The next big thing
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i wanna fuck her so bad bros
Shes already pretty big. Her body i mean, not her popularity
me too
how can people say that bigger (shapely) girls aren't the most desirable and fuckable girls on the planet? just look at her fucking thighs, imagine how soft they would feel on your cock. god. i need some of that
how can one thigh be this wide
imagine the sound it would make during doggy
muh dick, but all these new rappers sound retarded and have the exact same flow
she's ugly
Look at that spread
rt she is doe but her body is sculpted by gods
watch this video muted
this is the future
imagine if she sat on you wouldn't that hurt and suck haha
I want her to sit on my cock
What the fuck is this meme? Did I miss something?
very nice
no. people just post some random kpop starlet witht he caption "she's ugly" in response to women they think are ugly. that's all there is to the meme
if you start the music right as the light-up bikes you it matches perfectly for when the hookers are on the street
>tfw no black meme goddess who will sit on your face, smoke some weed, and then make you buy her some McDonalds.
Even the beat sounds like some wet farts. Man I need a girlfriend.
I can't get through her music videos without having to masturbate holy shit
her body.. so soft, grabbable.. imagien hwo soft in ur palm
Some guy called a kpop chick ugly, so this guy sperged out and comment on every single picture of a girl “she’s ugly” with a picture of the kpop chick. He kept doing it for a few days, really quickly responding instantly to any thread with a pic of a girl as the OP. Now he’s either slowed down or other people are doing it
i jjst noticed the armpit hair stubble in the moo video
brehs i think im in love
She doesn't do anything for me because she looks like my sister.
does she have a friend?
this bitch is so fucking ugly
her sloppy body doesn't do her any favours either
big fucking eek
I'm sure she does, I haven't spoke to her in a couple of weeks though.
ask her to hook you up
I'm horny. What's her name?
Doja Cat
ah noodle
>ywn eat up her caesar
will my penis recover?
It will never be the same
i haven't listened to doja cat since she made the Dindu Nuffin song