Attached: D1jGzW1U0AEqO82.jpg (2048x1366, 292K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>walk in
>see this
what do?

Attached: D1soJwUUwAAayyO.jpg (1920x1080, 232K)

she lost weight


Attached: D1vgb3zU0AAi4JH?format=png&name=orig.png (245x439, 165K)

thinking about SinB...

Attached: jimindeath2.jpg (1080x1350, 206K)

it's not bad but it's definitely one of the weaker songs on dmumt

Attached: D0GaEdiV4AMOzZy.jpg (1080x1920, 473K)

where is this from? i wanna see ahn yujin + chad interactions

Attached: 99e6a47afbe9242c2a72b878b0e91e21.gif (600x319, 2.43M)

Ask if I can see the gym equipment


Gfriend comeback when


Olivia Hye
Kang Mina

to an all-you-can-eat buffet!

Attached: 1542998393778.jpg (720x960, 98K)

>A club in Gangnam with famous celebrities as investors are revealed to have 'Elementary School Call Girls' service

*kisses screen*

Attached: D1tUm3GUcAA5rNe.jpg (1366x2048, 322K)

I found Jennie's pre-debut picture.

Attached: ClMEvCKUYAAjNh1.jpg (345x457, 37K)


drop priyanker

Attached: yujin party.jpg (1356x711, 115K)

i would only take arin, jisun, and shuhua. the rest can starve dbh


yebin though

Attached: D1jJFDAV4AEkg79.jpg (2048x1366, 581K)

Attached: hyewon (2).jpg (1000x1000, 119K)

he knows

what a progressive utopia, ahead of the times.

tfw no bacon bf

Attached: kiss.gif (500x512, 3.36M)


Which dia is this?

Attached: 1534102809985.jpg (1080x1349, 2.02M)

k-boys have better s-lines, k-girls have |-lines

Attached: 53723018_390690231721712_7733041394875490085_n.jpg (640x800, 103K)


thats minju on the right, correct?

알 듯 말 듯한 묘한 미소

Attached: 50300096_373367633452817_8814142893047539112_n.jpg (1080x1080, 75K)



wonho is a freak of nature built for one thing he doesn't count

is that him in the gif? looks different

what does this feel like

>straightpoppers will never see the whole tiddy in their lifetimes

Attached: tumblr_oq7gbneQfy1vmrtoro2_250.gif (250x260, 2.08M)

Chadyeol drives the ladies crazy

Attached: tootall.webm (640x640, 1.16M)

jenny. she's not in this comeback, allegedly injured

I saw it.

good song

Attached: kai nareul horaghae jwoyo.webm (1600x900, 2.98M)

>he doesn't know about the T-ARA incident or the Weki Meki incident

Attached: tzuyuwithpersonality.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)



why do they have kids doing security

dragonbros ww@

Attached: D1uhjAnVYAAqfMM.jpg (1365x2048, 578K)

a man of refined taste posts among us

IM getting dat bulk

Attached: 46241215_502108156974992_2989111839066520037_n.jpg (640x800, 46K)

it's from moon lovers where he wasn't allowed to have meme hair or wear a shitload of makeup so he looks a bit different. the fact that the gif is washed out as fuck doesn't help.

Attached: 28763370_557947981270482_4635157671102644224_n.jpg (1080x1215, 67K)

someone is getting fired

oh wait is that not jenny? i can't tell anymore they all look so different


tiddies broke the site

that album is flawless but I still prefer exact

Attached: luckyone.webm (1280x720, 1.79M)

Finally a fellow dragonbro

Attached: ShinRyujin.png (1280x720, 536K)

that's the shadow of his softness spilling over a little from where his torso is curling

yeah but only if you count the repackage
she's dreaming is too good

the single greatest song to ever come from K-Pop

Attached: 1552450388601.jpg (949x579, 57K)

his lips look so pouty here, they must've done a lot of takes

Attached: kisses.webm (960x720, 839K)

too bad for them he likes boys

Attached: D1ueKU5XcAA9pJW.jpg (2048x1363, 309K)

i never see her posted thank you

this image assumes time will stop moving forward

should've watched this live

Attached: 34773886691_d4c0ee0591_o.jpg (1500x1000, 331K)

wtf no chanyeol is the straightest of the bunch

Attached: 1551811329090.webm (1920x1080, 585K)

>putting the 3 members known for being thicc=er than the others at the front

thanks starship

Attached: 41885942_2222246394514739_313973413709088789_n.jpg (640x637, 71K)

>hrrrrnnggh Colonel, I'm trying to sneak around but I'm DUMMY THICK, and the clap of my ass cheeks keeps alerting the guards

Attached: 35294819_1968257156538778_6381212153537363968_n.jpg (487x487, 23K)

baekhyun is very easy to recognize desu
everyone in exo have distinct faces

Too bad only nipponese and gooks got to see this live.

what in the actual fuck am i looking at

that title probably belongs to d.o or chen

Attached: 40182639530_67402c6285_o.jpg (1401x2243, 398K)


Chanyeol definitely fucks the most

Attached: 1552451030347.jpg (700x700, 82K)


meant to post

Attached: 진8.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

which kpops are mommies

baited, this is not tzuyu

he can GET IT


Attached: 1552548148541.jpg (1138x1280, 214K)

lmao at egg

thicc-er than a bowl of oatmeal

Attached: 46262395_1977253445663043_4047816514536534584_n.jpg (640x641, 51K)

This is my stepmommy. Say something LEWD about her!

Attached: 1551277453923.webm (600x1066, 2.96M)

aoa or itzy?

i've been tryin to get into kpop. the most i can get out of it is that i wanna fuck the girls. is this how it starts? should I go deeper? or am i fucked?


i used to have trouble recognizing suho, and baekhyun can look really different sometimes but the rest are easy

Attached: D0D-4F8XcAEvmUl.jpg (618x626, 32K)

>39.1m hearts



DIA posting kinda died because of MBK

Attached: DjHKHyMVsAArph0.jpg (1152x2048, 325K)

I know Baekhyun is retarded but I do find it charming that he seems to actually have fun performing while the rest always have the same expression

Attached: g1ncl7w6sam21.jpg (1200x857, 196K)

Attached: DiojwV4U0AEngUb.jpg (1152x2048, 242K)

i think that vlive had 12mil towards the end of it when i watched it
how does she do it

we gonna get some cathy pits again right (hairy or not is fine)?

the boys are better

Attached: tumblr_pn7wbyCGZq1y5trp8o1_400.gif (268x300, 1.35M)

i thought she was like 12
but still kind of hot...
people think suho looks like every member but they probably just suck at reading faces
i also heard he was the hardest to draw since his face is pretty generic

Attached: C7xMyOsV4AANuyj.jpg (1000x1500, 175K)


Attached: D1W2HnbUcAEGV78.jpg (1600x2400, 245K)

by streaming once a year

Attached: xiusmirk.webm (950x806, 2.94M)

subs when?

Attached: o98kn8jl28m21.jpg (844x1500, 137K)

how lewd is she

i can see jisun's arm

wtf? is this shopped?

Cub Club wy@

Attached: 1537067941995.jpg (1500x1000, 923K)

they were probably told to keep a mysterious appearance and he's the only one who can't keep his shit together

that makes sense actually


will they ever top these outfits

Attached: DQXcgyLVwAAeKQb.jpg (3000x2000, 757K)

Attached: wony49.webm (640x800, 1.49M)

Attached: jisun laughing.jpg (1245x1867, 233K)

>yerin > umji
not even sinb would say that

Attached: xiujerk.webm (382x482, 657K)


pull her hair and shit

Attached: himmler_heart.webm (1920x1080, 1.07M)


Attached: 포뇨포뇨포뇨오동통통.gif (550x550, 3.57M)

xiumin mogging but any time they wear suits is good, or the unfair lives in costumes

a tongue teaser

Attached: 1542546302847.jpg (1333x2000, 266K)

¡Que tales patazas!


their gayo outfits have been pretty nice too

looks soft...

Attached: 34147887_2041627456158354_6819210642050777088_n.jpg (640x800, 76K)

>4m hearts
i hate people

handsome men and chen

this one right?
probably my favorite stage

Attached: officer egg.jpg (900x893, 208K)

Attached: Yebin wygowm dance.webm (404x720, 2.86M)

what was he thinking

He’s the ultra chad

Attached: 20b8836190417cfc6ee677587874cd15.jpg (580x1079, 78K)

>i thought she was like 12

Attached: 155374583489.jpg (1180x915, 96K)

>Baby you'll be famous after I smash that p

Attached: cc0eb6b640a98408441d33fcf22652e8[1].jpg (1000x1500, 746K)

is this sped up?

that's the one. the christmas outfits for unfair always cheer me up too

buddies did we ever get an explanation for this?

wony is not for that

Attached: wony chu.webm (1920x1080, 2.9M)

Attached: alpaca.jpg (1200x1800, 431K)

Attached: cubass.webm (660x720, 605K)

save yujin and get beaten in a pulp

Attached: 1549146192404.jpg (720x900, 60K)

Attached: chaewon wonyoung.webm (1920x1080, 2.79M)

looks like a male Doyeon kinda


Attached: D0daX4kWkAAUktD.jpg (564x705, 62K)

For any DCbros in right now, check out this twitter thread for some good highlights from their Line live

Attached: 109_Dgs1_8YVQAE7PEe.jpg (2048x1364, 322K)

imagine if this was anyone else

we don't lewd Cub m8

Attached: 1536713255552.jpg (394x529, 22K)

Attached: wony17.webm (1120x1076, 1.88M)


Attached: 1550781353223.jpg (686x1018, 83K)

for me, it's kai

Attached: ----.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

apologize profusely to doyeon

tfw don't have those pics saved because twitter won't let you go back that far in fansite accounts

Attached: 27152977988_96da9408a3_o.jpg (1200x1800, 165K)

Attached: 1552281352593.webm (390x720, 255K)

what makes her a mommy

Attached: wonypic2.png (1016x720, 1008K)


wony's laugh is really something

Attached: D00zi7ZUwAA47Sg.jpg (1366x768, 263K)

well golly gee I want to ravage her

me as sehun

this guys gets it

Attached: D1s9qqqU8AUS-Hj.jpg (720x960, 133K)

This bitch got a trillion eyelids

based I'll check these out

Attached: vG9esRXh.jpg (1024x683, 108K)

t. mentally ill

For me it is scammer

Attached: 5f9522bcd887edab1847c3a88411b6bed096d80a_hq.jpg (750x999, 67K)

I have quite a few myself

Attached: 아이즈원 안유진, 역시 교복 모델 (IZ ONE AN YU JIN,SOPA entrance.webm (1920x1080, 3M)

Attached: DBjhcUoUIAAk1cG.jpg (1363x2048, 479K)

perfect 10/10

Attached: 28150925_177566439637322_3372426729049030656_n.jpg (1080x1345, 1.32M)

is his stage name HUEing kai or just kai?

god that fucking collar

and i'll check her out...

bug in the streets

Attached: DgSW2UpU8AAHwH3.jpg (1536x2048, 653K)

twitter sucks like that

Attached: D1AK2pzWwAIn5Lq.jpg (576x676, 106K)




Attached: Dl2tPEeVsAET_Nq.jpg (1500x2250, 442K)


Who is the better visual Scammer or Ten

Attached: Ten-533x800.jpg (533x800, 43K)

Attached: 1530736771388.jpg (2000x2000, 537K)

it's all on your taste
i prefer scammer

Attached: 0000048271_001_20180816083106819.jpg (2000x1334, 406K)

i think it was uploaded on aoa's instagram. maybe even jimin's own instagram. deleted now. no story really she is just ugly as fuck lmao

Vintage Dreamcatcher

Attached: 145_DUvRwshVAAEo8R6.jpg (2048x1366, 402K)

ten is less alien looking i guess

Attached: D1v0bQ6UYAA8jHW.jpg (720x720, 191K)

Do you think Taeyong is nice or completely different when the cameras are off?
He's handsome to the point he looks intimidating

Attached: restmb_jhidxmake.jpg (650x365, 28K)


Attached: cububble.jpg (1920x1080, 681K)

Attached: AIDS.jpg (2048x1366, 302K)

i regularly blast to six of these girls

can someone photoshop dami out of this please

he's probably nice, he's still somewhat new as an idol so he should treat everyone with respect

he seems shy to me, but once a scammer always a scammer

wtf yujins voice is so deep, and she's getting dangerously close to mogging all 3 of those guys at age 15 is not fucking fair

siyeon wearing pants ofc


Attached: 1549508541010.jpg (827x1600, 207K)

post her feet

remember to pre order Twice new album or you'll catch these hands

Attached: 1540428363435.png (1920x1080, 1.96M)

Waiting for the Jihyo tapes!

lmao who the fuck punches like this

Attached: 1550347782448.webm (906x1080, 869K)

What are some chadpop bands beside Monsta X

Attached: Lucas_BOSS_photo.jpg (1500x1875, 305K)

wtf be nice to handong

i want her to punch me


Attached: D1sQunRVAAExYEr.jpg orig.jpg (1200x1800, 242K)

sua has such a fun personality for variety stuff. i like how confident and loud she is

Stray Kids

stray kids

Attached: 51940815_104371370607474_4840427650661323669_n.jpg (1080x1080, 137K)

Attached: DopGLNqUwAAF9Pi.jpg (1336x2004, 332K)

tvxq, 2pm

big bang

Our boys Bingle Tangle Sizzle

time to watch the hyewon yujin mukbang for the 2nd time today

Attached: yujin (11).jpg (1000x1000, 115K)


chad vs succboi

Attached: 36149193_1851101071670932_6343688570460438528_n.jpg (539x532, 25K)

that's just his fapping arm

forgot pic

Attached: da68c528b1fe037821423ef9ef1f0da7b63afb0edda227c6af173eeb7fd2afca.jpg (600x882, 48K)

>Dreamcatcher x Pony Canyon
are they finally making it?

why are chink dramas redubbed in chinese?
that shit is weird

hit me with the link yujinfapper

Attached: pies.jpg (500x522, 111K)

Attached: doyouseetheserocks.jpg (623x625, 45K)



Attached: 8911a4f9efa33d6b9db6fa30bed5fc8a168069df_hq.jpg (550x367, 38K)

who are they?

link it

>they modelled scammer/ten after dbsk

more like big time suckas

If their punishment was having gay sex and humiliation who would be on top

Attached: download (3).jpg (318x159, 12K)


they climbed from turbonugu to mid-tier group. that's about as good as any nugu can expect

wonho and IM

Attached: 24273927_1943706132538910_7087823076473176064_n.jpg (640x640, 52K)

seungri chad

the mukbang with hyewon?

Attached: 1551114223530.jpg (1236x403, 206K)

>open vlive
>yujin is wearing gucci and hyewon is wearing balenciaga
Imma have to close this

>JJy gets his asshole ripped by chad Seungri

Attached: 2019_03_13_67503_1552445505._large.jpg (1360x936, 208K)

Attached: D1rKWxHWwAAh0sq.jpg (683x1024, 77K)

rich kids

it's pretty much my favorite video right now
flex 2 much


when will they be top 10 this gen?

Waste of Seungri's nice butt.

both belong to hyewon, she likes fancy caps

Attached: 1552543038227.jpg (1200x1200, 114K)


post our kyungsoo

Attached: D1cpgiKWkAAD_4E.jpg (1080x1350, 202K)

Attached: DuOt3VqU8AAPz84.jpg (1500x1039, 200K)

>our kyungsoo
we want nothing to do with that normie

she just likes fancy things

Attached: DdJWAx2XUAAGkkl.jpg (750x734, 90K)

didnt see that yet but i saw hyewon and chaeyeon the one being taken down

Attached: 1541964110331.jpg (1001x1500, 174K)

>Weki Meki incident

omo @ Wonho's VPL

Attached: 46840931_125180228496770_6915761670756962939_n.jpg (640x475, 35K)

was he aware or did he know

Which gaypop makes the best music out of these three?
When is Seventeen's next comeback I need more Woozi
>NCT Dream

Attached: Woozi-1.jpg (500x631, 63K)

Miyawaki Sakura

Attached: 1550459349388.jpg (1152x2048, 323K)

who knows he is always lewd. like why would you go commando when you know youre going to be in front of the camera

Attached: 412f9b768b017d1a826eccd2358ff9adc06aa0ffr1-2048-996v2_hq.jpg (1024x498, 34K)

Attached: Dz7gRPdVsAEPB4_.jpg (2138x1283, 208K)

those guys suck (figuratively and literally). This is Monsta X territory

omo isn't he terminating his contract with sm


Attached: Dq68RfaVsAAO4nW.jpg (720x1080, 70K)

seventeen > txt > nct dream

post the pics with her nips

I see.

Attached: D1gLQEnX4AAPz2a.jpg orig.jpg (2048x1365, 270K)

Tell me why Chadpop is better than Gaypop

Attached: DEJFk6zVwAAwFs-.jpg (1024x683, 106K)

Attached: 0.jpg (538x293, 22K)

cant wait to see kekso again today

Attached: D1v-qmaVAAAfB8o.jpg:orig.jpg (1536x2048, 383K)

fake news, SM x EGG still gonna terrorize these vocalets

Attached: 1541569225952.jpg (800x1200, 110K)

no idiot

why has Hyewon dropped Sakura and started hanging out with Yena and Yujin more

It's not because chadpop music is always bad

Attached: D1RAwYcWsAAqh_v.jpg (650x776, 74K)


Attached: Jun-3-533x800.jpg (533x800, 45K)

wonho posted a semi-lewd pic

Attached: 45616344_994273544113269_3198505441418809294_n.jpg (320x320, 22K)



she tires easily of language problems


wtf she looks like that one member from ITZY

Chadpop music topics:
>fuck bitches
>get money
>be loyal to your boys
>work out
>learn philosophy and mathematics

Gaypop music topics:
>suck dick
>get fucked in the ass by a chad
>play with dildos


post the link of those joonyoung vid

What happened to Lay I don't keep up with Exo

Attached: 3a8483683b42d0a2882356e5c7d3fcab.png (540x760, 796K)

he's promoting in china and as a soloist at the moment because of political issues


Attached: D1SpHJtUwAAB1t4.jpg (2333x3499, 840K)

Is there such thing as Incelpop

Attached: ad1c326786849ccad75595a081e6d740b21552feca2d45401ca082b00da5b544.jpg (800x544, 53K)

there’s still that thaad issue going on so lay has no choice but to promote in china only

lay makes about 40% of sm's income by promoting alone in China, so he's not ever coming back

delete this

Attached: D1CitG-WoAAsbd6.jpg (1406x2048, 401K)

yeah the boyz, fucking losers lmao

>political issues
>not because he makes more money in China
you all do know him promoting in Korea is not illegal but only frowned upon right?

Attached: uglyseulgi.jpg (1080x1866, 426K)

Thats sad was Lay in the Love Shot MV?



the CCP was mad that they got the hacks kris, luhan and tao instead of lay so they had do so some politicking to keep Laygod

so thats her predebut job

Attached: 1551070646078.jpg (1363x2045, 267K)

he's still part of exo, but his parts were very minimal and he only appeared on the vivace version of dmumt's physical album

incel pop groups
>the boyz

I buy fancy things for my wife

no, he was in Tempo for a milisecond. the weird part to me was that he shot that mv with them but none of the members talked about being reunited, or released behind the scenes
lay barely talked about taking part in the song while promoting his solo overseas, maybe they're not close at all anymore and it's sad

Attached: 1.jpg (1264x843, 87K)

Attached: 1552378858755.webm (440x400, 852K)


I bet Tao is an incel
Was his time in SM really that bad? I mean necessary sacrifices have to be made if you want to be in agroup like exo
How many comebacks do you think we have until he officially leaves

Attached: Tao.jpg (1000x500, 56K)


how did we let this happen sharkbros!!!


they are, they all probably miss him but there's not much they can say or do anyway

Attached: EXO-CBX-Lay.jpg (1706x960, 140K)