They spend all day listening to music and don't have any other interests and they act like this is respectable. There's nothing to talk to them about and they avoid socializing so they can spend all the time just listening to music. How can anyone respect or take a person like that seriously? Their entire mind consists of nothing but listening to music, finding new music to listen to and then angrily praising their favorite music. They contribute nothing to the world. They're literally just playing all day. No experiences besides listening to music.
Why are there so many white guys who do nothing but listen to music?
i owe the world nothing. i didn't ask to be here. i will do what i enjoy.
this is me at age 32 and i'm not seeking anyone's approval and i don't bother anyone. worry about your own life
fuck you nigger
get off my music board
why are there so many fags like you who complain about everything
Pretty much me except I’ve managed to get laid/have gfs.
Every single one broke up with me though.
a philistine like you wouldn't get it
truly based
>They spend all day listening to music and don't have any other interests
Name anybody who does this. No? Just another anti-white liar.
>There's nothing to talk to them about
Consider that there's nothing to talk to YOU about and that the most intellectually expedient thing to do when you, in particular, approach is to avoid talking to you.
>They contribute nothing to the world
Le everything you do has to contribute to "the world" arguben
Literally me except I'm brown
Black people do the exact same things.
>Name anybody who does this. No? Just another anti-white liar
you came to the music board to ask why people listen to music
>fugg off
None of those people stated that they spend all day listening to music and do not have any other interests.
holy shit how is this so accurate?
>None of those people stated that they spend all day listening to music and do not have any other interests
Two of them said it's describes them:
the rest implied that. also judging by your weird denying it seems it describes you as well
oh hey i think this is me. just further confirmation that i am probably autistic
this but with schizophrenia
Where is your Nobel prize bitch
this is me and i'd probably kill myself if my current relationship falls apart, i feel like everyone around me doesn't really care about me so i fill the void with music so i can seem interesting enough to maintain friends and i don't think it works
what a gay fucking picture.
>i'm le vague mental illness man but i'm actually super hot and chicks want my dick
kinda assuming a lot, my friend.
I'm sure this is bait but whatevs.
Hate society.
What a stupid, immature attitude
*jiggles your muffin top*
sounds like you got cucked into a life you don't like because of societal expectations (mostly born of your own projection) and now you're bitter about people who enjoy themselves
>Average rymfag
Everyone listens to music. This is in no way exclusive to whites. Hell, it may be more common in Hispanics than it is in whites.
do this with Yea Forums and people who only play video games
that would make more sense than this
>that would make more sense than this
Not more. Just as much.
so, none at all. but it would be more successful bait there
Hmmm, no I think it would make more sense with video games considering young white men spend more time with video games than music.
Look at this thread, it makes a lot of sense with music listeners.
People on here are as much obsessed with music as people on Yea Forums are obsessed with video games. On Yea Forums it would be the same, except the number of posters would be bigger, since the board is more popular.
So you're ok with it happening there but not here. What a coward and hypocrite.
>except the number of posters would be bigger,
so you agree with me it would make for better bait there
>against baitposting
you have to go back
don't be like that
What exactly "doesn't make sense" to you about this? It's totally comprehensible. It also happens to be accurate. You're pretending like it's failing to even be comprehensible so that you don't feel like you have to face the accuracy of it.
and if you go on Yea Forums you could do the same with people obsessed with television and film, and if you go on /fit/ you could do the same with people obsessed with fitness, and if you go on Yea Forums you could do the same with people obsessed with anime, and if you go on Yea Forums you could do the same with people obsessed with sports, and if you go on Yea Forums you could do the same with people obsessed with literature, and if you go on /an/ you could do the same with people obsessed with animals, and if you go on /o/ you could do the same with people obsessed with cars, and if you go on /sci/ you could do the same with people obsessed with science and math, and if you go on /fa/ you could do the same with people obsessed with fashion
So anything that gets you upset is a bait? That's kind of an autistic logic, I mean it in most literal sense. There are trolls on internet, but not everything you disagree with is a bait.
And what's the point of this post? I said this already:
your feelings of entitlement and being mad that people enjoy themselves aren't accurate in any way lol
it's called the benefit of the doubt. You say something retarded, but I don't immediately assume you're being a retard unironically. seems like you are though, sad
Where's the entitlement? The fuck lol. Seems like you're panicking and just jamming words in there. You think you're entitled to respect of your safe space where you can just listen to music and escape the reality that you're a loser.
Awwww, it's lashing out.
Just trying to help you bro, think of all the young white men that are obsessed with hobbies that you could bait with your original post. If they all make equal sense I'd consider posting on there too. I'll make it easy for you to get a head start:
Again, it's autism to call any other point of view retarded.
your OP post clearly shows that you feel entitled to expect things from others to the point where you get buttmad when they don't meet those silly expectations
beautiful self-defeating statement
did this thread hurt you or are you trolling me? We don't even seem to disagree anymore since you make this kind of posts :)
And how is this self-defeating? Nowhere I called you words like retarded or bait. We just have different points of view, and it's not going to change, I suppose
>it's autism to call any other point of view retarded.
>nowhere I called you words like retarded
>it's autism to
well, I didn't call you autism for your point of view, I called you for your reasons to call me the words
Disagree? What? All I ever said was that maybe Yea Forums would make more sense but if they all make sense maybe you should spread this awesome bait everywhere, it's already working so well here.
that's some flimsy ass backpedaling
Maybe, OP was baiting, but I only expressed my honest opinions, which seems to be similar to your. There was a bit of misunderstanding on both sides :)
You may read my posts again if you need. I did't call you autism for your opinion on the topic of the thread, I did it because of your reasoning to call the words the ones who disagree with you
imagine getting so mad at being refuted and told to fuck off that you feel the need to make a redditgag meme comic about it
why so emotional? are you also one of those I quoted?
>I did it because of your reasoning to call the words the ones who disagree with you
that is also a point of view of mine, so see
I'm not emotional, unlike someone seething so hard that he went out of his way to make a rage comic ;)
I just thought it would be fun to make such a comic
then 9gag would be a better website for you
Yeah, that's modern society for you. Society is divided into atomic pieces, based on 1000 different subcultures with 1000 different dress codes and behavioral norms. And if you aren't belonging to any cool clique in high school, you are either bullied or ignored.
Hence misfits start indulging in music, because that's their "only escape", that's "reflecting my state" and all the others aren't "deep enough to understand me".
That's where music like Radiohead comes from and novels like Catcher in the Rye. And now they are in their 30s, with no marriage, let alone kids.
Isn't Liberalism and Individualism a great invention?
This was me, both text and image two years ago.
I grew up eventually, but I had to essentially put myself through rehab.
It's always someone else's fault.
>Isn't Liberalism and Individualism a great invention
Internet is more at fault.
you're ugly and people still don't like you
People on Yea Forums don't very well take to these comics (I don't either, personally, finding them unoriginal and unsophisticated), and the user to whom you replied is alleging, I assume, that you would find a better audience for these on 9gag.
Yikes dude you're transparent
Were you in a mental hospital? That's where most of these people here should be. Take away their computers and headphones and force them to face reality. Their minds are completely empty and they'd be just sitting there in silence, unable to compose thoughts or think critically, no ability to recall anything, no knowledge to even be recalled in the first place. They'd try to assess their skills and interests and find that their "skills" consist of listening to music, their life experience consists of listening to music.
consuming media and creating media benefits the capitalists equally, and so both are of equal value
Yes and I am proud of his bravery in today's intolerant world
Consuming media is not valuable. Why don't you invite a bunch of people over to live at your house and they can consume media and contribute value to you all day?
>consuming media is not valuable
Spotted the retard. You assume those in the arts just create shit out of thin air without hearing or seeing some kind of reference point?
it is valuable, and it benefits the capitalists
You're not doing something important. You are a shitter and an eater. Kill yourself
I don’t think I’d have any reason to live without vidya, music or movies. I’d have nothing to fill my time with or look forward to.
OP is a school shooter tier brainlet projecting their insecurities on other people who are similar to him but better
thats me lol
i dont have big eyes though
Of course it’s you, retard. It was made by someone like this to target people like this that come here.
I used to enjoy video games before the gaming industry became an irredeemably corrupt shithole of disgusting business practices and low standards. So now I listen to music instead.
>disgusting business practices and low standards.
if that bothered you, you're gonna have to stop consuming media full stop.
There's so much self published indie music that I honestly consider music the least corrupt of the media.
Beyond that, there's plenty of quality films made by passionate and talented directors and crews, many of which aren't Hollywood bullshit.
And nothing in either industry or even fucking comic books is remotely as disgusting to me as DLC, shipping broken unfinished games, microtransactions, censorship and westernization. I spent over 20 years of my life playing video games, I did not drop them permanently lightly. There are some things -wrong- with music and cinema, but they don't outright fucking sicken me to my very core the way modern vidya does.
Also /thread
What the FUCK
This is literally me
How can I fix this
and you're not attractive.
Things are getting real spooky here
because i enjoy music, it makes body tingle in many funny ways.
Bullseye. How did you infer this about me?
everything besides music is a waste of time tho
This hits a bit too close to home and now you’re SEETHING.
I’m going to force this pasta as hard as possible over the next few months. Get used to seeing it.
Name something more important than listening to music
You're right about white dudes thinking they are an intellectual for music knowledge, but your judgement comes from a place of having obviously been btfo by someone like this and wanting to say your getting btfo is irrelevant because the people who btfo you are actually brainlets. So, you lose credibility for me there and it ironically makes you come off as more emotionally insecure, since you tried to play it off like it doesn't bother you. tldr you got btfo and went all tryhard about it
Let people enjoy what they like, jerk. No one asked to be born in this shitty world. Music gives pleasure and it's also an escape from this dull reality.
Lots of pseudointellectuals in here today. They always come out of the woodwork when they get cut to the quick.
that explains my point perfectly, yes
You pulled off quite the Dr Phil pseudointellectual moves in there, kek. You even anticipated what you knew was coming to you and desperately tried to shore preempt any of those responses, ironically demonstrating your insecurity. Swings and misses, yes, but pretty energetic swings.
You remind me a lot of leftists trying to mimic the nuanced shitposts of conservatives, and it's very obvious that they're just going "I know you are but what am I" instead of thinking of an original or otherwise insightful point. It's obvious because your reply used many of the same words as mine, a lower resolution joke than coming up with a better or more ironic original reply.
Why do people that browse Yea Forums listen to music and discuss it here?
>implying people on Yea Forums play video games
Because you're isolating a particular demographic with no test group or comparative analysis.
me too but not a virgin
I just woke up to see how he replied to my post and OP has been here for the past 8 hours mass replying to posts, talk about being a hypocrite
I do fantasize about the life I should have
>8 hours
this is literally me
because music and language are the only things I'm good at. That's why. I'm a retard in all other areas of life. So just let me do my thing, at least I don't feel like a failure when I'm listening to/creating music.
>le vague descriptors profile
pretty much everyone daydreams. and you are on a website of primarily "white" people and on the fucking music board
these are just things that everyone feels about themselves at various times applied to a "profile" for (you)s
gr8 b8 though fag
I've had it, dubs and I commit suicide tonight