music for this feel?
Music for this feel?
Other urls found in this thread:
>posts dumb as fuck tweet
>gets bait reply
I saw a brown person today. Yurop iz in ruins!!!1!
People who post shit like this must be boring DESU.
Shitskins aren't allowed itt
I'm in yr country and there's nothing you can do about it. Wash your penis, bucko.
>nothing you can do about it
how quickly you forget
I can deny you employment for having an IQ bordering retarded
>white majority countries
There's gonna be a race war here sometime soon, I live near Vancouver and white people have pretty much disappeared. Every year they keep upping the quota for immigrants from 3rd world countries so it's only getting worse.
>NEET incel
>in a position of power
Pick one.
Why do shiftless brown retards think so highly of themselves?
This poster is a CIA agent btw
because India will be the number one country in the world pretty soon. Deal with it, cum skin. Time to paint the world different shades of brown.
Probably because they were enslaved. Not that future generations should care, but I can see how it would rub people the wrong way, especially considering white people wouldn’t even be civil or halfway-decent to blacks after slavery was abolished. The response in OP from the black chick is nonsense though and I guarantee plenty of black people think that tweet is retardation. So chill out
>The response in OP from the black chick is nonsense though and I guarantee plenty of black people think that tweet is retardation.
I don't know, most I meet seem quite fond of the things said by X Clan, Brand Nubian, and Kendrick Lamar. things like this:
back to Yea Forums please
>black people
that's an oxymoron you dummy
well that escalated very quickly
China will be the #1 power for 1000 years to come
Indians lack the cognitive faculties of the Asian race
Xixixixi the Indian monkey will always be subservient to the Chinese dragon
>another successful race baiting thread
what's new?
slavery ended generations ago
Because the left/SJWs have made them believe it's somehow all Whitey's fault. Also just over-compensation because of an inferiority complex. It's normal that lower-classes and plebs have a chip on their shoulder because of their perceived status.
Why would anyone care about a random black womans opinion?
Think of it this way, if white people are so salty over the current white-bashing climate, imagine how salty you would be if whites had been enslaved for hundreds of years and were treated like shit by blacks once finally emancipated, simply because of irrational hate? I think you’d be a little resentful no matter how long ago it was. Not to mention there are still plenty of white people who are racist to blacks simply because they hate them. Is it really that surprising some blacks think whites are faggots when whites historically hate blacks and treat them like shit because they used to be property? That’s where all the hate comes from
These people are both cancer, and so are you for posting this on a music board.
Guess what I’m doing to this thread.