Why did metal take around 20 years to peak?
Why did metal take around 20 years to peak?
Because if this had come out in 1969, nobody would've given a shit about it
Everything happens for reason, user ;)
You mean 16 years?
You mean 19?
There's only 3 good songs on this album.
post an album then faggot or are you just a pussy?
He's obviously just a soi faggot
Fuck you, and fuck your opinions I'm mad
Did you really come in here and post atmoshit
Its the only atmoshit that matters.
>what is Burzum
You are a false, do not entry
Posting the true peak of metal. Heavy brutal parts with creative melodic bits that are also not so insecure to be soft/emotional at times. Only for real men.
>those shitty vocals
>that shitty fuzz effect
>the sameyness of Maiden albums
>that shitty second half of the album
>chug chug chug chug *unfunny joke* chug chug chug
>literally who atmoshit
low test
Didn't really claim it to be peak anything.
good bait
> gojira
> peak of anything
there's two weeks until april 1st, slow down user
Everyone was perfecting their craft
you posted the wrong album
And then basically immediately die. The mid and late 90's were the roughest period of time for metal.
fuzz is love
fuzz is life