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Jayden Brown
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Isaiah Cox
I wish he would release instrumental versions
Adam Scott
>OMG Swans!
>OMG Soiboy Carti!
Dominic Peterson
>OMG Rehashed memes!
Christopher Evans
P’ierre should, he’s literally every single track
Ryder Foster
What? Is that a rapper man on the bottom?
Grayson Foster
gayboy carti sucks
Ian Carter
Whole Lotta Red WHENNNN
Carson Roberts
Nolan Martinez
Dominic Gutierrez
If you aren't on board with Carti by now you're basically a gigantic cuck
Christopher Sanchez
reminder this is going to be song of the year
Nathan Carter
there is no artistic merit to trap music you fucking consumerist pleb idiot
Carter Rogers
These fanbases are synonymous. Both plebian.
Oliver Mitchell
Neither is there any artistic merit in Swans' output. Read Adorno and then exclusively listen to classical music if you care about artistic merit in your music.
Alexander Morris
I already read Adorno and listen to classical music you pleb
Blake Allen
Then you should know that Swans is just as much a part of the culture industry as Playboi Carti...
David Russell
How deluded do you have to be to think this
Ethan Reyes
t. Hasn't actually read Adorno
Christopher Adams
>actually thinking carti is anything but mediocre
Luis Garcia
Adorno's work no longer forms the backbone of Marxist or any other form of artistic criticism, you moron. He died early, before non-classical genres came into their own artistically. Of course he'd feel that way about everything that isn't classical music; before around 1960, all non-classical music was expressly made for mass consumption
That being said trap music is inherently a highly commercial enterprise and should be critiqued as such. There is no such thing as 'art trap' and you're a fool for comparing Swans to anyone making trap music. I don't even like Swans but I feel compelled to defend them against retarded shit like what you and the OP are peddling
Michael Richardson
What difference is there between Gira screaming "blackout" for 4 minutes or Carti rapping about drugs or whatevs for 4 minutes? Both tracks are backed by mindnumbingly simple instrumentals made to placate the masses: music made for sheep.
Easton Morgan
>implying adornofags know anything about classical music or music in general.
Aiden Sanchez
On some level I agree, Swans's discigraphy is needlessly massive and pretty redundant. However, you really can't lump SFTB in with Children of God and The Great Annihilator the same way you can lump together all their no wave stuff or all the nu-Swans stuff. It's just too unique.
Also not even gonna mention the obvious bait.
Oliver Rogers
If your interpretation of Adorno's concept of the culture industry is "no art can be genuine in a capitalist society," then you're the one who needs to read Adorno.
The culture industry describes a cycle where artistic innovation is constantly being reabsorbed into the culture industry and used to create artificial culture aimed at selling records (in the case of music), acting as a surrogate for actual cultural developments. This doesn't mean all music made under capitalism is worthless, or pandering. It described a general trend.
Juan Wilson
Art can be genuine under capitalism. Swans isn't art.
Dominic Lewis
listened to the last Carti album. those adlibs legit gave me a migrane, I've never been bothered by adlibs before but this constant "ayy ooohh ayy ay oohhh" that constantly rings over the vocals felt like a siren in my ear the more I listened to the album.
William Brown
Why’s that?
Charles Roberts
this bait never fails to trigger you fags.
Jaxson Ross
Soiboy carti is just more nigger muzak for people who only watch Fast and Furious movies.