What the fuck is wrong with metalheads? How did a childish genre create a legion of elitist dickheads?

What the fuck is wrong with metalheads? How did a childish genre create a legion of elitist dickheads?

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s e e t h i n g

childish music attracts childish personalities

Butthurted you pussy lmao no wonder why you can't get into metal.

I love metal but the general is full of elitist man children yeah

Holy cringola OP don't tell me you're really buttblasted enough by one post that you make a whole thread about it

I love deafheaven
Metalheads btfo

They destroy their own power supply by throwing enemies and electricity blasts at them.

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When I was 17 I thought metal was cringe-tier faggotry, with skellingtons and songs about Satan and shit, but now I'm twice that age I think it's fucking sweet and I won't listen to anything without at least one (1) muscular barbarian or demon on the cover.

>and I won't listen to anything without at least one (1) muscular barbarian or demon on the cover.

Cause metal fans genuinely have a passion for music and don't want the genre to turn into a fashion statement, unlike rap fans who only like it because its popular and pretend to enjoy the same triplet flow and try to act like depressed gangstas from Compton while being skinny kids from upper-middle class families.

A thread died for this


he's right you know though. If you don't get it, you never will

That post is right, though. Metal is not an acquired taste. You either get it instantly or you don't. And it's not elitism to say that certain music is not metal. This is also based on the feeling one gets from the music. If it doesn't have a metal feel, it's simply not metal, so it shouldn't be taken as a put-down or an insult. Dopesmoker feels like hardrock, and Deafhaven feels like shoegaze, so they aren't considered metal.

But metal was an acquired taste for most metalheads

You and your deceive are stupid.

I think Deafheaven and Dopesmoker feel like metal. How are we to resolve this dispute"

Eh, Dopesmoker has an issue where it kind of transcends metal but is still classified as metal.

Om as a a band has that issue too

Highest intelligence
>Avant Garde
>Prog rock
>Hip hop
Lowest intelligence

You've just outed yourself as a low-test girly man.

>hip hop
>higher intelligence than rock and metal

Writing childish and shallow poetry over stolen music is for brianlets.


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There's nothing wrong with elitism. Problem is that some people decide to be elitists over low quality stuff, like modern Yea Forumscore.

This is where we have a little flamewar, of course.
Seriously, though, there is such a thing as a metal "groove", that is very different from the bluesier hard rock, or whatever post-punk feels like. And most metalheads can tell the difference immediately. And since most metalheads can't stand punk, whenever it crops up, that music is simply labeled as 'not metal', which is misinterpreted as 'not good enough to be metal'.

>avant garde
maybe the artists, certainly not the fans

>pop higher than rock metal and trap
>punk higher than country
>jazz at the top

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>There's nothing wrong with elitism
There's everything wrong with it though

i respect the man who is honest unlike half of Yea Forums

It's a good thing in sciences. Assuming they keep the elitism at knowledge and outstanding practice.

it's been 6 years since this album came out and it's still causing the same old shitstorms

There are actually good pop albums like Thriller and Songs for the Big Chair. Trap is low quality and low effort, same trip let mumble flow on every song and the beats can literally be made in ten minutes. I have a DJ friend that scam trap kids by shitting out trap beats and selling them to said kids.

Metal is such a giant genre that there is something in it that you will "get". Also, metalheads are elitist because they're mostly insecure about what people think of them. Lots of people would call me a faggot or a pussy for the metal I like but that's just how it goes.

what part of niggers talking about fucking and partying appeals to you?

makes sense


"racist" is a word invented by a genocidal communist jew and is just code for "white".

>Tfw hate liberals and niggers and faggots but also hate metal

You don't even know what I listen to though.

>le jew bogeyman

Kill yourself.

But it's true, you faggot kike

high IQ and Emotional Intelligence

>Avant Garde
not a genre

>Prog rock
high IQ, low EI

low IQ, high EI

>Hip hop
low IQ, low EI

basically an animal

>t. Wants easy solutions to difficult problems

>short hair

Do cradle of filth still make songs?

These lists only make sense if a person only listens to one genre. I listen to prog and I also listen to jazz and classical, and every once in a while I turn on some blackalicious and enjoy my hip hop. Where does that put me on the autist spectrum?

all music is stolen

t. "very high t" power metal enthusiast
showered today?

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He's right, kid. You children are looking for that cool and fresh "taste", a certain "spice" you like so much. Metal is different. It's a different world. Just quit it.

>i can go from this to that
typical brainlet

ok im curious, wtf do you listen to?


that’s all you listen to?

Music is meant for everyone. You have these "special" spaces just for you.


i know you're baiting user

Yes, after a run and gym session. What about you, coward? You are afraid of life. You are afraid of yourself.

you are alone in that practice i can assure you

No, no, no, no. Everyone can listen to whatever they want. No one can force to listen or not listen to something. Music is for everyone in that sense, yes.

I'm saying you don't like metal because it doesn't have that "novelty flavour" you are used to. That's why you find it alien, and hard to understand, so you say it's "uncool" music.

Half of these posts are just trolling OP at this point.

>there a daily posts like this everyday in almost every thread

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this, I only listen to mid-late era Coltrane nowadays

Not even the most elitist genre right there
Lurk at jazz and classical threads for real elitism

I am better than you in every way. Please inflate your many, many ts with some metal, wouldnt want it to hurt too much.

>some faggot is annoying
>therefore the whole fanbase is full of retards
>therefore the genre is shit
Nice logic there shitlord

Have you ever been to /metal/?

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*listens to mumble rap*

Depends on the metal really. Saw Sleep back in december and it was mostly older chill people just having a good time. I can only imagine what no d of people go see some shit band like Periphery.

Yeah, I bet you got Demilich and Gorguts immediately.

Imagine dressing like this as an adult and thinking that it's okay to pose in your grandmothers rural backyard

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sorry but sleep are great and full of soul mate

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Not better at fucking ur mom, faget.

*slows down black sabbath riff*
yeah really great band


Saying Dopesmoker is shit is objectively wrong.

Saying Deafheaven is shit is objectively right.

I remember when I was 21 and thought I was cool too

It's a music genre based on mostly anger and angst, and sometimes gay dragons and skeletons, go figure that its fanbase would be angry overgrown teenagers

Not any good ones


I like heavy metal :)
