Kpop general

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kai doesn't look asian at all

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a little

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why did this highlight guy confess? he wasn't even exposed yet lmao now his career is over

gwsn just rolled right in and took a huge dump on cherry bullet huh




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he was literally in the conversations dude
dude had nothing to gain by lying

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some of them have two channels like chungha and monsta x

he probably felt it was inevitable as they revealed and dug more. so he might as well get it over with


best twinks

>tfw the first time I got drunk I danced the way home listening to b2st
another kpop memory ruined
this scandal is really fucking me up

so what is sorn's favorite slayer song?

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In the United States, for something to be considered slander, it must not only be proven a falsehood, but the prosecution must also prove that the defendant knew it was a falsehood, deliberately spread it, and incurred substantial damage to the reputation of the prosecuting party.

So slander is almost never successfully prosecuted here. Sandy Hook was a hoax, all the so-called 'victims' are paid crisis actors, Hillary Clinton is a demon from Hell and eats live children, Donald Trump had prostitutes piss on him. All of these things are perfectly legal to publicly say even without the slightest shred of proof.

If JYP tried that 'dey wrote meen things abt Twice in le comments section :(' shit here the case would be dismissed with prejudice.

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why do you keep posting this guy?

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the michael jackson shit already ruined my mood enough this year
i can't even enjoy good music anymore

there is no way yeojin doesn't have fuckable pits

zico is next

We're reaching levels of effeminacy that shouldn't be possible.

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tfw clc is the sexiest group in kpop now

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Alligator only has 1.4 million views on 1thek... barely matters

what the heck stop laughing at yuki

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Top is suspicous too.


great vlive

reign in blood

if you like the music just listen to it who cares if he raped 400 kids
this gaybop will never be the same...

Did she really get hidden cammed in your opinion kpg? If not, why target her specifically when there are more popular members in twice that will cause an even bigger shitstorm?

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What did Yeji mean by this

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who's sexier? pristin isn't around anymore

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but she's really funny

funny looking

those are all true things though

el ayuwoki....

we've had a million hip-hop groups over the years, when is there going to be a grime group? they can do radio sets on vlive and everything

BigHit has directed their morbidly obese roastie slaves to spam their newest shitty gaypop on all corners of the Internet. As you can see, they're complying.

I see what you mean. One of my coworkers is doing a defamation lawsuit right now. He was accused of raping two chicks, but he kept the messages on his phone as evidence they were down for it. So now he is suing the police for putting up his mugshot on the news for everyone to see. Idk if he will win though, and I guess defamation is a bit different than slander.

in a good way tho

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yes she did.
jyp is in full damage control mode and it’s time for us to drop twice now

not really saying much since there arent many sexy kpop groups around anymore

delete this retard


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I set up Tweetdeck and now I can completely and obsessively be updated about my favorite group on twitter this is wack

Am I going in too deep

she definitely did, but I wouldn't wait for the actual footage, it'll remain a rumor


Why does she keep doing it

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kpop peaked in 2014

Rumor Rumor Rumor
Gossip Gossip Gossip

3racha was the closest we‘ll ever get to kgrime

beast/highlight and big bang fans furiously editing out Seungri and Junhyung from the group's songs with angry tears in their eyes
YG and whoever the CEO of highlight is drinking their days away

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i believe it's just as likely that rumors are from people who know than it is that someone's just making random shit up outta nowhere

on twice's airport video from the other day, she looked a wee bit discombobulated i thought. my gut tells me it's true

How small is her head?

i care because of personal and moral reasons, but if you don't good for you

saturday group is so good

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yeji is red pilled on the jewish question

Notice how only Yeji uses her right arm

your waifu got Seungri'd


its normal sized of course

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maybe a bside but I dont see a group committing


i know someone else who i think was cammed; laboum's solbin

>candy raped leader

me when it's gaypop time

Proof that so-called 'stans' don't really love their idols. They throw them away like gutter trash at the slightest sign of imperfection. Pieces of shit.

sad but true

cmon gimme a real answer

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how the FUCK
is that funny

word. mmook jji bba and wifi are both GREAT songs. if they released physicals for them i'd definitely buy em.

and yuki is cute

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just have seungri and whats his face apologize

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where's the source on jihyo?

jin would never he's a good guy


kpop peaked in 1994

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Article: Yong Junhyung reps, "It's true that he watched Jung Jun Young's hidden cameras, he will be leaving Highlight" (official)

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+1,190, -5] So many careers are being sent to the grave through this scandal ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+1,088, -6] All these lies don't even last two days...

3. [+1,078, -8] But you said you didn't ㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+139, -0] I'm sure the guy who talked about the golden phone in the first place is feeling the heat right now

5. [+113, -0] Everyone being called in for investigations right now are being called in because they saw the videos..

6. [+96, -2] Zico, are you watching this~~

7. [+68, -0] Zico, speak up

8. [+67, -2] He kept denying it so vehemently... live the rest of your life feeling sorry towards your fans

9. [+52, -3] Didn't you deny it at first? Why? Did something undeniable just happen?

10. [+38, -0] He has a bigger career as a composer so he'll probably do just fine using different stage names like MC Mong to write songs for others. I bet you he'll continue to write songs for Highlight 100%.

11. [+35, -0] Okay.. next is Zico ㅋ

12. [+24, -0] Yeah, I doubt you didn't watch them ㅋㅋ birds of a feather ㅋㅋ and Zico, you better get ready to retire ㅋㅋ

Source: Naver

1. [+323, -3] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ But you said you didn't

2. [+146, -0] All that denying... why do these trash all follow the same repertoire?

3. [+119, -5] Leaving the group (X) kicked out (O)

4. [+62, -3] Were you not sorry to the victims and your fans when you were denying it? You're a bystander to this crime and I don't want to see you on TV again

5. [+46, -3] ㅋㅋ Why do people bother lying when the truth will come out like this

>names for each line of the song
i wish more groups did this

it's 11:11

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doubt it, probably some plastic gangnam monsters on that phone

just like how jjy hidden cam'd all those girls and then tossed them away


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>slightest sign of imperfection

bro you did it

unironically this

i listen to both of those regularly

it gives me a old kpop vibe like when i used to listen to kpop

not many kpop is listenable nowadays

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lmao i think this is the first time it's actually been on time

wow bottom right's a turbo slut. classic gook broad right there

he's rp-ing a delusional fangirl


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zico's career is over even if he doesn't admit it lol

this would make me incredibly uncomfortable since i'd have nothing to share
are normies really like this?

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comeon zico bro atleast give us the vids

not joking 1st gen kpop is really good


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no surprise that it was also the year aoa peaked

shut the fuck up i hate you

>but because seungri got caught this has become a huge issue
More like jjy. Reading articles about the reporter seems to imply Seungri was mainly involved in the prostitution, police bribery, and tax evasion.

until actual proof is provided assume all rumors about anyone are false


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wtf is this really common in korea?

what a way for the best kpop idol rapper to go.
rip zico, you were talented but apparently not that smart

shut the fuck up

she would climax on sight

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they always pick the hottest girls for these vids

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im gonna fist you

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people are saying it's kind of not a big suprise but since a celeb like seungri is involved that it's getting more attention than nugu ceos


Zico is finito. Shame I was thinking about getting into Block B.

Why don't they just not do illegal things?

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finally all those old gen idols get forced out of the industry
time for some fresh, new blood

i wonder if any of them will attempt to flee the country if they havent all been banned from air travel. or they smuggle themselves onto a boat or something

no one's gonna care he'll be releasing music next year again and probably just producing shit this year

well porn is illegal so you take what you can get

everyone in the chat was sharing hidden cams i'm pretty sure. it's just that jung joon young was doing it the most by far

dipping it inside yeji and then in dubu over and over until sharkpie or tofupie

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why did you quote me twice

>bigbang, block b, ftisland, cnblue, highlight
>destroyed in one swoop
girl groups forever

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You know what they say...
Where there's smoke, there's fire
Jihyo a slut

he left block b a while ago

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to prove that you're a seething retard nbd


good question

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where does everyone keep getting info that jihyo is the gg member mentioned in the kakao takls?

I wonder if he is the highest celeb in the chats then?

can you take a screenshot yourself? for me it's 21:11:11 so I can't

Imagine being such a shameful whore that you have no problem with exposing yourself and letting yourself be used and abused like a cheap fuckhole, but take offense when your vile acts are shown to someone else. If you didn't want to be exposed as the tramp you are, I don't know, maybe try not to be a two-bit gutter slut?

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if just seeing it is enough can we get someone to text them to at least one member of every prominent gaypop group please? thx

why not live straight edge

just use inspect element and fix it up, no one will know the difference anyway

netizenbitch must be loving this

i need to drown out my depression somehow guys

this is rough being alone and not having anything to enjoy

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twitter, ilbe

>all your waifus turn out to be turbosluts

they're just posting their sextape wishlist

I’m in love with Vernon and Huening Kai...

he doesn't know

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would just one nude of Seolhyun be the greatest moment in kpop history?

Wasn't he in it for quite awhile? I don't know much about them.

link it i want the deets

there has to be one brave soul out there who will leak the vids

they're korean idols not much else they could really do outside kr

Listen to Itzy - Dalla Dalla

my waifu isn't jihyo


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can't believe zico dumped her, what kind of hoes must he be pulling

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i was memeing about jihyo but if zico was in the group theres an actual chance of a seolhyun tape. holy shit

i do sometimes and it sucks lmao

come on guy

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ilbe knows it was jihyo
why don't you?

Listen to it louder

food for thought; porn is illegal in kr

so prostitution, drugs, raping/statutory, sharing rape cp porn with buds etc is probably on the same level to most koreans


it's a rumor that was spreading on korean sites. i didn't see it so i don't know how detailed it was

based white twink lover


how long until we get a full kpop group of hapa white chads like kai?

then why didn't they ever convict MJ

there is no hope for you then

every talentless japanese idol fucked their way into kpop

and no your nip whore doesn't have talent

I'm not sure about that yet. Reports are saying Seungri is going in for questioning about the prostitution today while jjy is going in for the spycams.

it's 23:23:23

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i hope shinee and infinite arent involved in this funny business

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I'll put on a dress and fuck you in the ass

>kpop general

ok what the fuck

shes not that hot anymore

listen to this and realize there is nothing holding you back

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or a smoke machine


all irrelevant except bigbang

the mad man has done it again

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Momo is a better dancer than your waifu

SuJu - Murderer, Assault, DUI
DBSK - Toilet fucker
Big Bang - Druggie, Weedman, Murderer, Rape Den Boss
FTIsland - Spycam shit
CNBlue - Spycam shit, degree scandal
ZICO - Spycam shit
Highlight - Spycam shit

2nd Gen Boy Groups ABSOLUTELY BTFO
Imagine being a gay popper. 10 years from now, it will be the 3rd gen boy groups that will get BTFO.

that's not the designated time

you're making jiho proud


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im dep im dep im dep im dep

mk come on over

holding me back from what

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if you're worried about infinite running train on uglyz you don't have to worry they would never stoop that low

scripting is cheating

well the person 'kim' shared a video of him fucking a passed out chick, so it was definitely more than one person doing it

poor guy

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busters comeback when?

shut the fuck up

kinda worried about onew desu

what the hell niga

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some girls may suicide if a bts scandal happens

the ikon dude fucked daisy out of all people so who knows?

>2nd Gen Boy Groups

it's only the straight broish gaypops doing those things

no one cares

good point, there must be one coming up they wouldn't have added the new member otherwise

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meant for


idk but they decided to listen to youtube comments

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any 2pm memes?

ftisland also had a metoo, and one of them knocked up that chick from laboum
and it was either them or cnblue that got in trouble for insider trading

we need some female idols to go down too. you just know that alot of them are dirty.


>porn illegal in kr
>western comments: porn is fine, but non-consent (drugs) is evil

>drugs illegal in japan
(sega is distancing themselves and removing all ties from actor accused of doing coke)
>western comments: that's not a big deal... celebs and coke isn't that bad

jung joon young probably hidden cammed a lovelyz member. they were on his radio show multiple times

soon most likely since they added a new member

i heard she got a caboose though

Infinite sextap with Eunbi gonna get leaked one of these days

>scripting is cheating

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every young nugu group always has a flood of br comments on your mvs. they really have a type there

meant for

not much they can do afterwards in korea now, probably. if they sneak out they can live out their lives in the australian outback or alaskan woods

bts' fanbase is more attached to the idols than normal, i really hope they don't fuck up because a mass suicide is very possible

they're getting raped

>holding me back from what
whatever you want to do with your life

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tghanks for posting my busterfu

fuck you

jihyo smoking on that...

what's funny about that
giving someone drugs with the intention of raping or taking advantage of them isn't the same as doing coke

2PM: Jay "Korea is faggot" Park, DUI

what should i do


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>DBSK - Toilet fucker
gonna need a quick rundown

a lot of them are probably whoreing themselves out like gna

he's scum

everyone is saying it, that's why JYP released the statement that they won't tolerate such rumors

Jane getting DP'd by Infinite

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no one wants to see uglyz naked though

>DBSK - Toilet fucker

What's the difference between druggie and weedman? Has Bigbang done harder drugs than weed?

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CNBlue Jonghyun might have drugged and fucked fangirls

they can punish him for drugs but scrubbing him from the game is overboard

literally who is saying it
i keep hearing about how jyp is taking action but ive never seen anyone say which twice member it was

and this is literally just the fucking surface lmfao

no they are trained in self defence

most female scandals are probably related to money/bullying and not hardcore shit like rape

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Yoochun fucked some prostitute in a toilet. The prostitute accused her of rape, he said it was consensual, so it was his words vs hers. His semen was found on her underwear.

why so he can vomit? lol

: 3

only give a shit if its yein

classic jane

>mass suicide is very possible

its band dude, they always do that
I love this

>gaypops are drugging and fucking fangirls
>girlpops never drug and fuck fanboys

you're not wrong

>there are people here so new they don't know about yoochun's toilet rape

literally e v e r y o n e

user she's like 13 or something

i hope all the bts members have secret wives and kids desu

lmao i didn't know this existed

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Druggie = GDragon
Weedman = TOP
They both got their fair share of scandals/

>CNBlue - Spycam shit, degree scandal
forgot about insider trading


so this confirms that there is literally a video out there somewhere of eunbi getting milked

>DBSK - Toilet fucker
You mean JYJ

Don't tarnish the name of TVXQ

I just thought brazilians were more hardcore fans of kpop compared to other south american countries. But then again, they are the most beauty obsessed as well

HOL UP. Never noticed how good Ryujin looked in this.

why would jihyo agree to s*ck on camera is she fucking retarded

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ok that makes sense i thought someone got caught literally fucking a toilet

seo jisoo raped female trainees at woolim and filmed it before it was cool

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JYJ is ex-DBSK so it counts.
Or are we going to say BB doesn't count anymore since they kicked Seungri out.

They should test Yeji’s underwear and see whose semen is in her

you don't know that

fucking groupies is normal but drugging and raping them is a whole 'nother level

there's a few more duis
jun.k, nickhun


She reflected for our sins

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it's been a billion years since jyj were in dbsk

i just wanna see one korean site where they're saying it you idiot

do you have a point?

It still counts.

you know a guy made that story up right

What did she mean by this

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G druggie is a known smackhead, he’s probably doing it off some guys dick in the army

plastic monster

>Taeha and Daisy will not be participating due to health and personal reasons
whore daisy BTFO
also is taeha pregnant?

where is babysoul leak

Is Infinite and VIXX the only pure second generation groups?

'springs' in filename stands for spring rolls right??

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shes gonna pull a sunye when her bank is full

is this their second time, or did it just take a while to materialise? i remember them posting about brazil a long time ago

when you dont have anybody to do anything with no girlfriend or regular friends or anything , life gets boring.

lets put it that way.

do you agree?

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the traitors left and started their own group, their actions are their own

they no longer represent DBSK

gd army gay sex scandal would be the cherry on top

you know, it's possible that i've been looking at it wrong and they're just the most likely to support and become fans of turbonugu groups in the first place, so they just stand out more when they're basically the only fans.
this whole time i just assumed they were more likely to be the type of unrepentant pedo to leave comments on groups like busters mvs

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Don't forget Onew's molest case as well and coalman.
At this point it is harder to name a clean Gen 2 male group than one with a dirty member.

you monster

she should just sue for services rendered

men can't be raped on this flat earth

Vixx debuted the same year as bts you wiener

Got any evidence? Never heard about this one before.


it was hidden cameras and it's just a rumor

eww who wants that