Isengard edition
Other urls found in this thread:
feeding kook corn dogs
we dont support racism or transphobia here
any sharkman in
we are also known as slugman
oops I meant to say we do
mumbai pop general
not Coldplay
seaniggers still chimping out
wanna pump nancy full
damn i just found a nugu group i used to fap to years ago. totally forgot about them. i guess they never made it...
How does a teaser get this many views?
Yall are fuckin mean im bout to cry
freaking CUTE
slug-sharkbros alliance member reporting in
it's what they were born to do
What happened to kpop?
Just listened to the last year top 100 songs and rveryone was bad or the same shit
What happened to the time kpop make gems like excuse me/lucky one/lucifer/so dangerous?
The only real crime he did was having shit taste
i thought this was just one of those cover groups
daily reminder i love all groups
he wants what he cant have
Look harder
yeah... "corn dogs"
post her feet
whoa yeri in the thumbnail
yeruggo wishes
>excuse me/lucky one/lucifer/so dangerous
all shit
they had like 2 songs. so nugu didnt even have a mv for it
Lucky One's a bop, dunno bout the others
Please post your best Yoonas, I need to grow my folder.
dont samefag
l m f a o
what's up douggo
Stop bullying Itzy
keep chimping out schizo
After watching this, I've came to conclusion that everyone in this group had to hit their heads at some point
obvious was so bad live lol
Some user got me into fromis_9 yesterday and I haven't been able to stop listening. I haven't felt this way about kpop in so long, I thought I was growing out of the genre.
I don't know if you're here but I want to say thank you.
Kpop is so fucking shit lol. Fucking weebs forcing their shit on an innocent planet.
Kpg, i thought they got fat?
one of the most iconic brows in kpop
Then Vibrato , very very very jackpot/Her and skydive/feel so good
The new kpop is just forgettable as fuck
nakychads ww@
they all look like pic related, can you blame them
wow, she's beautiful
the planet is fucking shit though, can't wait for a nuclear war
obvious that you're mad for being called out
who is this?
Yes? Jesus Christ. Its never too late for a concerned mother to abort these fucking creeps.
post her strawberries
can asians be weebs?
she cute!
me in the striped shirt
post more yeji
any korweeaboos here?
We're shit - hence weebs - but the planet is class. Yay for a savagely uncaring natural world. Its the only shit that makes any sense. However, The fucking radio waves of this utter fucking diabolical trash will be floating through the aether long after we're done. What a disgusting thought.
post her feet
fatnancychads ww@
whats her problem
literally the yikiest shit
Daily Dubu!
me me! i like dreamcatcher Xd desu
fromis and dreamnote are 2007 revival kpop and it's honestly fr**kin' based
i stopped caring when they started speaking proper english
Can asians be weebs? Is the sun bright?
hold on. i'll look at the sun and check.
>radio waves of this utter fucking diabolical trash will be floating through the aether long after we're done
more like almost instantly dampened my colliding mass or leaving at near light speed into the empty universe.
stop dude
who is this semen demon
love them
don't lewd our kookie!
he's just an innocent boy swallowing some sausages!
don't lewd the spell cards
thinking about SinB...
She is cute like a POmeranian
i'm a little witchy my boy
any new Daisys?
uhhhh do we tell him?
remember to filter nb spam
/[0-9]+\. \[\+[0-9,]+, \-[0-9,]+\] /i;boards:mu
ikon dude is hoarding them for himself
android gf
hes gotta be very good at swallowing sausages by now
Daisy isnt joining this comeback
reporting in
kang seulgi
I'm fairly new to these kpop threads that sparked my curiosity and I think this is the prettiest girl I've seen so far
we love nb comments here you dolt
he's had some practice
he's preparing for a hot dog eating contest
keep spamming
i didn't ask for any of this
cute doobies
when the next ones drop you best believe i will
yeah why not
Article: FNC reps, "We will be taking legal action against rumors claiming Lee Jonghyun sexually harassed other female singers and minors"
Source: Sports Chosun via Naver
1. [+2,805, -11] I can't stand him at all, just screw off ㅠㅠ
2. [+1,570, -2] Wow, FNC's amazing..
3. [+1,276, -14] The fact that FNC is threatening legal action means that the rumors are true. This is how they've been lately, no?
4. [+693, -6] Please just disappear already... you disgusting ba$tard
5. [+284, -8] Not like he'll ever be able to come back on TV anyway
6. [+125, -0] Why is FNC defending this guy anyway..? They have nothing to gain by defending him.
7. [+114, -1] It's always the ones who commit the crimes who threaten legal action because they're scared ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
8. [+96, -1] Does Lee Jonghyun have a tape on Han Sung Ho too that he's using to blackmail him with? Why is FNC defending him still?
. [+2,197, -15] So FNC is really going to keep him on? Seriously? Aren't the majority of CNBLUE fans women?
2. [+1,278, -8] Always with the legal action threats over everything ㅋㅋㅋㅋ sure go ahead ^^
3. [+726, -2] It's always the criminals who don't follow the law who loves using the law to make threats.
4. [+131, -0] Apparently the idol in the clip that the ba$tard was touching was SNSD Yoona;; there are already videos of it on YouTube.. he was touching her butt, what a psycho. He needs to be thrown in jail along with Seungri and Jung Jun Young and that whole group and all the police involved along with YG.
5. [+69, -2] FNC's disgusting
6. [+44, -1] I assure you that FNC is shadier than even YG... ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ all this threat of legal action when they were already proven wrong twice by the media.
Disgusting. That guy is still on CNBlue right?
user there's no point in hiding it from you any longer
she is carrying ikon's child at the moment
post more quality kookies
Daisy mentioned
it's growing inside her...
every kookie is a quality one
i want to bite her slutty shark nose
how can i cop this look? anyone know?
face transplant
sorry but what the hell is a slutty shark nose
freaking CUTE
Remember when Jungkook deepthroated Rap Mister?
made for bwc
Article: KPG reps, "We will be taking legal action against anyone found not posting pics of Nancy's new obese ass"
yeji's biteable nose
it's begging to be chewed.
what's the onion up to lately?
these threads are so fucking shitty and cringey
where is she
>wakes up to kookieposting
are the JJY videos any good?
that ikon guy only dated daisy long enough to molka her for seungri
OMGG i know right? im cringing so harddd haha so gringueyyyy lol
yooa looking like a hot fed up bitch here
undefined hiatus like Daisy
you cant, you have to be born with it
hes a weird kid
yeah, it was nice to see some amateur + Billy Herrington.
I like to pretend the people posting that stuff are just hyperactive kids, I can't fathom an actual adult posting this shit
How do I fuck this cake and frog?
very very yummy nose... mmm
on a date with dubu
I kinda miss them
post if you're a nigger
I never noticed her schnozz
i'm the biggest retard that post here
>waking up at 4pm
white t-shirt and lots of plastic surgery
sana's sanas
why is yejis nose so erotic
he doesn't have a gag reflex! perfect
pay doctor kim
sharkman guy...
i thought this was amber
idiot hes natty
love is coming 4 volcanoes
get a good haircut and style your hair
fix your brows
white t shirt
From your ankles to your instep, I really love your feet. So slim, so strong, so shapely, so graceful, and petite. So wrap your toes around my johnson, it’s time to beat my meat.
perfect for eating corndogs
너무 아름다운 너 stay
날 향한 시선 stay
kys and reroll your stats
my little cubslut
made of plastic that secretes pheromones
i am convinced that every izone just KNOWS
i was telling it to the guy, but yeah Jimin definitely got something done
cub wouldn't like being talked to like that
all those awards don't come cheap
Nako was jealous of Yujin last night
i want to share my mental health problems with her....
it's not even noon idiot
when are kpop albums going to start coming with sex toys
why is he so cute bros
she's beautiful
are there any plans for turning all that manhwa into aenime?
probably doesn't make sense as a business, but you could tax fund it as a cultural asset.
I don't think so
He lost a lot of weight
did they update gogofightin again? that looks new
thanks for posting my beautiful wife
I miss her bros
shut the fuck up
its nearly dinner time idiot
nice PNGcubs
didnt knew you can lose weight around your nose
fishnets with flip flops
Blackpink a shit
i miss her sister
feeding kookie my corndog and my friends corndogs
I miss you
funny how your wife is also my pet cat
these are from last year
i haven't looked into any more rips
the nose knows
dont fuck with bunny
she looks exactly like JaeBum
Different angle
I don't think he did plastic surgery, probably filters
what? im just making sure hes eating enough
so elegant, so simple, impeccably angular... and most importantly, appetising...
i swear her nose drives me crazy..
entering kookie into a corndog eating contest
i haven't played it in a month or 2 since its annoying switching from the normal app store to the japanese one just to update the game
anyone have that webm of yena(?) gripping hyewon's(?) ass
what a coincidence
we dont post that here
this girl is really fucking pretty, the shape of her face, her eyebrows, her eyes and specially her nose make her one of the most beautiful kpop girls i've ever seen in my entire life
i refuse to believe this, she's probably in jeju as part of a vacation or something like that
Prison life actually looks fun
>excuse me
That was a top tier ChAOA banger though
>right before a come back
>they've been on hiatus for nearly a year at this point
has anyone seen Eunha-ssi? i'm looking for her since yesterday
nice poem, a bit creepy but, whatever
any sharkman pretty girls ringing danger ITT
>vacation right before a comeback
that's exactly how they plan that sort of things, i never said she left for over a week
delete this you FUCK
jesus how horrifying
ehh you missed that people were talking about shownu again last year, making wonho jealous?
how come when i part my hair down the middle i don't look anywhere near as good as gay korean pop singers??
i mean its pretty obvious it was his arm not his hand i doubt it was intentional
you do realize that her and taeha are both sitting out promotions entirely right?
why would they send 2 of their members (one of which is very popular) to sit out probably the most important comeback of their careers?
Why? Yena is a predator.
why is everyone civilizedposting my fromis bias? that's kind of nice
you probably have a fivehead
leave my duck the FUCK alone you SCUM
is she playing duck game?
>yoona's butt
does yoongi also eat corndogs?
yena preying on your
did you first iron it straight, then ironed it curled back towards the middle?
also they do slighty off partings
I miss them
Can they cum back already
Yeah, plenty of them on daily basis.
oh my god this is a fucking BEAUTIFUL Jiheon picture holy shit
gaypop haha
So Not Today is peak BTS right?
Like the group is not even that good
Fucking EXO and SJ were better than them
i dont think that one is fully up to date since its missing one of the chewy outfits i saw before
wow maybe he teaches jungkook how to eat corndogs
reminder that jiheon is the most popular girl at sopa
it's probably a publicity stunt, user.
what song did BTS become sell outs with or did they start as sell outs?
Singularity is the best BTS song
yeah as i said it's as of last year
if you know any other rips please link
but is she good at math
do keep saying nice things about jiheon
They started as sellouts.
oh no that's not good
dont forget about daisy daisybros
she hasn't forgotten about us
Your duck is being fucked by her brother right now
and filming it and sharing it in the group chat
>rounded back
oh wow wow WOW
yikes no he doesnt
NJ and suga selling out is literally how the group we now know as bts began
of course she is
she's the genius maknae
>Yena died in childhood and we live in her last dream
There will never be a gaypop fappening, will it?
Ok that song is classic kpop and not the generic kpop shit that sound like american pop.
Thanks user
she doesn't even know i exist
shut the fuck up PUSSY
cute alieb
She is getting pounded by her brother as you post
nah, i think that was already a rush release
save me
blood sweat and tears
that three after each other was an amazing run (pun intented), but the bubble burst afterwards. i mean they are still selling amazingly well with spring day and on, but ever since bst they didn't have ANY properly planned comebacks, just one rush release after the other.
never say never
they keep delivering mostly. the lyrics are probably the most fun in kpop ever, it's about all their in-fights, how they hated each other, etc.