>he lived holy cringe. enjoy rotting for the next 60 fucking years
Benjamin Perry
This post makes no sense whatsoever.
Luke Taylor
Lol based
Aaron Roberts
the shooter lived, yes?
Adam Long
i n c e l
Juan Jenkins
Luis Morales
He was just killing some subhumans, he's not evil at all. When you see cockroaches you just step on them. Finally a white man stood up, I hope he inspires more to do the same thing.
Ayden Roberts
And then runs over her body, yeah that part was kino
I often wonder if what happened to that guy is the fear of every artist. He actually made a comic where Pepe's friends had a funeral for him, hoping to kill the character. It was obviously too late. I can't imagine how shitty it must feel for your brain child to be corrupted and taken out of your control.
Connor Roberts
Cringy manlet
Christian Scott
Let's be honest, you're a fucking faggot
Lincoln Reed
what kind of person do you have to be to actually go out and do this ?
Chase Scott
Hey whichever mod happens to stumble upon this thread would you mind banning me along with OP?
Parker Johnson
Brandon Cox
I don't identify with his cause or agree with his purpose. But what really horrified me when i watched the video was that I laughed at his commentary and I felt nothing when he gunned those people down. I felt broken after watching the video.
Robert Wilson
fucked up beyond repair. like waaaaaay more fucked up than the guy from "I Was a Prisoner in Your Skull" on SFTB, and he was pretty fucked up
yeah it must feel horrible to become a million times more famous than you would have otherwise
Elijah Jenkins
Zoomer SJWs
Brody Rogers
Yea Forums I'm so proud of you for standing up to bullies. Maximum sweetie pies
Carter Smith
go back to your containment board please
Brody Sullivan
If white people are being replaced by virtue of us not having as many children as other races, then surely by the shooter's logic (and many other terrorists), then all should be well. They talk a lot about natural selection but they have to resort to large-scale acts of murder to get things done when the people outbreeding them don't have to.
James King
>le tripfag who thinks his commentary is important enough to use a username on an anonymous filipino cartoon image board epic
Kevin Torres
>not defending terrorism means you're an SJW
Carson King
good, they'll be less people like you
Colton Hughes
This faggot didn't even know who he was, he probably thought Pepe began in 2016. Even if he was known for it, imagine thinking that would be a good thing.
Kayden Howard
That's great and all but please stop being such a faggot about it
Liam Barnes
Isaac Ortiz
say it with me everyone
Zachary Adams
>who cares if white people are systematically being replaced! i mean yeah who fucking cares
Dominic Gutierrez
Why are people here acting like muslims are humans?
Jeremiah Hall
No user, we have to grow up and not laugh when the newsperson reads the navy seal pasta
Jaxon Jenkins
Jason Bennett
Carter Morris
also stop bumping this thread
Anthony Morales
Not that muslims actually are animals, but humans are supposed to show kindness to lesser species.
Adam Sanchez
Brayden Perry
>there are people falling for this blatant false flagging i thought Yea Forums was smarter than /pol/
Levi Lee
Jaxson Diaz
>giving incels attention grim
Eli Rivera
FUCK INXY based, remember to sage
Luke White
blow me queer
Levi Bell
Joshua Morris
Hitler life mogs you
Mason Gutierrez
jesus christ how are you not embarrased just to leave the house?
Dylan Nelson
>what is pest control
Zachary Miller
Republicans aren't human
Lincoln Carter
But they're not a pest.
Jason Wright
>believing the video is real >believing your government >believing media wew fags mu is RETARDED
Jose Thomas
Democrats and Republicans are the same thing, you brainwashed NPC bluepilled maggot.
Asher Morgan
Pest Control is a co-operative members-only combat-based activity. Players must defend the Void Knight from an onslaught of monsters, while at the same time destroying the portals from which the monsters spawn.
The activity is played in the name of Guthix to retain balance in the world, which may be disrupted by an influx of monsters invading islands in the south of the world. It is run by an order of Guthix known as the Void Knights. Players board landers, which transport them to islands under invasion. The activity is divided into three landers; access to each lander is determined by combat level.
This is a 'safe' activity. Players who die keep their items, respawn on the lander, and can rejoin combat immediately. In addition, Hitpoints, Prayer points, special attack, and run energy are fully restored at the end of each game. All stats are restored to their normal levels at the end of each game, meaning stat boosts of various potions like Super sets do not carry over from game to game. This makes using these potions for Pest Control somewhat expensive, as each game will require a new dose from each potion.
Daniel Edwards
>pol: we need to do something about the rapefugies invading our countries. There hardly even human >also pol: some actually did go out and shoot up a mosque? Fake news, after all fascist so rarely resort to violence and acts if terrorizism
Andrew Nguyen
This is true, socialism is the only answer
Ayden Harris
it was reddit as fuck now fuck off
Dylan Rogers
based, look at all the fucking butthurt. I feel like it's 2016 all over again
Dominic Johnson
Eli Russell
Jeremiah Thomas
whatever you or pol says can't make the video real, and it's very obviously not real. everything you just said isn't something i believe or think about, i just looked at the video and it's fake. you have to be sort of a moron to defend media or government, it's proven they've lied over and over. that's not theory, that's fact. stay objective, don't get emotional.
Hudson Martin
Connor Stewart
fuck off /pol faggot
Michael Reed
We already have socialism in America, sleepy retard. Now who's the NPC
Camden Edwards
>/pol top kek
Carson Anderson
fire is acceptable, the rest are meme tier trash by /pol/