Has anyone ever listened to buckethead entire discography?

has anyone ever listened to buckethead entire discography?

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I did up until about 2009/10 when it became virtually impossible to do so.

Picking a live setlist must be hell for him

too bad he might die soon...

Pike 13 is passable but everything else fades into noodle soup when it's primarily tech driven.
He's a worst case scenario "thought Eric Clapton was God on Earth when I was 8 so I learned how to shred".

Yes, there’s an album that is easily the greatest piece of art I’ve ever encountered. I won’t say which one though

no, but i've listened to merzbow's entire discography.
yes, i'm still sane.
yes, i'm still a virgin

If true, what’s the best and worst album?

Best: The Prosperity of Vice, The Misfortune of Virtue - Masami Akita
Worst: Merzbow vs Nordvergr/Pertikel

You've driven the Merzcar?

How does one remember how to play all those songs????

it's the bucket, man

In like 2008. Shit like soothsayer is great, same with some of the concept albums about his theme parks, the Michael Jackson tribute stuff is good too, like another user already said which is unfortunate is the shredding or technical playing starts to blend in together and get really boring

I like his music

how? he's only 49

he's almost dead

what happened to him?

have you not heard? he's on the brink

yeah it's sad :(

no, i havent heard



Fantastic interview here...

oh shit that doesnt sound good

Aw man, I hadn't heard of this. I'm gonna be really down if he passes, I haven't really listened to him in many years but I was a big fan in my teens

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