Is this good or just ironically good?

Is this good or just ironically good?

Attached: MacintoshPlus_FloralShoppe_Cover.png (316x316, 110K)

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its her worst album, go listen to color ocean road or neo cali

I don’t speak reddit

It's alright but there's other big vaporwave albums that blow it out of the water like I'll Try Living Like This and Eccojams.



If you're well versed in Vaporwave it's shit
If you're not well versed in Vaporwave it's shit

The music isn't very good but it pretty much encapsulates meme microgenres like vaporwave where the aesthetic of the album art takes precedence over the actual content.



It's good.

Really sincerely like Lisa frank

This was made by a man user

while there are other good vaporwave albums this is the only one that should be considered an essential listen

Attached: laserdisc visions.jpg (600x600, 215K)

The first half is better than the second but I can admire the variety

holy shit i just nostalgiad hard OP what album is this?

Joji - Pink Guy

imagine thinking this is better than blank banshee 0 or ill try living like this

side A of floral shoppe is pretty gr8 but the rest of the album is just ok. desu I'm not a huge vaporware guy tho so perhaps I am too cringe normie to understand.


Weird how the most essential vaporwave album isn't even good.

Listening to this for the first time right now. Track two and three are really good already.


glad to see somebody new getting into it
try these next

seething and obsessed

There is some good tracks, but if you listen to full album it's pretty bad

subscribe to pewdiepie

Listen to the cassette rip instead of the digital version. Better sequencing, better mix, better atmosphere/aesthetic, better tracklist although i really like the cheesy shitty CAUSE I ONLY HAVE EYES FOR YOU song

shut up faggot

Attached: 1552686530900.jpg (786x853, 162K)

>Chopped and screwed for white hipsters

>posting bowie


Just got done with it. Track 4 was a bit of wasted potential and frontloading the vocal tracks made it very asymmetrical
I will listen to these next. Is there a standout vapor album that focuses on videogames? I listened to two Equip albums yesterday

it is actually good desu

eccojams was tight, hearing those sections looped/reverbed out just really emphasizes different aspects of that track that you probably made up in your head. it's super simple shit but it's 100% definition of art via repurposing.

floral shoppe kinda takes that concept a little bit, along with the whole aesthetic surrounding eccojams and creates an actual full album-like experience- different sections and some song structure. at the time that shit was ace drug music but at this point idek anymore

This, I'll try living like this is the pinnacle of vaporwave