Post favorite movie and your favorite album and have others rec stuff

post favorite movie and your favorite album and have others rec stuff
>It's a Wonderful Life

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Other urls found in this thread:

Black door mine - brutal truth
Gentle exercise is good for you.
Check your tyre pressures.

>When Marnie was There
>Days of Future Passed

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>The Beatles

pretty great song, thanks my dude
and i should exercise more lmao

good movie okay album

>In The Mood For Love
>Fantastic Planet by Failure

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>Harold and Maude
>The Modern Lovers

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>Merriweather Post Pavillion

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god I just want Satoshi Kon back

>Paranoid / Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars

>Pet Sounds

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Giant Steps
Kind of Blue.

>Pulp Fiction
>The Money Store

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>Kid A
>the Battle of Algiers

threads like these are terrible
everyone kill yourself

based this is my 2nd favorite movie and the soundtrack is one of my top 5 albums

>city of caterpillar - s/t

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Based movie choice

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oh shit nigga I didn't even see my dubs, fuck yeah

oh fuck

>Cardiacs - Sing To God

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>pic related
>Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin IV (Atlantic, 1971)

Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind
The Mothers of Invention - Freak Out! (Verve, 1966)

Once Upon a Time in America (European Cut)
The Rolling Stones - Sticky Fingers (Rolling Stones, 1971)

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Favorite film
>Mike Leigh's Naked, or Kiarostami's Close-Up

Favorite album
>Pink Moon

based film choice, watch some Edward Yang, either Yi Yi or A Brighter Summer Day

Watch some Cassavetes

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Stand by Me
Lemon Jelly - Lost Horizons

Your picks suit well with each other.

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this guy here

Naked is a great flick I will definitely check out your recs, been meaning to watch some of Kiarostami's stuff a watch, I actually own Like Someone In Love just haven't gotten around to watching it yet.

For a movie I rec Żuławski's Possession (I promise not a movie you will ever forget)
and for an album I rec But, What Ends When the Symbols Shatter? by Death in June

watch Wolf Children my friend

and being a fan of The Moody Blues I'm sure you've heard it but give Discovery by Electric Light Orchestra another listen

Pic or Irréversible
Real answer: Jon Brion- Meaningless
>more popular (and 2nd) Favorite album
Janelle Monae- Archandroid

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Forgot recs
Nameless Gangster
Grand Piano

Dancer in the Dark left me speechless, and Irreversible was not a movie I ever want to watch again (not because it isn't good) based movie choices

>Jon Brion- Meaningless
oh shit based album choice too

oh shit also forgot to rec, if not already a fan listen to some Jim O'Rourke and check out the movie Cache from Michael Haneke

Check out It Happened One Night. Feel-good romantic comedy from the same era as It's a Wonderful Life.

>The Mother and The Whore
>Joy Division Closer

Pic related is my kinp waifu tho

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Album: Nick Lowe - The Rose of England
Movie: Wet Hot American Summer

Movie: The Apartment (dir. by Billy Wilder)

Sloan - Twice Removed

it has a lot of the same elements of Pinkerton and came out a couple years before, I thinky you'll dig it

Never seen the movie, but maybe Your Name?

based on the album I think you'll like the first Soft Machine record

Movie: Miller's Crossing
Album: The United States of America - s/t

Movie: Shoplifters
Album: The The - Soul Mining

Movie: Y Tu Mama Tambien
Album: Have you listened to Jonathan's solo stuff? I think his album You Must Ask the Heart is underrated

Movie: Never seen it so just watch Nashville (dir. by Robert Altman)
Album: Silver Apples - s/t

Movie: The House That Jack Built
Album: Bauhaus - Burning from the Inside

Movie: Dogman
Album: Teenage Fanclub - Thirteen

Movie: Bad Times at the El Royale
Album: Injury Reserve - Floss

Movie: Never seen Battle of Algiers but you'd prob like The Wages of Fear
Album: Blur - 13

Movie: Antiviral
Album: Big Ups - Before a Million Universes

Movie: Paddington 2
Album: Deep Purple - Fireball

Movie: La Strada (Fellini)
Album: Matching Mole - s/t

Movie: The Warriors
Album: Blanck Mass - Dumb Flesh

Movie: The Player
Album: Trinidad James - Don't Be S.A.F.E.

Movie: Hausu
Album: Ben Zimmerman - The Baltika Years

Movie: Paper Moon
Album: Nun - s/t

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Best in Show
Even though I don’t like it, Strictly Ballroom maybe.

Also, lol, Don’t Be Safe is nothing like Archandroid. That album is also fucking terrible.
Thanks for the rec though
The Player is also incredible.

Yeah I don't think Archandroid and Don't Be SAFE sound similar, they're two albums that whenever I bump it in my car people dig even if they're not familiar with the artists. And I think Dont Be SAFE is for sure underrated, "Team Vacation" and "Females Welcome" are absolutely great.

Glad you like The Player, assume you've seen Short Cuts as well? And Best in Show is a classic. Will check out Strictly Ballroom hopefully soon.

>2001: A Space Odyssey

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imagine being such an idiot coming into this this thread with a basic album like loveless and a basic movie like 2001 and not even taking the time to provide recs for anybody

Kiarostami has such a massive filmography that it's tough to know where to start as well. I still haven't seen Like Someone In Love, I've only watched Close-Up and Taste of Cherry, really need to get round to more of his films considering I love Close-Up so much.

Ah, I'm already a massive fan of Zulawski's Possession - good rec though, same with Death in June - though I haven't listened to them in a while so

>La Strada
Another filmmaker I need to watch way more of, only seen Eight and a Half but I adored it

To live and die in la
Speaking in tongues

You'll enjoy it for sure! I prefer it to 8 1/2

Through a glass darkly
The public enemy

Pulp Fiction
Midnite Vultures

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Comedy: Hot Rod or Waiting for Guffman
Drama: Persona or A Woman Under the Influence
Album: Yo La Tengo -I Can Hear The Heart Beating As One

wtf is with nobody in this thread providing recs

Amarcord is my favorite Fellini

I've seen Nausicaa and I've heard Freak Out! They're both great. Nice favorite movie as well, that's my 2nd favorite Ghibli. I'm not too familiar with Zeppelin but if you're into 70's hard rock, Boston's s/t is very good.

I haven't heard or seen either, but ELO has some good songs so I'll give Discovery a shot.

Your Name was great, I saw that in theaters. I've heard the first Soft Machine album. It had a few good songs but the whole album isn't anything to write home about imo. I'm more of a fan of Bundles by Soft Machine.

try Robert Wyatt's solo stuff if you havent!

Oh sorry, I forgot your movie. Laputa is a really good, underrated Ghibli movie if you haven't seen it. It came out a few years before Kiki.

Thanks! I've heard Matching Mole's s/t and O Caroline was good but I wasn't as impressed with the rest. I've heard he was a very accomplished musician though.

Movie: Requiem for a Dream
Album: Innerspeaker


Evil Dead 2
Right now my favorite album is People who can eat people are the luckiest in the world

>favorite movie
Eyes Wide Shut

>favorite album
Bathory's Under the Sign of the Black Mark

It said "your favorite" album, which is what the user post so no need to be a cunt about it.

A recommendation to all:
Watch pic related, To Have And Have Not and Farewell, My Lovely.

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>Hounds Of Love

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Based choices

Nausicaa of the valley of the wind
pic related

Soul Discharge,Vision creation newsun
brave little toaster,secret of kells

a day in the stark corner

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Anime shit

have you seen Gone with The Wind?

>either Scott Pilgrim or Reservoir Dogs
>pic related

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Album rec: Probably nothing, possibly everything
Movie: Cabin in the woods

Do you have a cult I can join

Beatles' Revolver

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2001: A Space Odyssey

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Hehe. Me too.
Also, mu has better taste in film than tv.

>Gran Torino or The Big Lebowski
>Jackson C. Frank's Complete Recordings
Scott Walker IV and Helium by Pram
Se7en and M (Fritz Lang)
The 3 EPs by The Beta Band and Magnolia Electric Co. by Songs: Ohia
Red Dawn and Zombieland

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watch Zodiac listen to ummmmm uhhh tago mago by can

Joni mitchell - blue

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>In a lonely place
>Kid a

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