>fires their drummer/founding member of the band that was with them for 20+ years over EMAIL >"guys...don't worry...the truth will come out soon..." >never speak about it in anything more than vague statements almost 5 years later >Jew another "brother" who was with the band for 20+ years as well out of monetary compensation they deserved >"guys...don't worry....the truth will come out soon...."
Is there a bigger, backstabbing douchebag in the music industry than this faggot right here? At this point Slipknot should just call it quits. This guy and Clown are massive egomaniacs who are destroying the band and hardly making any good music along the way
Ultimate cringe, he lost points for me forever on that. I couldn’t handle seeing Johnny derps face every time I jack off, I’d rather die
Hunter Scott
They fired Jordison because they were jealous that he was getting a lot of attention from fans, fangirls, and review publications often calling him the only talented member of the band
Cameron Peterson
don't forget >won't let the new guys wear unique masks >went on record saying he won't acknowledge them as real members of the band, ever
Gabriel Jackson
I remember reading they had the same masks to start off and once their "trial" time is up they'd be able to customize and have their own personality in the masks. Jay started painting his, not sure if Vman did anything with his, but I'm sure they'll have unique masks for the upcoming album.
>Everybody asks, 'Are they in the band?' And I keep telling [them] this: they're with the band; they're with us right now. That's because you're not given anything in this band — you earn everything in this band. So, you know, we'll see what happens in the next couple of years." That was Corey in 2015, I'm pretty sure the guys have earned their place in the band by now though.
Jack Cook
That's the wrong guy, the who beats the keg is one of the guys being sued....
Not even him but >the other guy who hits a thing with another thing
Jose Hughes
>you earn everything in this band Except Joey apparently.
Corey stopped being interesting after Iowa, and Joey was the best part of the band for the remainder of his time. The rest of the band is so replaceable it's not even funny. The reason people liked Joey is because he was actually semi-talented and didn't act like a gigantic faggot every time he spoke like Corey and Shawn did/do.
Wyatt Green
Unfortunately, Joey's track record isn't completely clean, he does lose cool points with me for this band ever existing
If Joey is so talented and wise, how come his post-Slipknot career is a big giant nothing?
Grayson Flores
I mean, I don't like the Murderdolls at all. But I'm pretty sure it's all supposed to be tongue-in-cheek shit. So I don't look at it like it's a serious musical endeavor. It just seems like a bunch of friends making their idea of trashy fun music.
That said, I don't like Joey's new band either; and that's an actual serious project. Soooooo
Jace Peterson
Nathan Evans
dude on the bottom left is a child molester, and a libertarian. lol
Samuel Moore
For the same reason most members of prominent bands never see the same amount of fame. Look at Pantera, Pink Floyd, Van Halen, Tool, etc.
I think the only person who really has a argument of exceeding popularity is Dave Mustaine. Megadeth is more popular now than Metallica was when he was kicked out.
Christian Hall
Nah its actually because he had some sickness and wasnt able to perform
Juan Bennett
Shit. Foo Fighters as well.
Apparently, people named Dave have a leg up on the competition.
Hudson Campbell
Way better than Slipknot.
Ayden Perry
Everyone in Slipknot hate each other,so I'm not even surprised.
>implying Sid isn't the poster child for addiction
Ayden Jenkins
>it's all supposed to be tongue-in-cheek Wednesday 13 seems like the type to actually believe his own bullshit
Eli Smith
>believe his own bullshit
I don't know what kind of music he's doing these days, but last I heard from him like 15 years ago it was all like OOO YEAH BABY I WANT TO KILL MYSELF AND HAVE SEX WITH A SKELETON so I don't know what it is he's supposed to take seriously
Thomas Collins
>Corey stopped being interesting after Iowa I think Corey has written good lyrics and put out good vocals even after Iowa. Vol. 3 is a bit of a miss with his vocal performance, but I think AHIG and .5 were great.
>Joey was the best part of the band for the remainder of his time Joey was a big part of the band's sound for sure, and that changed alot when they switched over to Jay. Still I always thought Joeys style of drumming was maybe a bit all over the place, and that worked really well with S/T and Iowa, but I find Jays drumming on .5 much more suitable for the band's music than Joey's drumming on vol. 3 and AHIG. I guess that's just personal preference.
>The rest of the band is so replaceable it's not even funny Jim can never be replaced, I mean if they do it's pretty much over. He does a lot of the writing and his style of playing is pretty distinctive
Bentley Edwards
>jim can never be replaced No you dont get it. They are all literally the most replaceable members of any band ever. Different guy in a mask. Boom. Replaced. T b h you probably wouldn't even notice. And they've had fill ins wear the outfits live before and nobody noticed ever.
Grayson Wood
Yeah well I guess they could do it and move on, as if nothing happened, but I think Jim is the one member who's departure would really affect the sound, besides corey of course. But I have no doubt kicking Sid, Chris, Shawn, Craig, Mick, Jay or Vman would make that much of a difference.
Ryder Ramirez
Idk, jim was kicked out of stone sour and they sound exactly the same still
Jason Wood
Dunno, never been the biggest stone sour fan, so can't really comment on that. What I definitely can say is that the singles from their most recent album were trash, didn't bother to listen to the whole album.