Why did Yea Forums turn on him?
Why did Yea Forums turn on him?
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Fuck off back to work Tony
Sunday is rest day brother
After he turned on us.
Youtube ecelebs get no rest, gotta get all those likes and subs
fill me in on that, what did i miss
I still worship him.
I will kill for him.
I will die for him.
>I will die for him.
Do it
Fantano is the new Jim Jones
>Obsessed with blacks and black culture
>Purports to be a champion of progressive causes
>Has an army of brainwashed peons
The Needle Drop is merely the People's Temple of the 21st Century.
We all know how this is going to end.
god i hope so
because after like two days you’ll realize the dude is a pleb in disguise who barely knows what the fuck he’s talking about
cause this place is full of underage poltard rightoids who are mad that he is too "sjw"
there are also good reasons to hate him but most pleople dont care about those
He stopped being a funny memeboy who only joked about politics to fully embracing politics in his video, which is inherently polorizing. Also his prefered genre to review now is hip-hop, which most people on this board seem to dislike. I dont think hes as unlikable as people here say, but he has been significantly less fun to follow since the Fader article. Instead of telling Fader to fuck off and standing by the fact that he was just fucking around, he tried to compensate too hard and Yea Forums seems to resent anybody who sacrifices humor for political correctness in general.
I don't mind leftists who can actually defend their ideas, but Fantano is just pure cringe politically-speaking. Most burgers and bongs are for some reason.
Most are indifferent or might check the occasional review of something they already like, but the only ones you hear bring him up are the contrarians who hate him because I'm popular. I don't even watch him, but ik "Fantano Drone" always comes up far before anyone brings up Fantano at all. They're just obsessive tards, best to ignore.
>sacrifices humor for political correctness in general
you are literally mad that hes is too divisive and politically incorrect for you in the rest of your post
He became a faggot
user, he has always being one
Bigger one
god this is my new favorite conspiracy theory
Give an actual example of him "larping as hard working middle class".
hes a trend fellower
before he just jerked over indie pop shit and now he just jerks off over hip hop
he has nothing interesting to say
he's retweeted AOC over 100 times in the last month
and twitter search his account for times he's used the word "rich" and "corporations"
>inb4 he's not a corporation though
he 1000% is and i have no intention of conversing with you if you're too dumb to think theneedledrop and google aren't worthy of the same exact scrutiny and criticism
That is how Yea Forums works. Yea Forums likes that which is not liked, then when that thing become liked it turns against it. If something is liked, then Yea Forums is against it, if that thing become disliked, Yea Forums will like it.
Dragging Anthony for being the Jeff Bezos of music is my new favorite meme
Ok so you didn't have an example. None of that means he's larping.
Because he has forged a career out of simply talking about music. He makes a living doing something that he loves.
That's enough to earn the ire of the basement dwelling neckbeards on here.
>both referenced by Brockhampton
fuck fantano, no one has done more damage to modern music criticism than this nerd
He sure as hell is influencing the music scene a lot. I always like to watch for the 'fantano effect' on RYM. That whole community consists of such terrible fantano drones.
Prime example: The new Blu & Oh No album. 2.85 before the Fantano 8/10 review, now it sits at 3.30
Or the new foals album, was a solid 3.55 and in 48 hours after Fantano releases his 6/10 it drops to 3.32.
I almost never agree with him but I liked him until 2017 or so. Now he's trying too hard to pander leftists/SJWs just because he was associated with the alt-right by that shitty article by Fader.
He is a smart dude when it comes to express himself and explaining why he likes or dislikes something but he's just a fake nowadays.
>theneedledrop and google
>same exact scrutiny and criticism
Please end yourself
You have to praise him for being a one man show and listening to a large variety of genres. He brought my attention to a lot of good new discoveries.
He's a bit too hiphop orientated, but i guess that's what gives his channel the most views and it thus most profitabel.
He's a bit to inconsistent in my opinion. Often I find him praising one album for the same things he is criticizing another. Also he can give a track a 'best of the week' status and later during an album review put it in his 'least fav'. I quess he is just too busy and loses track of his previous statements, because he never explains these changes of heart.
Also his political views are terrible and he gets into discussions way over his head and that's painfully obvious. But that doesn't really bother me or make me think differently about his music reviews
He got popular
Even if you’re a hardcore lefty you have to admit his constant spewing of politics on social media is irritating right?
It kinda blows my mind that the comments are always 99% shitposts. such a comment section would be a pretty good place for a civilized music discussion.
But i guess modern music lovers are just pseudo-intellectual edgelords. all of 'm
less annoying than faggots like you constantly getting triggered by it
If you've been here for a while then you'd remember when we universally shit on melon for trying to be a pseud and giving shitty opinions on music. It wasn't until a few years or so back that zoomers who couldn't tell their mouths from their assholes came over from reddit and found their idol.
>expecting people to actually talk about music on this board
>irritating the right
Fixed haha
fantano and his entire schtick is reddit incarnate
you're the reason we have a trillion in debt
Name 3 right this second
I think he's referring to the comment section on YT. Reddit loves complaining so much about how we discuss things.
Blame it on the Republicans who gave a gift wrapped trillion dollar tax cut to the uber wealthy, not me.
Are there archived threads from around '11-14? The fags need to go back and read those threads. We used to go in depth on why this man is a joke.
No one cares.
hi anthony
Kill yourself, no one cares.
then why are you obsessively monitoring every thread about you?
rude :(
Actually this, I can respect someone like Zizek or legit lefties, but not a faggot like Fagtano.
>I almost never agree with him but I liked him until 2017 or so. Now he's trying too hard to pander leftists/SJWs just because he was associated with the alt-right by that shitty article by Fader.
>He is a smart dude when it comes to express himself and explaining why he likes or dislikes something but he's just a fake nowadays.
Absolutely this, spot on. He used to be such a cool and open-minded bloke, now he is a sell-out. Him jerking off to AOC's retardation doesn't make him less of a corporate cocksucker.
>But that doesn't really bother me or make me think differently about his music reviews
That is true, but he hasn't been reviewing too many interesting releases. I feel his content has become too hip-hop oriented and his older vids featured a lot more experimental stuff, now he's embraced the mainstream and lost some of the edge he had back in the day.
i see that he goes on tour every once in a while. what exactly happens on "an evening with anthony fantano" or whatever they're called
Fuck off, you bald faggot, stop being such a politically correct poof and embrace other people's opinions, maybe people then will stop shitting on you.
>spends the entirety of 2016-2017 egging PJW to debate him
>1791 guy asks fantano to debate him
>fantano pussies out because he knows he's too retarded to debate someone that isn't braindead like PJW
>uses the excuse of "i'm too popular to waste my time with you"
embarrassing honestly
imagine letting all these pseuds live in your brain rent-free
code name: Julian Cassablancas
>He used to be such a cool and open-minded bloke
probably because he went beta cuck after his tour was cancelled, guess he wanted to avoid any more of that
It's like a ted talk i think. There is one video of him doing tour-stuff in some university.
I remember that one Gas album was bolded for a few days, then he gave it a 2 (without leveling any coherent criticism, just meaningless "it's boring", though that's to be expected by this point) and the RYM score plummeted- someone here screencapped a bunch of accounts that had changed their ratings, wish I'd saved it.
I remember David Hogg or one of those fags was hounding some alt right e-celeb for a debate, then when they accepted he made a big show of saying "WOW WTF NO WAY I'M EVER DEBATING A FASCIST, YOU WISH"
Social media has made politics so fucking unbearable, the same ultra-posturing has seeped into irl discussions too.
Oh I'll gladly take this one. I've been an avid follower of TND since late 2011 early 2012. I didn't always agree with his reviews but I enjoyed watching them. I enjoyed the exposure to new and interesting music that challenged my perception of what was "good or bad". I have become a fan of countless artists and dramatically expanded my musical library and widened my tastes thanks to TND & Anthony over the years. But now? He only seems interested in reviewing hip hop. Now don't get me wrong, I enjoy a good hip hop record, but it's been heartbreaking to me to see him not only put out fewer review videos, but to see hip hop reviews become the primary crux of his content. Additionally, he spends way more time now discussing tabloid tier garbage on his other channels such as Twitter beef and his unwanted opinions on matters of politics and social justice. Being a Youtube music reviewer with a half decent music vocabulary doesn't make you an expert on topics like race relations or gun control, but that doesn't stop Anthony from completely inundating his reviews with this garbage post-Fader article. Yea Forums helped build this faggot up from nothing to popularity, whether it be from upping his viewership to just making him a viral sensation with a nonstop influx of melon memes, but he wants nothing but to be distanced from us now. He's got to virtue signal to the mouth breathers on Twitter and his newer, lower IQ fanbase who only want to see reviews about trap rappers. Fuck this guy. I am still looking for a new, quality alternative to album reviews that helps me discover and enjoy new music the way Fantano used to.
thanks for transcribing the 1791L video on him
fantano's takes on music are worse and more misinformed than his political ones
>his older vids featured a lot more experimental stuff, now he's embraced the mainstream and lost some of the edge he had back in the day.
That's probably the main reason I've stopped watching him regularly. Used to be able to get some interesting recommendations from him, now it's all boring garbage.
He sold out to top 40 garbage
Ariana Grande, 21 pilots? Get the fuck out
Nah the right is unironically whinier now than tumblr twitter idpol sjws ever were
>wahh fantano only likes rap or pop
His last 10 was a noise rock album. Admit it you're just a bunch of butthurt alt right dweebs.
lost all respect when that alt channel got deleted and he just sat down and took it, and after that he has become less and less nuanced
and his twitter makes him look like a pompous asshole
Yeah he's a major pussy
he only reviews pop and rap
his reviews are ok though and I like lets argue
i dont really give a fuck, its easy to ignore. all you faggots bitching about it are a million times more annoying
My only real problem with him is how much of a hard and ignorant atheist he is.
He actively calls God stupid and refused to at least dabble in Christian related stuff.
People are Pen Jillete are cool, cause he reads the bible, and tries to understand religion, while being a renown athiest.
sounds like a hipster lifestyle
90% of what he says about music i have always disagreed. sp peeps would eventually wake up to his bullshit views
besides you are allowed to be critical of a critic. Its part of the job. you live by the sword die by the sword or gtfo
t. Anthony Fantano
given Fantano lurks here i would say 50% of these favorable posts are his own
Because we have a new king of autism
Because he's a fucking nigger.
What makes you think that? Yea Forums might be tsun sometimes but they melt at the sight of him.
I'd go to Melontown.
"Egging him on?" Anthony made one video mocking a specific PJW video and made one later remark of not liking his videos. Expressing displeasure twice is not tantamount to angling for a feud.
$173k net worth is... not a lot of money...
alt right /pol/ kids are worse in terms of victim complex and whining over inane bullshit than the tumblr sjw blue hairs ever were at their peak. 100%
i call a lot of ppl on here retarded, but buddy you actually very well may be
He's a stupid ugly bitch.
SJWs haven't killed anyone yet either
you're only saying that 'cause you're a tranny who's afraid of anyone being honest with you
They will bud!!!
Does it count if they let in thousands of muslims who go on to kill hundreds of thousands of people?
>righty triggered
>wah man has opinion stop it this doesn't conform to what /pol/ spoonfed me
He’s my favorite souboy. But he doesn’t say anything of value or anything worth listening too.
he sold out
Yeah these people complain about youtubers politics or black woman in vidya all day and act like they're not thin skinned
Something I've noticed is now that the alt-incels hate Antony the comment section improved. Two years ago it was filled with retarded memes and far right propaganda now a days people actually talk about the album.
The alt-right is white ISIS.
He's a soiboi just like OP.
because he's retarded when he's no talking music
I defend him because we have to protect our nations finest resources
i lost respect when he didn’t just tell that shitty clickbait hitpiece distributor to fuck off
instead he gave them exactly what they wanted
He's such a fucking idiot, he just called the new Kirin J Callinan song a nice 80s throwback, not knowing that it's literally a cover of an 80s song
desu Kirin J Callinan forces the irony factor way too much for anyone to like his music.
Needs to stop the pseudo comic sensibilities. He's not Devo, and he never will be. Plus he also wants to be taken seriously atst. He needs to drop the 'act' and just play good music
He turned s(o)y
Not really. People like him are neccessary, I see him as a good counter effect to a lot. He can make me roll my eyes occasionally but I don't see anything particularly wrong.
Oh yeah man all those fantano threads over the years were ironic
I keyed into how he's selling out when he started trying to set the stage for nu metal to be cool.
When? How?
This. He really likes music that's socially progressive. I agree with his political views but he lets it bias his reviews and Yea Forums hates him for it.
Plus desu his quirky guitar-improv humor and old man impression read as incredibly toothless.
he only likes faggots and overrates shit so yeah fuckem
Pretentious is the word
You're fucking retarded.
More than most of the NEET of Yea Forums and/or music "critics" make. I doubt christgau makes that kind of scrilla.
He's a sub 90 IQ cuck cry more nig
Couldn't defend his ideas to save his life yet he is so fucking arrogant I fucking hate him
He turned too political. This is America was his favourite single of 2018 and as someone who's not American I don't enjoy how much American politics influence his opinion.
this is true. I don;t think his politics come through as much as they did in 2016 though. but the pol losers think that liking/supporting black music is too political