What music would you play as you lose your virginity and have sex for the first time with Jackie Lynn Thomas?

What music would you play as you lose your virginity and have sex for the first time with Jackie Lynn Thomas?

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tim heidecker - i am a cuck


my partner's noises
music is not necessary.

Oh boy, I get to lose my virginity AND have sex for the first time? Dream come true.

>liking a thot

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You can have sex and still be a virgin, genius. You're not a non-virgin until you do no condom.

>being an autistic pedophile

grow and develop as a human being, you manchild

you sound like someone who has never had sex

I don't think you know what thread you're in, newfag.

Have more sex, college kid.

the autistic pedophile thread, registered sex offenderfag

project more, incel

>putting on music during sex
no one does this incel


No, really. Get off this board and have more sex, because it's only gonna get harder and harder for you after uni.

Joke's on you, never even attended a college! Take your college debt and shove it up your sexless ass.


god men are such sad creatures

Vektroid - Skate Club

Go freebleed and relive getting molested by daddy you dyke

are you taylor swift and if so, thank you for hating the Jews

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lol this is why you're lonely creep

I'm not lonely, you projecting nobody. What a sad, insecure person who is so desperate to feel better than strangers on the internet over nothing at all. And a stupid person at that. I thought girls were supposed to test better.


I wish I had a vagina so I could stop worrying about having personality or wit. People would fuck me if I stop respecting myself long enough so I don't need merits as a person.

I love it when dumb cunts try to pull out the "well, I would NOT have sex with you!" card like whoa damn, move through, we've got a bad bitch.

I'm gay, you are inherently unattractive to me in every way. Your vapid sense of self doesn't help.

Enjoy having to spend thousands more in dollars every year on makeup to achieve baseline attractiveness and then worrying about getting raped because of it.

Fun fact: Most rape kits go untested in the United States. Which state are you from?

why are guys so thin-skinned lmfao

Women do

Like most women, my true gender is "victim."

Why are hymens so thinskinned?

I could force you to die without even trying.

ITT female Star Vs. fans sperg out at the fact that guys have crushes on the characters even though they do too.

>muh toxic males
You birds made Transformers gay, so suck it up, you do the same shit

>You birds made Transformers gay

is this schizophrenic word salad?

I'd love to see how mouthy these Femi-Heros are irl when they're three blows deep with a hammer wound in their heads while their disgruntled spouses drag the body down to the lake.

Behind every domestic assault is a mouthy bitch who forgot she could live or die at a man's mercy. They think they're living in an episode of Ellen. They really, really want to drive men to harm them.

I am not going to let my virginity be lost to ANY music, if I can help it.

Don't post pictures of my wife


her licking my ear while my penis goes schlippity schlop back and forth into her juicy cooter


fawk yeah, i make her cooter jiggle like a fawkin jellyfish

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user is there something you need to talk about?

I have malicious tendencies and hate people who feign superiority with fucking nothing to back it up.. Oh wow, you have a vagina and you think you're better than me? Well, all I know now is you have a vagina, so I will employ malice in that regards. Fucking enjoy, daft cunt.

Fun fact: If you're even loosely familiar with what they look for in a rape kit, they're incredibly easy to bypass. Also, they're basically useless if you don't have any prior criminal history. If I raped you, it'd be futile to get a rapekit :^)

ps: i know you're a totally different user and that's your only post itt

Ignition Remix. That's not a pedo joke, I just really like the song.

What's a rapekit anyways? The look under the nails? Wear layers. They look for sperm? Again, wear layers. They look for saliva? Well don't kiss the pig, then. Have some self-control. They look for hair? Shave. You won't need the hair anyways, who are you impressing?

Besides, if you were really smart, you'd bathe her yourself before letting her go. Trim her nails. Brush her teeth. You just raped her, might as well groom her too.

I would be an awesome rapist. You get raped, sure, but then I run you through a beauty salon to purge the evidence. Fuck it, shave their head too. Who would believe Sinead O'Connor over here that she just got raped? Her? No one would believe that in 2019, maybe 1999.


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lol good god its late.
I guess this. youtu.be/9kHdsIAR5Ls
...Honestly i would love to get down with THICC kapoo.

>she could live or die at a man's mercy
This line makes me wet

I don't like to put music on during sex


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No. There are literally gay Autobots now.

Autobots have always been gay though

Not in the purely sexual sense though.

this is the stupidest shit i have ever heard

Green eyed lady, windswept lady,
rules the night, the waves, the sand.
Green eyed lady, ocean lady
child of nature, friend of man.

>inb4 people start posting the shadbase material of her

God I hope so.

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I’m never going to have sex and I’m better than you. Deal with it.


twin fantasy

I want it to be quiet and awkward