
3x3 4x4 5x5 thread

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Goodevening here's my week
+second best dg album
but thats all i've heard

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lazy week, looking for dem recs as always
++ DG and Prodigy
++ DG and Leonard Cohen

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+Type O Negative

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Haven’t had time for music lately, but there’s some new stuff.
+++Thundercat, Coltrane, Drake, Slowdive, etc. Good taste man.
Metallic chart.

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based Purple Haze

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stop using Yea Forums oldfag we zoomer now

Yea Forums is my life

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have sex

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Oh yeah why didn't I think of that?

been meaning to listen to that D'Angelo album
rec: Uyama Hiroto - Freeform Jazz

lol always the same peeps on these threads but kinda cool sorta

+Kate Bush, GYBE, Death grips, Death
good shit mofo

how do you listen to this much metal
i love metal but like more than a lil bit a day is too much for me

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didnt know michael cera had an album, gonna check that out lmao

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>lol always the same peeps on these threads but kinda cool sorta

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fushitsusha is shit, not even close to LRD
but the last track from Pathétique feels somewhat good

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rofl u yellin at ppl with this image i love it

i won't spoil it for ya but it's worth a listen if you appreciate his work in general, i love his movies

nice chart also dude damn, if you don't mind here's some recs if you want em:
Mojave 3 - Excuses for Travellers (three members of slowdive)
Red House Painters - Old Ramon
海NET - Memory Book

cool junk here too =]


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enbilulugugal - Noizemongers for GoatSerpent

sex is gay

true and I hate it

radio.string.quartet.vienna - Posting Joe

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Hell yeah, Yes.

I like Kanye

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vintage meme

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boomer lesbian aunt
boomer gay uncle

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where should I start with Elvis Costello?+KC, Duke, Coltrane, Miles, DG
~Neu, Satie
+Joy Division, Carti, Neil Young, Danny Brown, Beach House, Nxworries, 2814
~Tribe, Vince, Dilla
based chart

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>where should I start with Elvis Costello
lmaooo i asked him that yesterday he said chronologically

tf happened to the thread boku just posted

lol yeah, i was boutta say

+++ Revolver, Toe

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