The girl I love just told me she is planning to get an apartment next year and invited me to move in with her...

The girl I love just told me she is planning to get an apartment next year and invited me to move in with her. I'm inmensely happy, probably the best news I got in my entire life.
Music about leaving home to live with someone you love?

Attached: happy.jpg (300x300, 22K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I wish you both the best of luck

does she know you're in love with her?

We're both madly in love with each other but our relationship isn't official yet because we live in different cities and we know long distance relationships are bullshit, so we'll just wait until I move to her place to make it official

She's riding Chad as we speak

>because we live in different cities and we know long distance relationships are bullshit, so we'll just wait until I move to her place to make it official
So you're okay with knowing that she probably been fucked more then an American home owner in 2008?

I’m taking back my music rec user.
This is just sad

At least you're honest with each other, most people fail at that. Good luck buddy I hope it goes well.

I don't really care that much, I'm not that insecure about it
Also I'm dating other girls, who cares if she's fucking other dudes
Monogamy is a meme

Yeah, we're pretty transparent with each other, we're both cool with the other dating other people. After all it's just sex lmao
If I just wanted someone to fuck I wouldn't leave my place to move with her, this girl is more than a hole to me y'know

based and incredibly redpilled

Based man. You're the hero we need.

A life of sin may sound enticing now but please think of eternal torment for a minute

Is she the most beautiful girl you've ever been with?

She's by far the most interesting, intelligent, deep girl I've met. We share a lot of interests and we are overall highly compatible too. She's also an autistic musicfag like me. We are in the same tuning, you know.

>The girl I love just told me she is planning to get an apartment next year and invited me to move in with her.
not a good look
if u guys get into an argument. you'll be kicked out instantly
anyway good luck

>basic af rec: just like heaven, the cure
Happy for you man- how'd you meet?

>if u guys get into an argument. you'll be kicked out instantly
I know, it's not like I'm expecting everything to be perfect. We get mad at each other all the time but we always come to terms and we're cool. In the case she kicked me out of her place for good I'd just look for some other place to stay, it's not the end of the world. I can come back to my father's house in my current city too in case the situation got extremely fucked up
It's pretty embarrassing to admit, but we met on reddit. I got hella bored of it shortly after but this girl turned out to be pretty fucking interesting and cool and cute so I kept contact with her. Things went on pretty well between the two of us and today we're pretty close, I'm hella happy of meeting her
Btw thanks for the rec, it's been a long time since I listen to anything from The Cure

Well, good luck, user. But you should have in mind that living with someone can be a real pain in the ass and it has potential to ruin you relashionship. That was what happened to me and I was in similar situation, we both lived in diferent citied and then moved togheter. You will see her best and her worst. Be ready. If I can give an advice it would be to never leave shit unsolved, you should always be talking to each other about stuff that it's bothering any of you.
Anyway, here's a sweet mini-record that really captures the essence of being in love with someone. I wish you the best user!

Hey, thanks a lot for the advice, gonna keep your post in mind
btw this rec is comfy, thanks again

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Best of luck frog poster I wish to be like you one day

>if u guys get into an argument. you'll be kicked out instantly

not everybody is white trash domestic dispute-tier


Fell in love with a girl -white stripes

I'm set free - velvet underground

This seems perfect for your news.


The new world - Dvorak

Yeah, I'm definitely going to be alone for ever

me too. I'm ugly + socially autistic

Im in a long distance relationship too. but i don't know how much will last, or if something will come out of it . But eh, life goes on.

>Reddit fag
>preaching polyamory
>frog poster

Fuck off, now.

polyamory is a fucking cult of people who are so dead inside they need to fucking break their own heart in silence and keep each other prisoner for 'ethical reasons' because they're too immature to actually commit to loving another person enough to fucking give themselves fully because its an actual fucking challenge and will change your life. Fucking babies walking around like they're adults. Emotional cowards.

Mental gymnastics are strong on this one


It's not polyamory. You can love someone and have sex with someone else.

>Monogamy is a meme
Oh, this isn't gonna end well. I'd wish you luck, but there's no point.

Sex doesn't imply love. I just put my penis inside other girls but I still love her and only her

Massive projection right here

This. moving in with your girlfriend is the best way to know her true colors and if she's the one

>Monogamy is a meme
lmao good luck there bud, just don't take up another slot in Yea Forums's catalog asking for music to kill yourself to when this inevitably crashes and burns
>Yea Forums supporting cuckoldry
why am i not surprised

This poster has never been on a date

>depending financially on a woman

you're fucked OP

Being able to do this legitimately implies a mental illness, and a poly relationship only succeeds on the basis that all parties suffer from this mental illness, which inherently means the relationship will collapse because building something on the foundation of "I can't commit myself to you sexually" can literally never work.
Show me a poly couple and I'll show you at least one person who is woefully unhappy. Humans are not hard wired to sleep around. If you can't commit to a person then you have a mental illness.


Humans are hard wired to sleep around. It's monogamy that is unnatural. It's still pretty cute, but love isn't as simple as only fucking one person.

Imagine actually asking this question. OP, how old are you? Have you been living with your parents your entire life? You are literally moving in with a girl whom you aren't evendating under the pretense of her cucking you because you assume she loves you and things will probably work out, and on top of that, you're relying financially on her (you NEVER move in with someone who can decide they don't like you anymore and legally get away with kicking you out onto the street).
Reading your posts are making me feel really amazing about my life, if it's any consolation. Fucking yikes.
Citation needed.
Humans haven't been biologically or socially inclined to run around breeding like animals for literally thousands of years. We're intelligent enough not to act on impulses to pump out kids with 50 different partners because we aren't literal chimpanzees. At the same time, humans suffer from complex emotions and rely heavily on the promise that they will have a partner to rely on because humans are not meant to be alone or be disloyal. Hence, anyone who is polyamorous is mentally ill; it's not natural to not want a consistent, reliable partner to whom you're faithful. It contradicts what your brain naturally wants, and almost everyone in a polyamorous relationship doesn't realize that they're making a mistake.
I have seen literally a dozen of these fail, I've seen friends and acquaintances alike have their hearts broken because they don't realize they aren't mentally ill enough to not need a faithful partner. One of my friends nearly killed himself because he loved a girl more than she loved him, and she coerced him into a poly relationship and he coped by convincing himself he also wanted it. Poly is a huge meme and nobody in one is happy unless they're ill.

Anything from this picture

Attached: B2D74589-E370-4DB4-9FFF-B6175CC08567.png (640x1136, 269K)

Are you sure? This seems a bit weird and I'll planned.

fucking bumpity bump. truth

>Also I'm dating other girls

Sure you are, sure you are

lol. yeah. nope. never. no experience with women or relationships or any of that. Zero. Zilch.

What if I told you I learned the hard way that that shit is a cult, owned my shit, changed my life and am happily committed to someone.

Son, you're a fucking tadpole.

Attached: vespertin.jpg (298x300, 27K)

big if true

>What if I told you I learned the hard way that that shit is a cult, owned my shit, changed my life and am happily committed to someone.
Based. This exact process has happened to three of my friends, and very nearly happened to me. People who are wary of polyshit aren't projecting, they're trying to help. Listen to people who got fucked over by this stupid "just sleep around lol humans aren't meant to be emotionally attached to anything xd" meme.

It just sounds like you figure you might aswell not be tied down until you live with each other. But here you are advocating for polygamy as if it's what you stand by and saying monogamy is cute and naive.

Some people preach about polygamy and more power to them if it actually makes them happy. For most people, monogamy is a less complicated more practical solution to dating though.

Truth. Life is meant to be experienced with someone else that you love. You don't share what you love. It's not selfish or childish to mutually agree to not fuck other people, it's called growing up and taking what's yours.

absolute Chad

>My couple is my property



I'm not a traditionalist in virtually any other sense but this shit just does not function. it is not just unworkable, it is actively harmful and creates mental health problems while masquerading as some kind of twisted fucking cure. Its a sick meme. If I can spare one person from going through that amount of torment and losing that much self respect and dignity over a stupid fucking meme then it'll be worth it. Monogamous Intimacy is not a walk in the goddamn park but it is a hell of a lot better than being trampled on for the sake of a fashionable lie.

You're property of each other, yes. That's not a bad thing. user wasn't implying ownership as having control over your partner's life or anything, ownership in this case just means that you're both completely committed to each other and can be trusted to be loyal.
It's good to be able to trust someone to be faithful to you, and it's good to have someone who trusts you to do the same. It signifies respect, the kind of respect that any good relationship is built on. You have no respect for yourself or your partner if you don't consider yourselves owned by one another, that's basically admitting that one of you would sleep around given the chance.
Relationships that aren't built on the pretense of ownership are the relationships that are full of paranoia and fear of cheating; they're the relationships that require snooping and asking questions about previous partners and shit because they don't respect each other enough to say "I own you and you own me and we can trust each other to stay true to that so we can live our lives independently without fearing unfaithfulness". It's simple. People have gotten too obsessed with the idea of not being "tied down" by a relationship that they've forgotten that the only way to not tie yourself down is to commit to a relationship wherein you and your partner understand that they are mutually owned.

Exactly. It’s a mutual respect for eachother that is so important. A relationship is like two parties that hold 50% stock in a company. You both own it. I highly doubt that even the most “poly” couples don’t feel intense jealousy at times. That’s not a good thing. You shouldn’t have to live with that feeling. Why would you want the person that you should be able to trust to bring home dayquan bigniggerdick from a bar and fuck him in front of you? To me that shows a lack of self respect. You are denying yourself pleasure because you don’t know how to treat yourself right. That’s why I believe poly is just a huge sign of mental illness.

Ring the bells, this man is a goddamn prophet.

The saddest thing is this meme has gotten so out of hand you're literally speaking truth to power at this stage.

God damn why can't I have conversations like this more often irl. This topic is treated with a 10 foot pole, but goddamn some of this needs to be said out loud in the light of day.

Not based. Immature and heading for disaster.

he's just describing marriage lol

The entire idea of marriage is that's when things are "tied down" and complete commitment/monogamy takes over.

Nah, marriage is a meme, you don't need marriage to be a faithful, committed monogamous person. Mentally stable people should be able to commit to each other without a piece of paper floating above their heads that says "if you break up now you'll go through hell in court and one of you will lose all of your money and probably your kids too".
Thb marriage is probably the reason everyone's running around trying out this poly horseshit. They think that the logical conclusion of monogamy is a shitty loveless marriage and they don't want to be "trapped". They're too dumb to know that you can be monogamous and not be married, and unless you're dating a slut retard, you'll have a happy relationship without legally binding yourselves to each other. They don't consider that polyarmory isn't the solution to this, and it's easier to just... not marry after dating for two years.
I've had friends get burned by poly relationships and I've had friends get divorced before they even fucking finish college. I don't understand why not being a retard about relationships is so hard for some people.

Um, no. He's describing a healthy dynamic of actual meaningful commitment to another human being. Nothing that isn't applicable to any romantic pairing. Pretty entry level shit kid.

>monogamy is a meme

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theres nothing taking you over. you're seeking it out because it's in your interest and you're smart enough to recognise that because you're not a basic bitch. You're not being subsumed by some foreign other. You're opting IN.

Truthfully I don't know any poly couples and have not experienced that myself since I don't associate with mentally ill sjw's. I'm just speaking from my perspective. I'm in a happy relationship, we've been together for 3.5 years. No cheating, no games. It's not always been easy of course, we've had some huge meltdowns, but that's a given in a relationship. It takes balls of steel to ride out those meltdowns and see through them to grow stronger with the person that you love.

Op is fucking retarded lmao

That's called a healthy relationship, my boy. I truly feel sad for a lot of people ITT. You guys have never had a truly fulfilling monogamous relationship and it shows.

Never knew Yea Forums was full of actual cucks

OP here. Had a monogamous relationship for 3 years. Sex was boring and the relationship overall was dull and meaningless. Also being treated like a criminal for feeling involuntary sexual desires towarda other women was a bit too much.
Monogamy is boring and the people who satanize non-monogamous people are usually projecting their own insecurities.
Wanting someone else to only love you is one thing. But expecting your couple not to feel sexual desires for other people is just retarded.
I'm happy I'm done with monogamy, honestly it was nothing more than a waste of time. 3 years of not stepping out of my comfort zone.

>frogposter is too socially retarded to recognize a terrible living/romantic situation when it's slapping him in the face with a chainsaw


Feelings don't need to graduate into actions fuckhead, you're not a beast of the field.

You'll have to settle down eventually my dude.

>monogamy didn't work for me because i wasn't compatible with the person at all and i subjected them to borderline infidelity which she got unreasonably angry about
>people who advocate against something that's been scientifically proven to be ill fitting for any mentally and emotionally stable person are just projecting
>people can love each other and only each other but sleep around because humans can't be expected to not act on sexual urges based on mutual respect for one another
This is legitimately embarrassing to read. It's all the same talking points my friends deluded themselves into thinking before they realized they're not mentally ill enough to let the person they love get fucking trains run on them every other week.
Have fun not getting any pussy while she sleeps around and eventually finds someone she likes more than you, making you invalid and tossing you by the wayside. It's happened to people before you, and it will continue to happen. You aren't different. This isn't healthy and it will hurt you. You gave up on monogamy too early because you were dating someone you didn't actually love, and you deserve a life lesson in how poly relationships scientifically don't work.

Goose, you're cooked and about to be torn apart by a bad fucking mistake.

Neck yourself, save some time.

To me, that just sounds like you had an unfulfilling relationship. You know not every relationship is like that right? Did you not push each other in healthy ways? Did you not explore interests together? Did you not grow together? It sounds like you got tired of the routine and jumped ship, which is also perfectly healthy. To sway to the extremes because you have one unsuccessful relationship is silly.

>You clearly have never had a healthy monogamous relationship.
>I have too! I dated a girl I didn't actually like for three years and had sexual fantasies about other people regularly. It sucked! Monogamy is totally lame.
please read your posts before hitting the submit button so you don't sound this retarded in the future, OP

I'm not ugly but I carry a little extra weight and have Asperger's so...

Also forgot to mention this but you seem unsure of basic human nature. Of course, you want to fuck other people. I see a hot chick and I'm like "damn I wish I could eat that ass" but that's all it is. It's just a feeling. That moment of extreme sexual thought is countered by years of happiness with my partner. I don't go out and seek it. Likewise, I'm sure she sees hot guys and thinks about them as well. It's only human. The difference is, we hold back on those feelings and only see them for what they are: simple thoughts in your mind.