Found this old chart on my computer
i dont think that's how bell curves work
That this is ignorant of the structure of a Bell Curve adds to the hilarity.
mealfags cant into standard deviation
fantastic thread
Why that band?
Kys nerd
why is this a bell curve
I removed the Wojacks
>Metallica is two standard deviations above the mean
>Metallica is in the upper 5% for IQ
embarrassingly wrong
i fixed it for you user
also why the high iq guy is a brainlet?
the irony of this is delicious
That's not how a bell curve works, but yes, Death Angel is the patrician's choice
>Tripfag implying he is intelligent
call him by his actual label, he's a namefag. calling him a tripfag the equivalent of saying that 7th place came in last in a ten person race; sure, he sucked, but not as bad as the actual person who came in 10th place
you have average iq? you realize that iq bell curve is indicating the highest is on the right and more rare and on the left is lower iq and rare.
yes i have average IQ :(
not him but if he had put it on the right it would have been really arrogant, so I can only assume he understands how this works and didn't want to undermine himself
This is the funniest thread I've seen on Yea Forums in years
Don't be such a faggot next time you post ok
I understand how it works thats why i said:"also why the high iq guy is a brainlet?"
I'm making fun of it! in that image the most average person looks like an intelligent person
This whole thread should be the only proof we need that Yea Forums needs to get nuked.
>Retarded metalfag posts what is either brilliant bait, or proof he’s a retard
>Yea Forums calls him out for being retarded
What’s wrong with the thread? It’s based
>he doesn't know what a trip is
>that filename
stop newfag, you're embarassing yourself
slayer is the smartest band in thrash
high school dropout here
what would you change about this graph to make it an accurate representation of what this guy was trying to say?
Nah Yea Forums is fine. maybe it's you that should be nuked
Put everything except for Death Angel and megadeath to the left, put Death Angel farthest to the right, and megadeath in the middle
probably realize that the way a Gaussian type distribution probability density function works is that IQ is on a right-left scale and that the vertical axis height is just proportion of people that are at any given IQ directly below their spot on the curve
So the graph works like this:
Left to right is the level of iq, left is low iq and right is high iq
How high the graph is represents what we call the frequency. So the higher that graph is at a particular iq is, the more people have that iq. The graph ia highest in the middle meaning median iq is most common. (In a normal distribution mean, median, and mode are about equal).
In order to use this graph to meme you put the bands you like on the right, ones you dislike on the left, and bands youre indifferent towards in the middle
Put all the metal bands into his ass and delete the thread/image
Slayer is both the lowest and the highest IQ
trash metal?
more like trash metal
slayer and black sabbath are the only good popular metal bands to exist
This is the most redpilled thing ever said on this blue board
thanks kind bros.
>GMT: Monday, February 25, 2019 3:05:55.456 AM
Your time zone: Sunday, February 24, 2019 10:05:55.456 PM GMT-05:00
Relative: 19 days ago
thats not old you dumb faggot