What’s the longest you could voluntarily go without listening to music?

What’s the longest you could voluntarily go without listening to music?
Probs a day for me

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like forfty

I mean, forever, I suppose. Though it would be boring.

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Lmao that thread got deleted

Only pretentious retards act like it's respectable, by the way.

Could you though? I think we are all addicted (not a bad thing though)

>(not a bad thing though)

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the rest of my life
who cares

The rest of my life.

i've done 7 months

Some addictions are worse than others. If you’re gonna be addicted to something might as well be music

i got hit by a truck and i'm deaf now lads. kill me.

Lol like twice a week I’ll do that on purpose as an exercise to force me to create my own music on my keyboard guitar vocals, if I really want to hear a song stuck in my head I’ll cover it on my instruments.

reading addiction makes you smarter
music addiction may give only you tinnitus if you like it loud, doesn't make you better in any sense. it's pretty bad. just a waste of time

In the sense that having sex without procreation is a waste of time. Music doesn’t benefit you but if it makes life a little better than so what

I thought of stopping recently. I restricted myself to radio pop music and I only play it in the background while doing something else (studying, cooking, hanging out, etc.). To fill this void I started practicing the guitar more and it's actually not that bad :)
My goal is to go like this until the end of the semester (June).


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Looks like billy Corgan, Pitbull, and Fantano combined

Man, Billy got fat

Music is something I really enjoy but there are other things I could fill my spare time with, like sports radio or podcasts. Music is just something I listen to for passive entertainment. Sure, it would suck to not listen to music, but I'd live on and soon forget how much I loved it.

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>sports radio
Stopped reading there

jellybelly lol

If you’re sitting in front of your computer just listening to music that’s not good. I think it’s fine to actively seek out new music to listen to and then listen to it while doing productive things

Bob Dylan in braille?

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Indefinitely, but I'd be fucking miserable.

At one point I was listening to music way too much, and it actually resulted in me blocking out outside experiences. So I deliberately chose to completely stop listening to music so that I'd stop blocking out life, and so I'd really experience what was going on around me.

I went two weeks without listening to music. For reasons unrelated to music, my life was getting really miserable and stressful, and I was feeling really angry and anxious about how life wasn't working out. I finally listened to music, and it immediately alleviated all those negative feelings. It made me feel right again. It was sort of a profound experience for me, because it elucidated how important music is, at least for me.

>In the sense that having sex without procreation is a waste of time
there are some spiritual meanings of having sex, though if you're not into spirituality then it's still an important part of building delicate and sophisticated relationship which you can have with a real person
listening to music is a waste of time. and it doesn't make your life better besides giving a feel of it. that's just a fucking useless self-deceit.

Is music not important to your emotional development and your understanding of human relations and emotions?

People who can’t appreciate music have empathy problems it seems

>Is music not important to your emotional development
It was when I was a kid. It's an important school subject.
>your understanding of human relations and emotions
No, it's not important here, since I interact with humans in my life, and read books (both also have other benefits that music does not)
Well, how?

Yes but interactions with other people often dont show you the inner workings or depths that people have. Good music is a method of expressing emotions that people don’t openly show you. Books also teach you about human emotion but so does music. Not sure why you valuing learning from a book more. What I learned about humans through Dostovisky’s Crime and Punishment is anymore real than what I learned through Joni Mitchell’s Blue

It just showed you what a slave you are to your addiction. Nothing profound there. Stop trying to sound deep or complex or trying to make your avoidance and insecurities into something meaningful.

Last year I didn't listen to anything in August at all

>Not sure why you valuing learning from a book more.
Because they give it more, and much deeper. Books are better both in quantity and quality. And quality wise I like nineteenth century poetry the most when it comes to real human emotions.
>interactions with other people often dont show you the inner workings or depths that people have.
Studying psychology you start to understand the regular interactions better
Also you underestimate the music's best benefit when it comes to emotional development, and it's the music itself, not lyrics, which hardly compare to actual literature. Nothing can compare to baroque and romanticism in terms of beauty of composition for me. And no other art form has that at all (cinema and vidya include music, but not as great and profound obviously)

Sure lyrics are the most direct form of expressing emotion but of course emotion can be expressed through a violin or whatever. That’s kind of what I meant about people who don’t appreciate music not be emphatic. If you can’t understand how someone can pour their soul into playing a piano then you can’t understand a lot of emotions

even if i were deaf.
the rythm of my heart pulses as long as i am alive.
i ask you how you can avoid something you mind does automatically?

Stimulating the prostate requires a certain rhythm as well

You're completely fucking retarded. The whole point is that music is soothing. You should kill yourself.

You should think about why it is that you need so much "soothing". What is it that's happening in your life that you need to self medicate with music? Maybe start treating the root of the problem instead of making it. But that would be too scary and too much work, better to just keep running away.

My whole life it isnt hard

Why would you do that to yourself.