>2010: Kanye West - My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
>2011: Death Grips - Exmilitary
>2012: Lana Del Rey - Born To Die
>2013: Daft Punk - Random Access Memories
>2014: Iggy Azalea - The New Classic
>2015: Carly Rae Jepsen - Emotion
>2016: Ariana Grande - Dangerous Woman
>2017: Future - HNDRX
>2018: Travis Scott - Astroworld
>2019 (so far): Kevin and the Bikes - Dorkcore 101
Best albums per year 2010-2019
I’ll stop posting it when people start actually discussing the music and their choices instead of just calling it “bait” or “trolling”
DS2 was 2015 aoty
mac milar
based terrible taste poster
is it me or iggy really sounds like an ostrich?
Based yet bluepilled
Based and redpilled
t. OP
zenjin pseudoscorpion i feel like im dying of a fever jesus fucj
Where’s Iggy Azalea’s 2014 album The New Classic? That’s endurance-core
There are only two (2) good albums here
Whoops, I forgot to mention which ones they were lmao. 2014 and 2016 are the only years with good picks OP, the rest are garbage
>Dorkcore 101
OP here. Mistyped these. Should be 2013 and 2015.
>2018: Behemoth - I Loved You at Your Darkest
>2017: Godflesh - Post Self
>2016: Oathbreaker - Rheia
>2015: The Libertines - Anthems for Doomed Youth
>2014: Panopticon - Roads to the North
>2013: Jaimeo Brown - Transcendence
>2012: Wovenhand - The Laughing Stalk
>2011: EMA - Past Life Martyred Saints
>2010: The Ex - Catch My Shoe
the fuck is criteria for those picks even? Certainly not art value nor best selling. Albums that u felt sounded good or what? lol
>Has Death Grips, Iggy Azalea, and Future in a thread about best albums
Goddamn you're retarded
Iggy was so sexy for a moment in her prime.
She still is
I haven't seen her lately. I'm sure she could still make my cock jump.
She did a photo shoot recently
Those are old my nigger
That EMA album is good
venetian snares, mark e smith and gerogerigegege are great records
roll fuck it