Where were you when RYM turned into a normie shithole ?

Where were you when RYM turned into a normie shithole ?

Attached: rym.png (1044x265, 69K)

I was at home drinking brain fluid when Fred ring 'RUM is kill'. "No".
And you?

Unironically, what is RYM?

Last thing an art based subculture needs is to be welcoming of peasants.

It is necessary to have some sort of elitism and disgrain of outsiders to maintain a healthy subculture,
I've seen it happen right in front of me in my home district in Wynwood, it's not hard to grasp.
outsiders who can effortlessly join or adapt to art subcultures tend to to ruin it. They aren't tryhards.
They aren't very knowledgeable and don't have a deep desire to be so.
The nature of how the website works isn't super friendly but I don't like that rym is trying to become more frienddly and modernized with Sonemic, a shitty outdated UI is often enough to filter normies just like on this site. This types of integration are a step back

it was the first time I saw it, what do you mean turned?

Woah....heh.....fuck society am i right 4channers? *tips*

You have to go back

heh... yes... fuck them *tipback*

Literally who cares that this is a thing. Are you ok OP?

isn't RYM about to be replaced by sonemic anyway? what's the point of this?

this but unironically

FFS that's fucking awful, who paid them ?

I haven't used it, but why does anybody that isn't a teenager need 100 rating-points again? It sounds like a bunch of fucking clutter and I have never seen any respectable user complain about the five-star system.

Agreed. RYM becoming more palatable to "normies" can only be a bad thing.

i don't see the issue with adding a feature for convenience
it works w shit like youtube and bandcamp as well so its not a sponsored thing or anything

>mfw I imagine op angrily drawing on that screenshot

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rym tranny mad

don't look it up, you won't be able to enjoy music anymore without looking up the rating first.

hi chris

Attached: hiding.png (891x500, 681K)

sonemic is never happening sharifi is broke

Imagine caring about something so asanine

you realise that isn't the only new feature right?

it was 90% done few months ago

I can't imagine someone actually being so delicate as to get upset about that

>stop making it easier for someone to listen to music!!

Attached: 1541536092907.jpg (300x300, 50K)

When I found out it's the worse version in the top 40.

Attached: the story.jpg (315x313, 22K)

You're not wrong

if you're worried about keeping normies out of rym you're years too late...had a look at the top 100?

you're not wrong about the elitism thing but i sincerely doubt that streaming hotlinks (or anything for that matter) will ever take elitism away from rym. it's only in some circles on there in the first place - do you think there's just no one on rym rating radio friendly buttrock 5/5 every day? those people have been around and will continue to be

Chris thinks RYM is retarded and he lives nowhere near Wynwood or wherever that is.

This opinion is only held by the insecure and mentally weak. Anyone with any individualism and mental fortitude can use the site for the great resource and catalog tool that it is without conforming to the hivemind

There’s something wrong with you if you can’t have an unpopular opinion

There is if you have that opinion for the wrong reasons

No shit. Plasting garish colors, visual clutter, and making everything bigger and squashed together is just something I've come to expect from companies, but the new rating system is a Netflix-tier retard gimmick. It needlessly convolutes the rating system by mixing whole numbers with mixed numbers and by substituting the visual convenience of stars for some stupid fucking sphere. That, along with several other features, are pointless loads that will undoubtedly make the website not just uglier but slower for absolutely no good reason as the grand majority of those 90 extra "spheres" will never even see common use.

You're not wrong but it is far far far far far far far too late. One look at Yea Forums proves that

Yeah but that would be on you, not an indictment of the website.