I am in love with young Thurston Moore
you're just thurston for moore
I am in love with Nick Drake
go back to r.eddit
I'm in love with thurston moore's daughter
cuz you're gay
he's a pretentious asshole who looks like a big lipped flounder
nigga graduated in like 1952 lmao
you just want to put the drake in the nick
he cute
rnr consciousness Thurston is best thurston
you're a deluded fantasist?
Yeah, man, i had a wet dream with Lou Reed last week
I had a Lana one. My Annie Clark dreams are less happy. I can't remember what Paul Weller was up to.
Lana del rey or Lana rhoades? Both of them are very fuckable either way.
rey :/
Ah, yeah after you said that i went to jerk off while looking at the "Summertime Sadness" video
Looks like my dad when he was 20. I kind of look like him too, but I'm not as skinny.
This guy gets it