How can a vegan be so fucking fat?
How can a vegan be so fucking fat?
Dude eats a lot of spinach that's why he's so thicc
for you
Vegans can still eat sugar, user.
This isn't fat desu
>owns Heartwork on vinyl
>probably doesn't even own pic related
Yep, pleb filtered.
He seems to live a pretty sedentary lifestyle like a gerbil. Also, he's Sicilian... so pizza is his food of choice.
kek yes it is
How can a vegan be thicc
>tfw skeleton and can't grow muscular mass no matter how many milkshakes I take
I'm thinking of giving up and just go full twink.
Yeah but Heartwork is a more aesthetically cohesive and finished record than that jumbled chaotic mess of an LP
>he likes melodeath
is it just the angle of the photo or is his squat form fucking god awful?
>role model to the fat community
You just don't get it.
nah u
I've been listening to Carcass since ur mum was a baby
you'll get it when your balls drop kiddo
Because limiting your diet is not healthy. You're aware that a ton of junk food is "Vegan friendly" right?
imagine the smell
>nu male face
>all clothes are black like an edgy teenager
>varsity jacket (seriously?)
>skinny jeans
>white generic socks
>boots without shoelaces
honestly better than like 80% of people
Imagine if Murder Ballads, Teens of Denial and Skullgrid were your favorite albums
Kek no it isn’t
from the angle it looks like his knees are caving in
Heartwork is a buttmetal album
On a scale from "never ever" to "maybe once in passing," how many times do you think he's actually listened to Skullgrid.
t. fatty
lol you act like listening to skullgrid is like a challenge or some shit
>implying melodeath doesn't also suck
he's probably heard it a lot most likely before he started TND
looks like he's low barring, seems fine
>Varsity jacket
>all white socks
What's the problem?
what's the green album behind him?
lol do guys seriously care about sock brands?
Literally everyone ever has had a "limited diet" in one way or another, so you will have to provide further details in order to say something of substance. Also, the existence and even prevalnce of incidentally vegan junk food is irrelevant.
I don't know about him, but many vegans have high-carb diets.
Most vegans that I know/knew were always tubby because they have to eat a million carbs worth of beans and pasta to get enough protein and B12 and whatever else in their diet.
>so you will have to provide further details in order to say something of substance
>further details
I assumed the details of what is not allowed on a strictly "vegan" diet would be pretty common knowledge. You know what I mean. Of course everyone limits themseleves to some extent when it comes to food, whether it be because of cultural or financial reasons or otherwise. But obviously a Vegan diet is a significantly more limited diet than "I don't like to eat Vietnamese food". OBVIOUSLY refusing to eat any meat or animal products is far more limited than most other "normal" diets you dumb cunt. So stop playing stupid.
His shoes aren't even tied, what a fucking loser
Im finna post in /fa/ i'll be black
Removing healthy protein like chicken and tuna and replacing it with fucking oreos is unhealthy. How dense are you? Obviously, intelligent people won't fill every hole with junk food, but most people are dumb and I'm referring to the general population here.
Watch any video of him that features him cooking his "food." The protion sizes alone make up for the calories in the meat many times over.
Hi i’m Fantano and i like to larp as a woke nigger!
Found the nerd
he literally made his youtube avatar a niggered version of himself, incel
chill fuckboi armarni ass bitch
Whats this nerd mad about?
Anthony only squats like 135?
it’s 185, he just angles his vids from neck up/wearing full clothes to make himself look stronk when he’s lifting literal woman weight
Maybe he’s just warming up
whats that album with animal skull
Behold... the Artcopus is the band. Some tech-metal if thats your thing.
what's wrong with varsity jackets you fuckfag?
I think he has large bones. He's not fat, he's not totally jacked, though he is muscular, it's just that the bones are very high volume. Look at that skull.
>that stance width
>that grip width
>above parallel
>not even lmao2pl8
hm maybe its just the angle then, because when i see this picture it looks like his knees are way past his toes but i cant really tell.
Weight gain is not really about what you eat, just how many calories you intake and then expend. You can lose weight eating nothing but chocolate and potatoe chips if you eat 1500 calories a day and are semi active. Granted, you'll have other nutritional deficits but you would lose weight.
Same theory in reverse for the melon boi. He eats kale and shit but at 2200-3000 calories a day, is semi active at best and gains weight.
honestly... i'd consider it...
Looks awful to me
Fanthony Antonio is fucking jacked man, he knows how to work it.
>meme grips
>bald uggo
Vegan diet is 100% carbohydrates so it's not suprising really.
Trans fats are vegan-friendly
>squats 195 with an ultra wide westside grip
I normally don't poke fun at people for this but something about this is just especially embarassing
What kind of fucking idiot thinks vegan must be healthy? You can still load up on lots of unhealthy shit whilst still being vegan. McDickies fries are vegan (in most places) so just eating that will make you fat as well.
t. Unhealthy vegan.
i herd his b hole smells nice tho
jjus asked 4 a frien tho
Is onions fattening?
where did this meme come from? fantano is just swole
I've often wondered that myself just see that Narduwar interview to see his fat ass
Nothing wrong with lowbar as a bar position you autists or his grip width. His stance is far too wide, collapsed arches, knee valgus, heels off floor so really a great recipe to injure your knees over time.
>where did this meme come from?
From looking at him and seeing what he looks like? He has a Jason Genova sort of physique, not a bodybuilder physique or "swole". If you look like him I'd recommend dropping at least 20 pounds. Your health will improve (because you might drop into a healthy BMI) and you'll look better.
it sick it piss!
Why is that guy so popular? He is just some hipster fag, like billion other ones.
cause he's /ourguy/ and became a meme
He knows what he eats and works out
And fried man-made protein is still fattening.
Death grips apparently
Vegan doesn't mean not eating or eating less, retard.
It does. As a vegan, you are extremely limited in your choice for food. My sister was one and her refrigerator was empty all the time.
melodeath sucks
>white generic socks
Dont force bullet points.
he probably binges weekly and then cries himself to sleep on the kitchen floor
Amerifat desensitized
>fantano is just swole
hes a mix of fat and buff
He's either a bullshit vegan who "slips" and houses meatlovers pizza when he's drunk... Or he eats a ton of vegan baked goods and processed frozen food from Whole Foods. Every fat strict vegan I've ever known didn't know how to cook properly, so they would just live off of those carb bombs.
Depends on the source. Serious vegans refuse to consume white cane sugar since it's processed with bone char.
eat 3k calories a day and dont work out = fat
>bodybuilder physique
What if he likes lifting weights but not bodybuilding?
Still have your cholesterol checked though won't you?
back to effay faggot
he seems like the kind of guy that would like reek of putrefaction though. I've seen him comment on some goregrind and gorenoise albums on youtube
but owning heartwork is definitely pleb
waste of digits
says you? lol whatever dude
Razorfist is an actual fag
fantano and yms are based
post yourself
how is that fat?
So you like eating shit?
Fantano is a fag who made Yea Forums worse and yms is a furfags who wants fucking animals legal.
because people outside the supersized states of america do not look like that
i'm on nofap, stop it
>Serious vegans refuse to consume white cane sugar since it's processed with bone char.
only in 'merica
Yet they are more tolerabel than razorfist
Also Yea Forums made Yea Forums worse don't blame fantano for that