Kpop general

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Wow this is so good why am I only discovering this group now where are their posters? please post some of their pictures and webms for me to enjoy I think I fell in love with them. such cute choreo and a lovely song

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Fat fingers

i want THIS!!!

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monolid slut

huekai is holding the group back

Twice was first exposed to be reddit's favorute and now they're roastie group as well lmaoo

Who's the hottest babe in all of kpop?


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RV is still the top r/kpop group by a significant margin but they seem to hate BP for some reason

>Signed up for Wiz*one official fanclub
Am I a cuck now?


>hair down
i don't like it
delet this

It looks so good

Attached: D1supOXVAAA5hFj.png (558x360, 275K)

considering izone are a temp group, mnet just cucked you out of your money, yes.

when did wheein become the most attractive mamamoo

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So will that one user who keeps losing his shit about Izone get pissed when Izone and Fromis go to every kcon this year?

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i don't know why i like listening to this it isn't even a song and i don't know korean

she always was
solar being the prettiest was always a meme

The CLCfag?

Hottest goes back and forth between Wheein and Solar based upon how slutty Solar dresses

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hana is pretty cute

did everyone forget that cub has a gf?

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Yeah I guess that's him which sucks because I actually like both groups but he makes it seem like Cheshires are a bunch of whiny shits

cub is like a humanoid tub of shit

wheein is the most conventionally (i.e generic) attractive but wheein's visuals have much more charm

even byul looks good for once

Attached: 1551370983221.webm (600x900, 2.89M)

>reddit removing all mentions of yuri being related to the burning sun scandal
explain this

All official fanclubs are one year only anyway.

post ahin's fat ass

Moon looks even more sticc than usual this comeback unfortunately.

i meant solar first obivously. sorry i'm a retard.

that's the stuff

6 7 6 0

Because she isn't. Sucks for her but until her involvement is proven, we should keep her name out of it.

She's a mods waifu.

well, she's not. it's her brother the private person.

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Blaming her for her brother being a creep doesn't seem to be fair and afaik he hasn't been formally named other than that he's cooperating with police.

>"please refrain from posting group names"
fuck reddit

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cool video
i started making videos in after effects, kpop videos inspire me, but like you need fucking 32gb of ram to run it quickly, shit's insane! i'm using 8gb of ram and it's slow af, seems stupid

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Reddit fags are in denial mode, I see. Still pretending their kwaifus aren't whores.

lyrics aren't really important in pop music
they have some great messages but mostly for the 12 yr olds with no life experience

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post yooa

>where are their posters?
right here chingu!

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So has Seungri destroyed every non disbanded 2nd generation boy group other than the SM groups and 2PM?

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did something new come out or are you retards just saying the same things over and over again

Attached: Babe.webm (708x800, 2.77M)

But muh deep BTS lyrics


have you checked if your computer is using all ram combs?
it might be using just 1 because your operating system thinks that's enough

Attached: yooa shot my heart.webm (480x852, 1.22M)


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*to run the program, I mean

>OH is banning discussion of yuri too
are the same mods on both sites?

dna is unironically a good song

this is wholesome

would you guys seriously not rape and drug hot kpop idols? would you not use hidden cameras on hot idols?

woops, meant to say dtna

i would but i wouldnt share the videos with some buffoons who would later on send their phone to a repair shop

I love Twice...and Itzy

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If say a video of Jennie did come out how would that effect BlackPink as a group? would they be finito?

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she's always been there you were just distracted by solar's giant fucking mouth
wheein --> power gap --> byulblast --> solar --> HUGE POWER GAP --> the other one

>spend years posting the same inane dribble
>a revelatory scandal occurs, and suddenly you become bored in a couple of days
major cope, m8. your waifu is a whore and this industry is a rotten corpse.


This but only Itzy

hello new fromis friend

Attached: fromis_9.jpg (2400x1592, 1023K)

i'm a gaypopper and i know my husbando is probably a hidden cammer who smashed your doped up waifu


nah. but then again, I'm not a frustrated public figure who can't get a power rush from anything else anymore.

>revelatory scandal
>seungri and a bunch of literal whos
it's getting stale

any sharkman in

Nah some people would drop her but if anything BP would get more support

hopefully jennie would become a pornstar or camgirl

what songs are better versions of other songs? for example is a better version of to me

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Post Seungri's current playlist as he watches his life fall apart around him while the chaebols get off scot free

Just because KPG doesn't give a shit about FTIsland and CNBlue and JJY doesn't mean they are literal who's. KPG is heavily zoomer so the fact this is Boomer era scandals means less people care here

fromis_9 has a flawless choreography completely overlooked by retards who judged fromis_9 based on idol school's reputation

>revelatory scandal
we all knew this shit was going on and they won't release any names other than seungri and some nugus who haven't been relevant in years.

how do i check this? in the program it says i'm using 8gb for after effects and 2gb for other programs. i've never even thought about ram before
trying to find this nugu video i watched that i thought had cool editing but can't so here's another nugu video i saw on kpopalypse

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>caring about kpop "bands"

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>Rewatched a mamamoo video
>Had JJY and Jonghyun
jeez I wonder if they’re the group that got hidden cammed

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There are a bunch of 2nd gen groups without scandals. Vixx. Infinite. 2AM.

I wouldn't say that they have flawless choreo. There are members like Jisun that have significant weaknesses as dancers but the speed in which the girls have improved from the quality shown in Idol School to the level that they had for LoveShot and the Red Light/ITNW covers has been impressive.

What I don't understand is why other groups have members that haven't improved at all since debut.

I'm kind of pissed off that in the span of two years I went from mocking boomers to being called one
I fucking liked being called a millennial and had accepted everyone always shitting on us and now its being taken away too, its bullshit.

do sharky's pits smell like seawater?? mm...

oh yeah it is

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Infinite is SM

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judging by his lyrics we already know ravi is a pervert so it wouldn't surprise me if he was also a pervert with connections

Hey there is that one user who thinks Day6 is amazing and another guy here that shills Nflying

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Do you know what size ram combs you have?
using 8 sounds like it reserved 1 if your computer is from the last 5 years or so, if your combs are 4s then it's using the likely max your computer knows how to use per program

>tfw stanned SM since day 1 and its paying off when none of my biases turned out to be rapists or rapees

I meant discography i'm tired my b

because the fromis girls are all a lot more talented than people give them credit for.
And what they might lack in talent, they make up for in hard work.
Jiheon wasn't a great singer last year, but by Love Bomb she was a very acceptable singer.

watching loser right now
did seungri become a pimp because he got cucked so he decided to take it out on all women?

go back to redd1t

my favorite ladyboy

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>thinks Day6 is amazing
they probably just want to smash young k

>ram combs
fucking what cunt

An Yujin is truly beautiful holy shit

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Vixx is sort of 2.5 gen along with EXID and EXO. 2AM was already effectively dead since they've been in hiatus even longer than f(x). Infinite is about the only other one but as the other guy said Woollim is SM owned.

She is superior JB.
I have no idea why people pick Wonyoung over her.

>jooe now mogs both of them
how did this happen


are any jyp artists involved?

She has a bright future provided she doesn't fuck it up
if the industry has taught me anything it's that she will end up broken by 18 though, look at Yeri now compared to debut or Sulli now vs debut

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Well SuJu have Kangin so I wouldn't be so certain of that but he barely seems to be mentioned at all anymore when he isn't getting DUI and beating his GF

wonyuggo looks like a 10 year old on stilts

>breaking record left and right
>rookie group, no washed up middle aged melting members
>not rapist gaypops
>not in yg
>didn’t suck dick on cam like their senior group
>not irrelevant like txt
>no 12 member trainee recycling bin group
>will certainly get a comeback soon
>didn’t kill another group just to debut
that’s right, I‘m talking about ITZY

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well, RAM whatever you wanna call these

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I don't think Exo is 2.5
DESU I think the release of Wolf signals the start of 3rd gen. SM groups have always been the generation definers

i just realized marionette is missing from spotify


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A lot of classics are missing from Spotify. They don't even have Shinee's best album or any SNSD older than The Boys

I seriously can't wait until december when izone disbands so the izoneshitters stop being complete cancer here

i cant believe changbin mogs everyone here except hyunjin

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yeah i only have 8gb of ram, strange to me because i have a new macbook
oh well, guess i'll just have to push dis baby 2 the limit

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apple music is better for kpop

Something is very wrong here...

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That's the binsual for you


post yuqi

wasn't me

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yeah it's weird. must be some rights issue for older releases.

do you guys think nako likes to be carried around?

i used to call yujin chimp before but when i really started looking at her, she just became prettier and prettier to me every time.
Holy shit where did starship get her and wony from?
I'd literally kill a man for a yujin wife.

I would agree. Jiheon has improved a lot but that's almost expected with some super young maknaes. Gyuri and Nakyung have also improved a ton. Jisun is probably the weakest in talent but her sort of unique visuals help her out and even then she's signifcantly more talented than the dead weight members of Izone

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wish she take the same path as sulli love to see her without clothes

literally nugu?

Broken by Shownu no doubt

i unironically prefer apple music to spotify

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>yujin hater is a fucking pedophile

Seungri reportedly involved in prostitution to Japanese executives

'Yuri Holdings' CEO Yoo In Suk's role in the controversial chatroom has been revealed.

According to the March 15th episode of SBS' '8 O'Clock News', Yoo In Suk, also known as actress Park Han Byul's husband, had a big role in Seungri and Jung Joon Young's illicit chatroom. It's reported he was the problem solver of the group as he took care of matters when chatroom members, such as Seungri, Jung Joon Young, and former F.T. Island member Jonghun, ran into trouble with the law, and the chatroom members are said to have called him "CEO Yoo." He's speculated to have helped Jonghun cover up his DUI in 2016. Yoo In Suk is alleged to have given out multiple instructions to "prepare women" for a Christmas party in 2015, stating, "We're the ones who'll re-create 'The Great Gatsby' movie. Let's call all the girls we know that day. To the point there aren't any girls left in the clubs."

Yoo In Suk told SBS reporters, "The chatroom contents were exaggerated because my younger friends wanted to show off. It's not true." However, he told a different story when he confessed to contacting a police superintendent during questioning by the police on March 14.

Seungri has also made the news for allegedly procuring escorts for overseas executives. On March 15, Channel A's 'News A' revealed Seungri provided illegal services to higher-ups of Japanese construction company K when they arrived in South Korea at the club 'Burning Sun' as well as overseas in Japan, and there are multiple photos of the him and the executives on social media. However, Seungri reportedly told police they were just friends, and he was not involved in prostitution. Both Seungri and Jung Joon Young are alleged to have taken women to Japan for the purpose of prostitution as well.

Stay tuned for updates.

>getting mogged
don't think so buddy

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i guess but spotify is more convenient since it doesn't count against my mobile data.

you need 16gbs of ram minimum to not fry your system while rendering videos
32gb is if you're going professional level video editing/heavy rendering

Hey dipshits, this is your "monster rookie", you faggots don't deserve to breathe to be honest and IZ*ONE is a cancer to the industry and so are most of you apologists that allow a group to artificially be successful. Just because they sell slightly above average in Japan doesn't mean shit, I hope all of you would kill yourselves and do kpg a favor

Article: Blackpink -> IZONE -> ITZY... 5 qualities for K-pop 'monster rookies'

Source: SPOTV News via Nate

1. [+832, -162] How can you put IZONE in this ㅋㅋ CJ needs to wake up.

2. [+734, -167] IZONE is a monster rookie? They flopped in Korea and are promoting in Japan only. How are they a monster rookie? They're doing worse than IOI, they're at the level of Fromis 9.

3. [+559, -37] There's only one quality for monster rookies. Big agency.

4. [+31, -15] IZONE flopped in Korea, what a nonsense. They don't appear on Korean broadcast at all and are in Japan ㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+31, -13] I don't agree with IZONE.

fuck, i wasn't prepared
do you use after effects?

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been telling you guys changbin has been secretly kinda hot all along

how about i RAM my dick in you're ass f*cking nerds lmao

I bet Jisun has other valuable talents

Izone's exclusive is 2.5 years so they have 2 years remaining. It just depends on how much they focus on those sweet Japanese Bux since they can crank out songs like STI easily


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if seungri was pimping out Korean women to be drugged and raped by Japs, he's fucking done in Korea.
They might even in kill him in jail for that.
What an idiot.
im not a yujin hater. yujin was genuinely unattractive to me when izone first debuted, but I never hated her, just thought she wasn't pretty.
My opinion on her looks changed 180 though.

do it faggot

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do not post toddlers here

I can't believe I used to think Wolf was a meme song, this fucking bangs

yall niggas is gay

TxT btfo’d Itzy in physicals tho

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ram some RAM up your dickhole instead peepee boy

some gooks are mad because of Izone's jap members
Izone sold over 200k copies in Korea in about a month

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will there ever be a kpop song more internationally famous than gangnam style?

his jawline is crazy

Nako probably rides Yujin in a harness like master blaster

macbooks have slots for up to 32 total since 2011, dunno why they sell 8s.

Sales are irrelevant
GOT7 sells 300k in a week and look how relevant they are you delusional faggot

I don't care about either group but you really can't compare physicals when it comes to boy bands and girl groups
boy bands have legions of teenage girls across the world willing to emotionally abuse their parents into buying multiple copies of albums whereas girl groups just have uncles

its a joke because Itzy has no physical you genius

>Hyebin vs Yebin
My body can't handle this

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Was this song written about Seungri

>giant nako

banger, bang central

Amazing how Twiceshitters always talk about Twice's physical sales but the second Izone sells like crazy they don't matter anymore.

Saves kpop

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that would honestly be cute
I want to give nako piggyback rides

damn JooE could get it

I'd feel embarrassed if Itzy mattered enough for me to care, make this joke again in a few years once they finally have their TT/Gee

Because unlike IZ*ONE Twice can actually chart in the top 100, and actually chart #1

itzy had no physicals to sell you dumb faggot
>2nd or 3rd best selling girl group in Korea last year, with only a month of sales
>stays high in the charts the entire time
>that nb post isn't a bunch of nationalistic gooks being mad about a group with high profile japs being successful
if you can't see that they're being disingenuous because you're assblasted by a rookie temp group shitting on your group then idk what to tell you

the dual climax in that song has always been god tier

hell yea oinkersqt can get it


yeah i should have sprang for a higher-end model with more RAM, can't even upgrade, fuck
but what it is wit this video i'm rendering now is usually i render at quarter quality, but this one i'm rendering at full-quality... taking a lot longer and making my program slower... i'm an idiot, that's what it is.
wish i made videos for qt nugus in sk

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what if seungri starts singing bigbang songs like this in court to sway the judge/jury?

they need to save themselves from mbk first

Until there is a meme viral hit like that again then no. Maybe if there is a collab between a massive wpop artist.

wow i didn't recognize them

>inb4 he doubles down on everyone else being retards instead of realizing he made a retarded joke

>they're so beautiful
i'm crying right now

Attached: frog cry.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

no but after effects is probably the most forgiving on low ram systems
don't try using stuff like sony vegas though or your computer might explode

i don't think i'll be able to fight against my hyebin urges this time

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TxT is also what white men really want

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>sing more than 2 lines in a BB song

this is why we're going extinct

why do idols look so weird when they cry

Attached: dubu_Cry.webm (560x989, 2.93M)

why does this look exactly like the momoland teasers but in purple instead of yellow

white male can confirm

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mass streaming ruins that since it makes some songs seem more popular than they really are
damn moonbyul sure isn't used to skirts, flashing up panties like that
i want to fvck jvcki wai so bad

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full quality takes time on proper desktop as well, you'll just have to let it run somewhere cool and post on the phone or something.

nature finds a way, I will impregnate huekai

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1. its hard to look normal when you're stressed
2. they're trained to fake it for aegyo points, you can actually see her straining to get more tears out

Attached: 1552658407930.webm (858x800, 2.43M)

she hates skirts and showing skin, the coordi probably had to bully her into it

stop posting this
its fake and its also super disrespectful to our girl


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Imagine being pressed about Izone's success.

Sakura stay winning

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there's only 1 jvkishitter in these threads and none of the the khh posters listen to or like her

>no but after effects is probably the most forgiving on low ram systems
that's good to know
my last macbook i used until the screen burnt out and it basically lit on fire from overheating lmao
will try to take it easier on this one

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This song was always super underrated imo

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takeaways from this thread:
laptopniggers btfo this is why you spend money on a powerhouse desktop and get a netbook for typing notes lmao "i can't upgrade the computer i purchased" -- callsign of a fucking retard

do female idols ever wet their panties when they see or perform with male idols?

leader soobin will corrupt the white kid until all he craves is kimchi

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if you call sucking old asian cock to get on tv success, sure

jooe is actually starting to look good wtf

old and plastic

is that hong ki next to sakura?

but what if you travel for your job

>she makes trap because she wants to fvck rappers
it all makes sense now... just when i thought i was falling in love too TT

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takeaway from this post:
user is a loser nerd who doesn't travel or a retard who doesn't mind dragging his desktop everywhere

>it's the one anti-jvcki poster who believed noel prostitution scandal was related to her

Hoot is nice, but Paparazzi will always be the superior and more recognized song from that era

SooKai is already confirmed
but the both prefer white males


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this scandal is making me revisit a lot of second gen groups and its kind of insane how the production is so much more stripped down than it is now but somehow more impactful
b sides are also worth listening to a lot more often too

what if Seungri's hookers were all foreigners in Korea?
like Russian students and Amerithots looking for a quick buck.

>not having enough liquid income to upgrade to the newest gaming laptop every year
poorfagnugushitter detected

>she makes trap because she wants to fvck rappers
Nah, that's Swervy who's literally fucking SUI
Jvcki just has sex with everybody.

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I use my laptop for one game of fortnite then throw it away to buy a new one because fortnite is a normie game and I don't want that trash on my laptop

most beautiful asian.

>can't understand how to stick RAM into a slot (a.k.a adult leggos)
>you're just POOR
every time

buy (read: build) a desktop that meets respectable bench marks in current gen technology that you can upgrade for your daily use
and get a decent enough notebook for when you have to travel, but aren't travelling long enough to warrant packing your desktop

That's IU though
Irene is a really pretty though, like an improved Taeyeon who hopefully won't backstab her group for solo success.

kim yeri yerimjob yerim

they understood that sometimes less is more

Attached: (1280x853, 1.4M)

>improved Taeyeon
>cant sing
>looks 10 years older than she really is
>has a garbage tier personality

Flower Power > Paparazzi but Girls & Peace is golden overall

>ywn listen to Taras first album for the first time again

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I planned on building a gaming rig after college but then I realized all the games I like are either console exclusive or run perfectly fine on my laptop so it just seems like kind of a waste.

Maybe one day though if I get more into music production

Attached: [V LIVE] 아이즈원 배 탁구대회🏓.webm (498x664, 2.95M)

i'd slam yeri's fat but young and unblemished ass (no offence)

is this /g/ or some shit?
no one cares you fucking retards



Irene and Taeyeon have zero overlap in roles other than leader

did he get his wish?

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how is a granny group's promo song better than most modern girl group's comebacks

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>Ultra Legend Shownu
>209 mins

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>cathy with yeji ponytail

imo flower power gets mogged by diamond and animal
but Karma Butterfly is Soshi's single best jp release

Irene is a nice girl don't let Twitter roasties deceive you. Her only issue is mild autism and a most likely abusive background

so i can look at you from inside as well

300 IQ play: buy a desktop with fuckton of processing power, set up remote access with laptop and leave it on.
Now you can edit anywhere with mild input delay but fast rendering

yep. he recorded it too

>but Karma Butterfly is Soshi's single best jp release

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Article: 'Sex video' assumed to be Jung Joon Young gets spread... Abusing the anonymity of iPhone's airdrop

Source: MBN via Nate

1. [+717, -20] So it ends up circulating. Poor victims. Those who are searching for the video are the same as Jung Joon Young.

2. [+594, -9] Whether the video is really Jung Joon Young's or not, are they out of their mind? I'm scared that people around me are hiding and searching for the video, too...

3. [+448, -13] So many insane trashes.

4. [+59, -4] Horny trashes, a woman who's in his video begged the journalists to save her. You're psychopaths for watching it.

5. [+52, -6] Korean men give me goosebumps.

Someone post the webm

literally who?
damn she sucks
>jvcki just has sex with everybody.

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because soshi make the best promo videos

>sex tape finally gets leaked

this is kp/gee/

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whos the woman??

this guy is thinking

fucking die
you’re contributing to ruining this woman’s life

the video has been #1 on almost every kpron site for the past week and a half
are they only now finding out about this or?

Karma Butterfly is amazing but Mr. Taxi, Great Escape and Time Machine are in the same tier

twice jihyo aka mommy btfo

share some links

Karma butterfly mogs all
Lips is a close second though

finally someone with good taste
post more ateez next thread friend

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post code

what do you like about Mr. Taxi?

we're all on computers connected by the internet discussing music and videos made with computers while sharing digital photographs edited with computers... it's relevant just sort of meta

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kill yourself



nah irene is still top asian.

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what i want to know is what kind of futuristic hellscape "observed but never understood humans" AI made the concept of korean pizza

kys normie