and anyways poly adds price for less features and a worse overall sound; modular is king in the analog realm, and otherwise might as well va, fm, wtbl, or kys

>modular is king

Is that why all modular patches sound alternately like garbage and something created in the 1950s?

Yes, love my analog mono’s!

list them in 1 second or ill literally kms

some of my vintage are a
Moog micro
Moog rogue
Korg MS10
ARP Odyssey

kino. ever tried the jasper?

Does any of you guys actually make music with your analog synth armada or do you only jerk off to their bloopy fart sounds and brag about how much money you spend on them?

>modest mono synth list
>OMG YOU BRAG about how much money you spend on them!
if you porfags get this triggered by hardware threads and people simply having things, you shouldnt visit them, srsly.

no, have been very close to buying the kit though

>responds to a critique of class-based fetishism with a class-based epithet

you havent answered my question. Also I didnt only ask you

>class-based fetishism
welp, so its true Yea Forums is teenage marxist central.

anyways these are musical instruments and people are able to buy them, anything else like class connotations are simply nonsense.

i bought it and built it. fucking pays for itself at the first play. massive sound and tons of options. the capacitive keyboard is surprisingly good and responsive.

They are not “nonsense,” especially when the chief critique of those those that don’t think highly of analog monos is that they are “poorfags”.

>get asked why mono analogs arent good
>"uh the money, eh the money, and money though"

Vsts have made all analog synths obsolete :^)

all analogfags are doing is patch saw through a lowpass filter and rave about "character"

Literally not what that post said. Also “bruh”? What is this, 2015?

>using VSTs at all over max/pure data


go to this site, scroll down, listen to the audio comparison of Juno-60 Vs it's vst emulation Tal-u-no. Theres literally no difference.

so just say you're buying it for the character. digital offers way more flexibility for much less money

Many people believe that the warmth, power and charming unpredictability of analog synthesizers just can't be matched.

>comparing a stiff and shitty DCO with a VST
>literally strawmanning analog just for poorfag virtue signaling
oh no no no

bro come back when you know at least the basics, please.

Do they break down a lot then?

Which is just imagíned btw. Theres no "warmth" that cant be matched. It's all in your head. Just like people believe that nofap will have any positive effect on them. It's placebo. Read this post:

usually people who own these devices have the money for manteinance :))

Yes sir, here’s my main mono

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>people actually believe that this isn't just the juno60 recorded twice

Metasonix s-1000 wretch machine

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Nowadays analog fans can grab great value synths for much less but they also need to pay out for upkeep. I've never heard of a synthesizer repair person in my life either.Do I need to buy a soldering iron?

what are some arpeggiators on the market? just the arpeggiator, one that does midi and CV signals and multiple trigger gates

is there such a thing?

- Digital controlled Oscillator
doesn't mean it is digitally generated, but controlled by digital technology. no more than that! so it might be an analog VCO but controlled digitally for precision reasons"

You have no point. The Juno-60 sounds great btw.

>I've never heard of a synthesizer repair person in my life either.
i am one. maybe you arent in touch like at all with the musician community. theres lots of guys doing the weirdest repairs. i know a clavichord repair guy. and he actually works fairly often, pays big too.
>Do I need to buy a soldering iron?
you better learn some electronics yes, its like owning a car.

lol at all these poorfags

>provide evidence of my claim
>LOL no Fake lmao

It's like arguing with a flat earther

>You have no point. The Juno-60 sounds great btw.
sounds shit and had to be "enhanced" with onboard effect, which is just terrible form.

i have a point, DCOs extreme precision render them boring and stiff. how about you read more on the subject?

Arturia Keystep

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>It's like arguing with a flat earther
looks like we got an enlightened r*dditor in here. cute.

>how about you read more on the subject?
Sure but i care more about making music than reading about boring technicalities of analog synths and trying to find the diminishing difference in sound they supposedly have to justify throwing my money at shit i cant even Control via midi and which takes up lots of space where i could just put a Computer and a Midi Controller and have all the sounds and controls i could ever wish for

so you think the earth is flat? Ok can you use a trip so I can ignore you?

Oh my, he has the kits in stock again...I might just order one right now. Did you have any trouble putting yours together?

Fucking jelly

Got any samples of what it sounds like?

So they do break down then. Can I have more information on what I'm going to have to replace regularly on a mono analogue synthesizer if I buy one?

fired right away, but i have some experience building stuff ;) ..but the guy is super helpful in troubleshooting. theres a fuckton mods that can be performed too, ill make some semimodular with mine.

im on the waiting list for the lyra 8 kits too, these were sold out.

did you build a case?

Do they have to be tuned?

only if you want to play in tune..

>So they do break down then.
like any daily use machine after 50 years. thing is, they dont have common parts that break, just switches that corrode, dirt that gets inside and cover a pad, capacitors that give up and start leaking hiss/shorting shit, that one might be one of the most common.. power supplies also go sour after decades of use

>they also need to pay out for upkeep
i've had vintage synths and drum machines from the 70s for close to 8 years now and the only money I've ever spend on repairs was for a vintage guitar pedal. besides that discrete circuitry is easy as fuck and cheap to repair

shit can break but budgeting for upkeep is only necessary you're buying something that is really prone to failure e.g. Juno 106 or Pro One

put a thin wood base on it, just to avoid hurting my fingers with the solder side, its really fairly robust, pcb and panel plates arent metal but seem like.

How often do they need to be tuned? What tools are needed to tune them? Do they lose their tune as components begin to fail?

depends. tuner. maybe

Why even own hardware in 2019 lol. I only use vsts in my albums but list the actual hardware on the sleeve and bandcamp and no one can tell the difference. Hipsters eat that shit up though.

Cool an analog monosynth thread. Personally I only use vst so I guess I’ll just leave this thread now. Bye.

Can I speak to the supervisor please?

Funny you should say that.

What's the composition workflow like with a monophonic instrument? I suppose it's all about arpeggios, basslines and pedal notes? I could do with a duophonic synth at best

Thats the most based posed ive read in my entire life. If you were a woman id marry you

>What's the composition workflow like with a monophonic instrument?
It's shit get a laptop m8

not really

>tfw love digital synths that can be perfectly replicated on a computer
M1, Wavestation, D50, DX7

>I suppose it's all about arpeggios, basslines and pedal notes
well you can do, what are they called, fucking LEAD MELODIES.

you can also use its noise powers for percussion sounds, you can build an entire percussion kit with one decent mono synth.

Please talk me out of buying a Volca FM.

3 voices and only 4 operators. Dexed is free.

I wouldn't mind having only 3 voices and 4 operators since I could always record multiple passes and going over 4 operators would overwhelm me. Hell, even 4 operators blows my mind with what is possible.
>Dexed is free
Damn. Thank you.

Awesome music board, where a thread about synthesizers is full of people talking like absolute retards that know nothing about them? Jesus Christ.

you do realize where you are, no?

I find three voices a bit pathetic for fm synthesis which is amazing for pads. Wouldn't surprise me if it only had 32 patch slots either. That was an absolute slap in the face on the reface dx for 500 bucks on launch.

hey there

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Don't acid fans get tired hearing the 303 on every track? 808 and 909 can be more subtle but here it's all about the characteristic filter

303 gets annoying really quick


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I'll occasionally tire of hearing 303s, but its an instrument in Acid just like a guitar is in metal. There's so many effects you can run a 303 through


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i miss gearspammer. what forum are you downloading these from?

>what is doubling

well what is it

The capital of the republic of Ireland?


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what forum are you downloading these from?

from my camera

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lol you're not gearspammer. what forum are you downloading these from?

don’t be silly user

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i want to larp as gearspammer too help me out


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what forum are you downloading these from?

my camera user

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never mind i just found it. have fun

only use my pics for good

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>poor vs not poor larper (aka poor)


user you know these are my pics

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go away larpman, ciat gear is hideous.

>forgetting about CSound

wow that’s an odd opinion of Peter’s instruments

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>not even scolding him on no SuperCollider
holy massive pleb

yikes @ that hippie shit


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cold out tonight jesus

>he wants to play in tune
t. equal temperament fag

who else owns CL?

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Daily reminder that synths are the typewriters of music production and you can achieve whatever you want through purely virtual means.

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i own your mom faggot

daily reminder contemporary literature is pure garbage.

>we both forgot about CDP
fuck. we were all plebs

I use vsts and record to a 4 track tape recorder

this is acceptable.

t. doesn't understand the idea of external inspiration through limitations

As someone who has 7 analog synths and a DX7 and a bunch of fun drum machines and Reason 10, lots of VST's can make some pretty good imitations of vintage monosynths but in my experience the actual hardware is much more fun and for me brings better compositions and patches. If you cant play an instrument and just patch things together to make sequences then i expect you to dislike seeing dudes with the real thing. As far as Polysynths you can not recreate any of my poly's in software accurately enough. Too many variables at play that make them sound the eway they do. My JX3p, poly800 and Juno-6/106 are incredible instruments and the second i got my Juno 6 i naver looked at TAL VSTs ever again. As far as not needing a mono because poly synths exist, they are completely different synths, Polysynths for the most part are DCO based and sound great but arent as loose when used for Mono patches. All Monosynths are VCO based and thats part of the sound. VCO polysynths exist but are very difficult to maintain and were quickly surpassed by DCO. My Juno sounds great for bass but compared to my SH-2 it cannot compete. They are different instruments for different purposes for different sonic applications. Personally i love monosynths more then Polysynths and collect them but id never part with my JX3p or Juno and i would advise anyone interested in real synths to find an old Korg Poly or Mono and have a blast. I dont see the point in making class based critiques of consumer products such as musical instruments..its very lame and pseudointellectual rationalization to mask resentment and envy for others. no one ITT who is making these claims would turn down a Prophet 5 or Juno if one was offered to them for $500 like my juno was to me. You are all fronting. Quiet down. I drove 1 hour and walked into a squatters house for my Juno 6 and it was 100% worth it. Its one of my favorite tools to write on

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holy fucking based

tl;dr poorfags eat shit


There are plenty of mono VST's. Buying a synth is a cry for attention or help.

no it's not a weird fuck. Stop telling people how to use there money. No one told you how to spend your money on your sociology degree at uni you smug faggot

Just me huh

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>not realizing that having actual knobs and inputs to play with is a major inspiration and limitation in comparison to a DAW and VST

> No one told you how to spend your money on your sociology degree at uni you smug faggot

Actually, like an idiot, I went there for music

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well played, user

>fighting over synths

Do Analog Field Recorders exist?????????

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Ha ha ha. When laptops became powerful enough to emulate all of my vintage synths I sold my studio and all my synths and bought a small farm. My clients have no idea, even when they ask for something vintage sounding.

The best of both worlds?

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Literally the mind wants that response that a real instrument gives. Unless you buy a bunch of gay plastic controllers for your DAW but you will never have your career defining "Against The Clock" video no matter how many times you drag and drop your Maj7 Juno VST chords and you will always be a joke to accomplished artists who understand what makes the most come out of them

>willingly putting yourself into a scam system for a joke degree
Oh no no no

This is the guy telling people how to spend their money.

analog polys are great for more conventional sounds (i.e. typical chords) but monos tend to give more granular control and allow for more interesting sounds/leads

Tape exists.


The "ring" mode literally makes that synth

I'm sorry you got duped user. I tried that for 2 quarters and with 8 years of private lessons with an instructor I realized I was better off with a biz major bc I can't stand music majors. None of them are actually creative and they ruin the amazing thing that is music theory for people who aren't in the know and now we have a sea of dudes dragging and dropping 2 5 1 chords talking about jazz but too afraid to actually sit down and learn it. Fuck music school.

>you should keep wasting money after you've already wasted more money than you even had to waste in the first place

Is this from the Tony Robbins course?

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Your retarded

I feel like you may have replied to the wrong post -- I posted a picture of a usb midi controller that just happens to look like a monosynth.

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It seems everyone who is of this mindset rushed to uni and is so much debt that they just watch synth demos wishing they had waited and put some money into hardware but they will never be able to because that debt keeps going up. I can't see any reason anyone would get so hung up over it otherwise. My synths ran me like 5k and that's not that much money in hindsight

you're* I'm a zoomer desu and had no idea what you meant by "tape exists" in response to AFRs existing. Help please

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you’re talking with literal retards

This annoys poorfags. A man having so much fun with his tools and gaining fans while you figure out how to get famous with serum stock patches.

Wtf korg why would i want a corpse version of the ms20

>It seems everyone who is of this mindset rushed to uni and is so much debt that they just watch synth demos wishing they had waited and put some money into hardware but they will never be able to because that debt keeps going up. I can't see any reason anyone would get so hung up over it otherwise. My synths ran me like 5k and that's not that much money in hindsight

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Hainbach is by far the most interesting synth guy on youtube, the Sam guy is sort of entertaining but thats it

yeah, this is the chad synth here

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you guys into modular?

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Hes a cool guy and i like his videos but he cant make a single decent song with all the equipment he has. It's all bloopy wankery.


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lmao shut the fuck up.

that's not very nice

lol look at this fucking guy. He's like the stock soiboy model. He's using incredibly complicated equipment and methods to shit out Stockhausen tier staticy bullshit. Nice argument, fucking nonce.

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wow it does annoy poorfags

yeah you songs, thats like what instruments (like Synthesizers) are made for you know ;)

>/bleep/ trying to use /classical/ memes

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>Against the clock
Damn, the people on that show are so fucking garbage that I have to ask myself why they still allow a rating bar when they already block the comments. The absolute apex of hipsterdom and rym.

good one user, i love you

that new r*s euroserge must be about ready



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Yet had thousands of fans who eat hid ambient/drone music up. What do you have? Also ironically that test equipment is cheaper then a RadioShack mono synth bc it's too high barrier of entry for most hipster tape loop guys

Modular is the only hardware thing I don't get. It's the equivalent of buying a 5k gibson and playing pentatonics on it or hanging it on a wall. Getting actual music out of these things is beyond the people desperate enough to drop their life savings in it in the hopes of finally making a single song.

i love you too bro.

Incorrect statement

This isn't true either.

That is a horrible thing to say


It's probably stolen you creep.

147 / 27 / 24 / 1
>breaking all records on this one


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Stay mad poorfag. Sorry your 3 person loft doesn't have enough room for any real instruments

just gonna shill there, my dude?

whatever you say, Bach



Everytime I think of buying an old Roland/Korg/ARP modular. I think about what you are talking about. Then we I picture the seething VST virgins it makes me want it even more. I mean come on. This looks so fucking fun!

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thots pt 2?


Behringer will obliterate the "elitist" modular market

fucking christ.

hawt. but no modular will ever reach the level of sheer eye candy and boner fuel as a moog

Being a super autist that crosses into transgenderdom is basically the entry ticket to modular

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>What do you have?

I dunno. What do (YOU) have? This isn't fucking strip poker user. Also Skrillmau5 has millions and millions of fans logic that means he's better.

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such an embryo thing to say.

it's true tho

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They give synth guys a bad rep. Ironically MNDSGN and Kiefer have the best ones and both basically applied some rudimentary Harmony on a few chord progressions on some synthesizers in 10 min and when comments opened everyone shit themselves. It's sad knowing the most entry level music theory makes people so excited. Makes me motivated to make up better Harmony Because the competition is so stunted in their ability by lack coffee actual musical ability. Also love that DX5 and Moog opus Ringo I'd rocking. Such great sounds. Inspired me to try out a DX7 for my studio. Now it's one of my favorite synths despite programming being a chore. It's Lo-Fi outputs are awesome. Especially for brass

Forgot the link

all for show like those marshall stacks at concerts.

all i said is that moogs are the best looking analogs oat.

Sorry user ARP looks and sounds better. Moog modular is boomer shit

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they arent

any love for the bastl slavbros here?

nice opinion user

No they won't, they will put more instruments in people's hands which I support. But minimoogs price hasn't changed since behringer launched there awesome clone and neither has MS-20s or Odysseys after Korg did there's. The real instruments will always be more sought after no matter how identical the clones get. Not saying it makes sense. But SH-101s and 303s aren't getting cheaper no matter how much you dream they are. There plastic cheap construction will actually make working units more valuable in coming decades.

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I'm a microcuck

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but i was talking modular, user.

based microcuck poster.

but this one's objectively better tho

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>no love for tism girl
what went wrong?

That was actually pretty cool! I really want a Roland MC-4 to sequence my Roland and Yamaha synths with my 606. And hopefully a Roland system 100m or Korg MS-50 in the future. I'm a huge YMO hosono Stan and I love there approaches to synth music. Like this video
I wish there were modern CV/Gate sequencers like the MC8/4

what is berhinshit gonna clone? Doepfer is already dirt cheap and Ladik exist.

wow this is garbage dance music. everytime a fuck is using modulars for other than ambient, its this dance tripe with reverby claps in it, talk about tasteless.

I highly doubt modular will drop in price either because there are less real vintage modular systems still working around then there are compact synths. And that shitty ass Roland Aira modular is awful. But if they make a good system 100m clone I might try it. I'd still prefer the real thing bc I have found some that are actually $1000-1500 recently which isn't too bad compared to Moog/ARP. Dudes say those all in one modular systems are sonically limited compared to custom eurorack but I love Roland Filters and Envelopes and VCOs so I don't really care.

thanks user i'm glad you liked it! :)))
also thanks for turning me on to YMO, that was pretty damn great.
And yea, there really is some sort of incredible charm to older sequencers that modern hardware just doesn't seem to get.

The chad radias vs the virgin xl

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Listen to these two albums
Pure pre Midi analog mono music. I think the only poly available at the time they made this was that polymoog. Haruomi Hosono sequenced those entire albums with an MC8/4 which is pretty incredible. Dudes a pioneer. Wish Mac DeMarco fags would stop posturing about him when they don't even listen to more than 3 of his songs tho. But reddit is gonna Reddit and circle-jerk over every little thing they can find until the past is a accounted for and the only cool thing left I'd vintage Japanese subway posters or some stupid community I for see in 5 yrs. Nothing is respected anymore or left with it's legacy without a bunch of losers who need a group to hold there hand and jerk off over there shared interests with. It's cool Mac gave all those people permission to think this stuff is hip 5 years ago I guess.

thanks m8
saving these to my library now

calm down faglord.

I can do whatever the fuck I want on a music discussion board you fucking bugman

Hainbach fan? Also how do you like the Peter Blasser synths? I see you have like thousands of dollars of worth of them and all

Not really. Big fan of Peter’s work. Built most all of his paper circuits and have all of his current production instruments except for the Shtar.

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I could get one of these old minikorgs for 200$. Should I? I already have an MS-10 but I love the Traveller hi pass low pass filter it has. And it's got envelope and an LFO so it can do some awesome leads and retro basses. These usually are like 500-1000$ normally right?

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How does that sound? Better then a sub 37 or lil phatty?

Which CL instrument would you recommend getting first? I've been looking at the cocoquantus but i also kinda want the deerhorn organ. The rolzer is a sequencer, right? It's pretty tough translating the dude's description of his products xD


Never tried one myself but it has the same engine as the korg r3 and microkorg xl but beefed up as the other ones were stripped clones. From the demos I've seen it has an incredibly bright and plasticky sound in the vein of certain fm devices and synths like the roland d50. It is 4 part multirimbral with 24 voices and includes a drum sequencer + 128 pcm drum kit sounds and a step sequencer that can be chained to 64 steps. It inherited the sequencing capabilites from the ms2000 which enables it to modulate sound in each step. Comes with the DWGS waves of the DW6000/8000 and a few pcm samples (some of them from the M1). 28 effects with tape flutter, amp sims, ensemble chorus, two filters that can be chained etc. It's extremely difficult to find good videos on it though as the presets are super shit and 99% of it is boomers doing trance shit. Seems to be very heavy on the mids and treble ('digital') and not that great for bass. I would love to get my hands on one but they're quite rare. The people that have them usually appreciate them and therefore keep them.

Get one of those Quadrax or whatever he is calling the limited run 14 bar organs he’s posting about on his Instagram!

I started with Tetrax, but I’d say build one/some of his paper circuits first, Lil Sid would be good place to start. Then you’ll have a better idea of what to expect as that circuit is basically what he evolved into his organs and Quantussy. Then build his Roll-5, or meng-qi’s PCB version as that’s a simpler version of Plumbutter.

Deerhorn is incredible, even better when you have other cl instruments you can patch it to control, like coco or Plumbutter so I don’t think that I’d get it first. If you were gonna get coco though why not get the deer/coco/deer?!

Yeah, rolzer is a sort of chaotic oscillator sequencer...designed to work with plumbutter but you can get results patching it to other gear too. You can build your own “rolzer” with your own cap values from the Rollz-5 paper circuit.

Have you read his thesis? It might help clear up some things but really it don’t start coming clear until you have an instrument in front of you...then everything he says make perfec sense.

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It's a lot of money for a piece of bric-a-brac. I would advise against it personally.

damn what a set up

I'm terrible with double consonants. I ask because some electric keyboards do need a yearly service.

Exactly my point with it's a lot of trouble to go to.

Not yet.

would you buy a simple 8 voice sinewave generator. not even a way to play them, just drone them.

Who me? No, not at the moment.

Wow thank you for your incredibly thorough response. I would love to get that deercocodeer but it's out of my price range u.u I've been getting into circuitry and solder work lately so the paper circuits thing is probably a good idea. And heres hoping that I'll be able to understand that pdf, I'm certainly not going to try tonight lol. I posted about CL in one of the analog threads and nobody even knew what it was so I'm pleasantly surprised theres some people here that have one of them, let alone almost all of them xD

you might check out the ciat-lonbarde paper circuit Facebook group
Facebook com/groups/272678510166598

and there is also a ciat-lonbarde Facebook group...”cool-kids group” or something like that

Richard also has a LOT of good CL info on his site
Pugix . com

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Are modulars usually sampled or are live recordings more common?

why not both

Good night.


good night anons
i hope your dreams are filled with lush pads and thick bass lines

live, check out the modular on the spot series

g' night m8s, it was a comfy sunday synth thread


How do you like the Mellotron M400D? I've been wanting a hardware one for a while now.