What are some albums about rich people pretending to be poor for the clout?

what are some albums about rich people pretending to be poor for the clout?

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Every folk album made by anyone signed to a big label


$173,000 is not rich

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I always told em I was gonna be a six figure nigga....I signed the deal and got seven

Anthomeme Fandanko here! I'm the most well known music critic, but did you know I'm also the richest?

>worth 173,000 in total, counting for all accrued wealth as well as money
That's not rich.

this is getting pretty pathetic

>Sam hyde

Yeah. Posting E Celeb garbage is pretty pathetic desu.

replying to every e-celeb thread, without exception, and posting the same photo to every single one is even more pathetic

i only know like a third of all these

>no jordan "your kids hate you" peterson

ok dude

Anthomeme Fandanko here! I would prefer it if you referred to me as a Celeb rather than an E-Celeb. I think it's about time to admit that I have transcended the E.

OK so you're just taking Dad...I mean Professor Jordan B Peterson out of context. You have to listen to all of his lectures, read all of his writings, and donate to his Patreon (shout out to my fellow lobsters) to understand how the post-modern feminist chaos (((dragons))) are RUINING good society for boys to become MEN. You need to Clean YOUR BLOODY ROOM and yes I consume the TV program Rick & Morty!

this is somehow even more pathetic than the thread makers and the Reminderr.png spammer. congratulations

>he thinks 173k is rich

imagine thinking you're better than anyone else on Yea Forums

that is an interesting thing to imagine, since it's so far removed from reality and odd to ponder

see you in the next e-celeb thread user! i'm sure you'll be there to call out anyone being pathetic

4/10 pasta

I haven't even opened all of them, just the interesting ones. unlike you, I don't have debilitating OCD

first off, 173k is not rich.
second of all, that's not how net worth works. he doesn't have 173k in his bank account right now. it's roughly what it would be worth if he sold off the rights to everything. he probably has less than half of that right now.

someone has more money than me??? lock em up!!!

this but minus the condescension and irony

>170k/yr is rich
lmao I'm so sorry. my parents give me almost 3k a month on clothes and 1k on food and going out

this but unironically

having $173,000 in your late 30s is rich?

>173k is rich

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Honestly? Yes. I went to a claremont college and the rich students are wholly uninteresting and akin to cattle.

i don't have OCD either! but i also don't try to put people down with statements that imply that i'm following every thread with the person i'm trying to slag off either so there's that

holy shit Yea Forums is filled to the brim with trust fund kids. explains so much


you should see /fa/

It's just the phrasing is wrong He should be happy that "guilty people are going to prison", not that "rich people are going to prison." He genuinely thinks first to condemn their wealth more than care for their actual guilt.

I'm poor as shit

173k is average as fuck faggot. my dad made triple that before he retired

don't worry, I'm also gay, there's nothing to worry about, let's make out now ;))

no wonder this board has such soft sensibilities and taste in art. you're all a bunch of silver spoon faggots

You're pretty much non-human.

This website is wholly occupied by 14 year olds

173k at age like 35 is not exactly rich. By age 35 many people own a condominium which go for quite a bit.

I'm from Toronto so I'm a bit biased though because all property here is like a million dollars now and everyone just became rich in the last 10 years because of based Chinese people

I know

ahahaha booo hooooo baby
maybe if your genetic stock was better, you wouldn't be so fugging poor

did you go to a public university too lol

oh shit, I forgot about that, if I fuck another user then it's rape since I'm 18 and they're not, thanks for the reminder :) btw are you 18+?

>By age 35 many people own a condominium
you're unironically insane

Can you even imagine claiming to not care about an internet "celebrity", yet closely following any negative feedback about them... And even going so far as to make and/or distribute pics to compile that shit?
You'd have to be a pretty big loser to do that.
Can you even imagine?

t. druggie on academic probation

why the fuck are you all discussing anthony fantano's net worth according to "articlebio.com". fucking cringe

Having six figures in your mid 30's isn't being a trust fund kid, it's not being a broke ass nigga.

The only example that I have is this



Where the hell do you live? 175k to 250k is meh and middle class.

>Honestly? Yes. I went to a claremont college and the rich students are wholly uninteresting and akin to cattle.

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pretty much this

how people make less than 85k starting straight out of college is honestly beyond me. there's so many connections and alumi networks out there.

Deal with them for 4 years then come back.

you're a white teenager with an inflated sense of how the world works and you use the word nigga on a music forum. you really expect me to take your word for how the world works to heart?

No I'm just an adult who hangs around people with actual jobs. If you have a decent job and are putting some away into savings you absolutely will have no problem having over 100k by the time you're 35 or so, a literal garbage collector makes enough to accomplish this. Only a broke ass college student who is only ever around other equaly broke people would think that 100k is a lot.

I'm not unironically insane you fucking dingus, don't project your shit onto everyone else

Unless you're living in like a major city where condos cost a metric fuckton, if you haven't saved 20-30k for a downpayment by the age of 35 you're definitely a bit behind. Anthony Fantano lives in a middle class suburb of Hartford, he could probably get a solid flat for him and his wife for like 200k in his late 20s with a 30k downpayment and have paid off a solid chunk of it by 35 without making more than 60k a year, which is fairly average for a young college educated professional at that age.

fuck all you richfags. i just got a job that pays $16/hr and i feel like a baller. gotta appreciate what you have in life

you're making it sound like having over $100k saved by your 30s is the norm. it literally isn't. just because you could afford to go to a good school and got a nice job doesn't make it the norm. are you really that daft? you really think everyone had access to the same shit you did growing up?

This user knows what's up. Having a net worth of like 150k isn't a huge deal in your 30s. I'd say its like 70th percentile for people that age.

Online net worth percentile calculate says that for a 35 year old 170k is about at the 75th percentile. So yeah, above average but hardly high, 1/4 of people have a higher net worth. Especially when you consider only 40% of people have college educations and are generally uniformly higher in net worth than those that don't have them - Anthony is probably around middle of the pack or just slightly higher than average for college grads

It might not be the norm as in wearing clothes is the norm but it is hardly out of the ordinary my guy.

And you don't need to go to a good school for this kind of position. A 60k state-school job combined with prudent financials will get you there

>access to the same shit

lmao if you think this, virtually anyone with even average marks can get into a state school

Do you not see the hypocrisy in this statement?

>I'd say its like 70th percentile for people that age.
objectively wrong. you're deluded
no it's far from ordinary you stupid fucking faggot. leave your gated community every once in a while and you'll see. suburban teens live in a bubble


VideogameDankey and Filthy Frank should be on this

what's hypocritical about it? we're all equally pathetic, no exceptions

If you have a stable job paying like 40k-50k by the time you're 25 then by the time you're 35 your wealth would have grown considerably if you put even a small amount of your yearly income on a passive investment fund. It's really, absolutely, nothing impressive.


>A household led by a 35-39 year old with a net worth of $170,000.00 was in net worth centile 76% in 2016.

I'm not a suburban teen and I don't even live in a gated community, I'm just a middle class Asian immigrant to Canada. I make okay money because I worked hard to get a good job but many of my friends making less are also well off because they save a lot. One of my buddies works in a hospital doing some meme shit with just our equivalent of an Associate's and has already saved up 30k at age 23 (since he had 2 years more of work than the rest of us because he graduated from a 2 year program)

>Asian immigrant
holy fuck that explains everything. i'm leaving this chat because you cant even open your eyes let alone see the truth

How did you manage to frame Filthy Frank as "pseudo-intellectual" in your head

>Least marginalized race
>Canadian, free health insurance and medical expenses
>His social circle is a bunch of doctors and nurses

You also have to keep in mind that salaries in Canada are considerably lower than they are in the United States. Also friend is not a doctor, he like does computer shit

I'm from Toronto too, people didn't really become rich from the real estate prices because you still need a place to live. So if you own a home and sell it for a million bucks you need to put that money back into the real estate market but now everything is super expensive and all you can afford is a small place.

A fucking garbage collector makes that kind of money dude. Anyone with a non-useless college degree makes that kind of money. Firefighters, carpenters, truck drivers, electricians, plumbers, etc. they all make that kind of money.

This wouldn't be strange to you if your social circle wasn't a bunch of aspiring artists and Starbucks employees. Literally, unironically, just get a fucking job.

>A fucking garbage collector makes that kind of money dude. Anyone with a non-useless college degree makes that kind of money. Firefighters, carpenters, truck drivers, electricians, plumbers, etc. they all make that kind of money.

It's always funny when I see people who live in a city currently undergoing real estate speculation participate in said speculation. Like, you know you still gotta live there right? You're shooting yourself in the foot.

The same reason you frame Video game dunky one. Psued is a meaningless phrase

This is true, yes. But you are rich relative to other parts of the country and other countries in general. So for instance if my parents want to fuck off back to China they could just sell our house and buy a fucking megaplex there

Or for instance if parents want to downsize after their kids move out, they can sell and move to a smaller, cheaper place and then invest/spend the difference

Shouldn't net worth take into account how much of your home you've paid off? So let's say you had $10k in saving and you also owned a home which you'd paid off $150,000 of over a number of years, that's pretty standard.

Literally all true. Of course you gotta adjust for cost of living in wherever it is they live and yadda yadda but literally all of those professions make well above 30k or regional equivalent easy.

It isn't really speculation. It's legitimately demand-driven, bolstered by Toronto's growing economic power and continued immigration and migration from other parts of the country

Net worth means including his house, his car, etc. Not that that number is accurate, I'm sure.

Yea Forums is full of fucking morons.

173k net worth isn't 173k yearly salary, you dumb hoe.

these sites really aren't worth shit.

I have 35k saved at age 24 so I feel like 100k by 30 is possible.

first time a tripfag has been right in awhile

Contrapoints makes some of the only good youtube videos out there, despite some arguable subject matter. Sam Hyde used to be funny. Destiny has occasionally funny moments when he's making fun of people. Neely is just okay at teaching music theory. Everyone else there is retarded and/or gay

contra's videos suck i don't get the hype

>the hype
You mean literal trannies shilling one of their own?

I'm sorry you're a low energy loser that wasted your life.

Fakethony Niggano

Idk what to tell u man. You can't appreciate the set design, costume design, lighting, and interesting philosophical dialogue created all by one person? How did you feel about The Aesthetic?

Sam Hyde isn't dumb tho.
He went to CMU & RISD.
You forgot all those other retarded e-celebs that
Fandango used to associate himself with:
someblackguy, chris ray gun, secular talk, and the bunch.

>interesting philosophical dialogue
they're trash. i'm a philosophy major. she is more interested in projecting an image of being a philosophy student than she is in the teachings of those philosophers. you learn to sniff these people out with ease if you're surrounded by them 24/7

Sayonara poor fag

Parents make 460k. Blessed

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what your old man do

How little must your own self-worth be for you to brag about how money much mommy and daddy make?

both parents are doctors. mom is the breadwinner though

My parents make good money too but it doesn't change much except giving you a nice safety cushion. You still have to make your own money, unless you just want to coast by until they die and you inherit everything, by which point you'll be at least middle aged yourself.

damn right I'm gonna boast about them, since it speaks volumes about the quality of my genes, unlike you

lol they bought me a house

>Yea Forums is full of fucking morons.
this, it is a music focused board infested with highschoolers afterall

I just turned 18. Not a whole lot to brag about t b h
Of course. I'm not ignorant. I can't depend on them forever. I do pretty well academically, and I'm planning on following their footsteps and going to medical school

you cant escape it.
youtube is going to be the new chatroom forums.

goes like this
>anons shitpost
>shitpost turns to meme
>meme goes on youtube
>youtube ask anons about meme
>anons say fuck off
>youtube lurks and scrapes info from forums
>anons hate toutube even more
>"you've got it all wrong"
>user makes youtube
>becomes youtube star
>focuses more on youtube account than anons
>looses touch
>comes back with anons
>fuck off youtube e-celeb


oh man, i've seen this before, went to the big private school in my city for 2 years. realized everyone was retarded except for the kids on scholarship. the graduating ACT score was 4 points lower than my local public school, and something like 15% of the student body had to leave in the 2008 recession, i knew at least 5 that lost their houses as well

Nice fantasy novel bro

Contrapoints is based but I 100% agree with the rest of this

that applies to at least 2 people on that list, and i either don't know or dont know much about the rest..

>Contrapoints is based

who are the two furfag profile pictures and why would you know enough about them to include them on the image?
also both Razor and especially Metokur don't even try to play themselves off as intellectual

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>2 furfags
3 you mean, YourMovieSucks is as much of an autist in his movie reviews as he is IRL, hell even more so

how is sam hyde a pseudo-intellectual? he literally just acts like a retard as a joke

>Neely is just okay at teaching music theory.
Is he tho?
>Contrapoints makes some of the only good youtube videos out there
Fucking lmao.

you clearly don't watch all his videos

I cannot imagine being so blank that I would define myself by how much money my parents make. I also can't imagine being so naive that I think amassing money correlates to "quality genes".

Only most of the time.

rich people are going to rich people prison*

that's because you're broke and brainlet-tier. the only thing you can imagine are your terrible life choices kek

i know right? ive never had more than a few 100 dollars in my bank account at a time. and have worked full time for years

Live within your means user

No some youtube people know that they're in character it's called having showmanship

leave pan pizza alone

Most people are fucking retarded. If you actually work hard this isn't unreasonable.


Hello hontrapoints

Fuck off to lgbt

Wealth is relative. He was likely referring to the one percent.

Calling Pan, Adum (YMS), or RLM pseudointellectual really just says to me that you and whoever made this image take things way too fucking seriously. As for Adam Neely, I guess his content is definitely more serious and made to be practical, but he only seems to claim expertise where he has it. Credentials aren't everything, but the man's got some good knowledge and experience.

>implying someone like this would use triple parentheses.

Dumbass if you own your house and it’s worth 200k you’re net worth is now 200k richer.

Net worth is a dumb measurement because retards see it and think it’s yearly income, this is what he’s worth overall.

>ollie from deep cuts a pseudo-intellectual

kill yourself.

>14 mars
hon hon hon, anyway why does spotify keep forcing me into this shit i don't even watch his videos

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Is this a real comment he made?

pan has a girlfriend now
he's no longer /r9k/

So Oliver, Mark and Anthony are pseudo-intellectual now?

All correct except for RLM