I’m huge into classic rock
What songs should I drop acid to
I’m huge into classic rock
Samuel Hernandez
Dominic Nguyen
Lou Reed - Metal Machine Music, pt. 3
Luke Kelly
Colton Lewis
What the literally fuck is this shit
That’s not rock nigga
Robert Diaz
It’s among the greatest rock pieces ever composed.
William Edwards
>make noises
>oh em gee it’s the best
Brody Wood
There is literally nothing better for a person like yourself than this piece of music on acid.
The Mothers of Invention - Were only in it for the money (1968)
Adrian Myers
Fucking love frank zappa absolute genius
Adam Hill
Why is everyone so gay for Bowie Reed and Nick Drake here
Is it because they are all incels like you
Christopher Lewis
>Bowie was an incel
U wot m8?