Does really matter if he is a bad person?

Does really matter if he is a bad person?

He was the greatest pop genius ever. His music is brilliant.

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Other urls found in this thread:

no and no


Why are people so convinced by a documentary that told nothing but lies?

He wasn’t a genius, but he had great producers, and he was a great singer and performer.
Prince was an actual pop music genius

I think you don't realise that he wrote and masterminded nearly all if not all of his songs

Prove they are lies.

Eh. Prince’s music lacks the magic that Michael’s has.

That's not how burden of proof works lol

They claim in the documentary MJ went after them after a Grammy performance in NY in 1989, the grammies were held in LA that year and MJ wasn't performing
They said there were multiple meetings
The kid claimed they held a wedding ceremony and Jackson even gifted the alleged victim a ring and wrote up wedding vows
But the vows were never shown, nor was a copy found in any of MJs papers anywhere (he also still had the ring)
Third and finally since they make a ridiculous amount of claims in this doc: MJs nephew was able to confirm that many of the private dinners they claimed to be invited to before the trial undergone actually occurred after the trial.
Quite frankly where was the actual new evidence that he did do anything?

Your claim is they are lying. Prove your claim, idiot. Otherwise don’t say shit. This is elementary logic.

He's not me retard I just posted proof

>Asking a 3rd party to disprove unsubstantiated claims instead of the original claimant to prove their claims


Once again, don’t say shit if you can’t prove it.

That's exactly the point though.

You seem confused.

How does that difinitively prove anything?


>thinks I’m confused
Nah, I’m many steps ahead of you.

MJ is one of the most obvious gay pedos to ever live, he was so obvious people can't even come to admit it, hiding in plain sight works 100/100 times in that way

>How does confirmation that what someone claimed is false prove they're not telling the truth.

Prove it.

There are many more detailed points to the allegations than however many you think you disproved.

Why? You’re nothing to me.

Prove it.

Again either actually drum up some refutation or knock that out, and I said there were way more claims than that, there is a million videos on YouTube debunking the "documentary" I'm not going to debunking the whole thing here.

yes and no

You're the one not presenting or addressing any actual details

Yes, think.

That’s not my job, friendo. I didn’t make any claims regarding the case.

O ok discord tranny, got it.

hahahahahaha you write like angry girlfriends

Prove it.
You have no evidence.
I'm not on my period.

hahahahah a either angry women or fantano

I'm passive agressive.
I'm so fucking done.
Good bye.

>he was the greatest pop genius ever

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HIStory > Bad > Thriller > Dangerous > Off The Wall > pre-Off The Wall material > Invincible


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yeah he wasn't the greatest pop genius ever just like as a singer and dancer pretty much

someone gets it :)

Discord tranny detected

I already used that fuckboi

>does it matter if he's a bad person if he made things that give me pleasure?

It doesn’t matter, because a) he’s dead and b) you can still enjoy someone’s work if they’re a bad person. I personally think that the dude was just an innocent weirdo, but even if he was guilty it doesn’t need to impact whether you like his music or not. This whole “cancel culture” has gotten completely out of control and has devolved to everyone deleting half their music library to prove they’re more “morally pure” than everyone else.

extremely based

Post underrated Jacksons

but that's a valid question

the funny thing is I've been in and out of various white nationalist circles and they purity spiral the exact same way (lots of nazis "stopped listening" to the band Nokturnal Mortum when they dropped their NS politics, etc).

I'm let him molest my wife's son just because he's fucking MJ.

People aren't able to separate the artist from their art.
The Jacksons’ Destiny and Triumph are super underrated. Not quite Off the Wall/Thriller tier but definitely better than most of his work post-Thriller. Their live album is also tight af too

he was just a man who wanted a little cunny like all the kikes he was surrounded by
can you really blame him?

Wrong. He was prolific and genius. He would track a capella recordings of his songs so that the studio musicians would know what to play

He never hurt anyone, he just had an acquired taste the world doesn't understand. Who's to say he isn't allowed to love little boys just because society tells you it's wrong. Society tells you chicks can't have dicks and men can't love men also.

I honestly don't understand how most people could agree with this. MJ had some amazing singles but even his best albums have mediocre filler. The production is all extremely of it's time and dated sounding. Does fucking ANYONE actually listen to the entire album of Dangerous or HIStory? Or that one he put out in the 2000s? Yeah, there's usually a few good tracks but a lot of it is shitty sounding synths and dumb lyrics.

Prince is overrated. Anyone who changes their name to a symbol is a pretentious hack. No wonder modern music nerds idolize him

No and big no

Michael really was an angel

There's nothing wrong with pedophilia. He gave those boys the greatest gift they'll ever receive.

Holy shit.. is this a cover? I had no idea this was by the jacksons and I have known this song my whole life

Thriller and off the wall are timeless and I listen to them front to back probably at minimum once a month. Its easy forget that those "amazing singles" were heavily composited into those two albums. With the exception of like two songs every thing on Thriller is a smash.

More like prove they're true lol, because a year in court, bearing multiple facets, and 13 years of FBI investigation sure fucking couldn't.

I wouldn't take the words of scumbags like wade and james as gospel, whereas the court transcripts...

Yeah, I will admit those two are solid. IMO a few tracks on Thriller are kind shit, but Off the Wall is great front to back. Even Bad is overall fairly enjoyable. But everything after that is a damn chore to get through and it's hard for me to consider MJ this insane musical genius considering he only has a few good albums. I think for a time he was truly a creative genius, but he didn't hold onto it for long. Billie Jean alone might be enough to make up for it though.

Still, when compared to someone like Prince who could play so many different instruments and was so damn prolific it's hard to hold MJ in the same sort of esteem. I'm not even a huge Prince fan or anything, but the man clearly lived and breathed music in an intense way and was constantly creating. Michael Jackson seems like he reached a certain point and lost interest in music.

I am Jeff Bezos, shitposting on Yea Forums. Also unicorns are real. Prove I'm lying.

Nah it’s an original, I think he and randy co wrote it. It’s one of those songs that kind of slipped under the radar but is still pretty beloved

>should an artistic have integrity?
If you have to ask, you probably shouldn't be listening to music.

If they are not lies then why have the episodes been edited as witnesses whom were strangely edited and omitted out of the 'documentary' came forward to deny these allegations reducing the overall runtime by over 30 mins so far?

Jackson Estate are suing all involved and are powerful as fuck

Thank god you're not in charge of the courts.

Any lawsuit will poke a ton of holes in that documentary, there’s so much shit wrong with it that discovery alone will doom them.

Off the Wall isn't without its filler either (Girlfriend, It's the Falling in Love), and while The Girl is Mine and PY.T do kind of suck, Thriller has one of the best opening tracks of any album ever, and the entire middle section consists of three of the best songs in all of pop music. Add other A+ tracks like Baby Be Mine, Human Nature and Lady in My Life and it's all in all a god tier album, the two filler tracks aside.

I'd agree that everything after Bad is a chore to listen to in entirety, but the vast majority of artists who are even great in the first place only have two or three good albums anyway. It's important to note that MJ was a genius because not only was he was one of the greatest at music but also at dancing/performing as well as videos (admittedly only between Thriller and Bad).

It's insane that one person could be that great in that many mediums, considering almost all other artists are lucky to even be good at one, much less the best ever.

Anyway, the fact that Prince could play numerous instruments doesn't really say much, if anything it shows how much of a genius MJ was that even though he didn't play anything he was still able to compose such brilliant music regardless. As for Prince being more prolific, most of his discography ended up being shit as a result of the constant output, with the amount of good material he had being a small fraction in comparison. MJ was also doing way more than Prince creatively (he was as dedicated to dancing, performing, and music videos as he was the music, it was also as high quality too), and he naturally had a lot more going on in his life by virtue of being the most iconic figure in pop culture.

Basically, MJ was GOAT.

jeff bezos doesn't know how to spell

That’s true but MJ innovated choosing cool year numbers for music releases i.e. 1979, 1982, 1987

Seperate art from artist
t. sam hyde fan


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He's innocent though.

I don't understand the shit that dangerous gets, aside from the schmaltzy ballads the dance tracks like Jam and Why you Wanna Trip on Me are fantastic. HIStory is trash but Dangerous is still Michael Jackson performing at a high level.

"He was the greatest pop genius ever."

*Blocks your path*

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Oh no, it's the ayuwoki again, man.

>caring about pop music or pop “artists” ever

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At least HIStory has some memorable tracks. Invincible is toilet paper.

That's how I tend to look at it. His music was good, whether or not he fiddled kids.

I have a sense that this is correct.

so - an incredibly powerful and wealthy, reclusive and eccentric man with a retinue of security, his own funfair and a chimp for a best friend shares his bed with young boys for much of his adult life. but in addition to lenghtly testimonial from those who claimed they were groomed and abused, we're asked to provide some kind 'evidence' that he did something.

If there's a better example of people willing to completely suspend all critical faculties in order to serve their own 'feelings' about those they worship, I'm struggling to think of one.

Take the cultural scaffolding away from Jackson and imagine it's a normal black guy who works in Target and who sleeps with boys and has done for years. Can you imagine the 'but I'm also just a little boy who doesn't relate to the adult world and I love them as friends' bullshit standing up?

It's total fucking nonsense.

Dangerous is way too long, the tracks overstay their welcome and for the most part it's pretty middling new jack swing, sans a few good tracks. I don't even think the schmaltzy ballads like Heal the World are any better or worse than the tracks you mention.

At least HIStory has some of his best stuff like They Don't Care About us, Stranger in Moscow, Earth Song, Tabloid Junkie, all absolute killer tracks.

Explain the kid who lied about Michael's dick. He said Michael was circumcised, but he was not.

If you take the cultural scaffolding away from Michael Jackson, you take away what these "victims" are after: money.

Yes Da Vinci lived with his 10 year old boy lover, but the 16th century was a different time

sometimes it's difficult to tell when its hard or in your ass. As a kid I wouldn't have been able to explain the difference anyway. Pease feel free to ignore my points.


Sure, just my opinion that they're after money. That's why Leaving Neverland was released on HBO and not PBS, right?

Earth Song and Tabloid Junkie are very middling. But yes, I will agree Stranger in Moscow is a GOAT track.

As far as your critique of Dangerous, I just don't agree. It's a very danceable, well produced record and the new jack swing element was a positive development away from Bad. Could it be more focused? Sure, but taken as a whole I enjoy it far more than HIStory.

Yeah because making documentaries doesn't cost anything. Doubtless you disagree with legal aid too - why should those that are less wealthy and powerful get their voices heard?

The first third of Dangerous is smooth as fuck, the middle part is absolutely horrible and takes over the rest of the album.


It doesn't matter because he wasn't a bad person to begin with. He didn't molest or rape those kids. If you did your research, you would know the Jews didn't like him for speaking out against them. As soon as he made (((They))) Don't Really Care About Us trying to redpill the masses, they shoah'd him.

what steps exactly? you watched a documentary and think you know everything?

you bring up a good point, when you're famous people literally LET you do this sort of stuff. not saying it's good just saying that it's a major problem that comes with fame.

>believing leftist propaganda

based gay black pedophile standing up to the jews

because michael jackson always seemed like a weird fag

This just in, courts now accept "he was always a weird fag" as valid evidence.

>Does fucking ANYONE actually listen to the entire album of Dangerous or HIStory? Or that one he put out in the 2000s?
Well, yeah, you don't listen to the new stuff, that's always garbage. "Hey, guys, Yes is overrated. Just listen to Big Generator if you don't believe me!"

>A+ tracks like Human Nature
A literal Toto song.

Yeah but MJ is is literally cumming during sections of it. Audio Kino.

I don’t know

I don't think it does. I mean, i like Filosofem, even though Varg's a piece of shit.

tranny discord detected

so does anyone have access to the multimedia forums for historycontinues and/or mjjcommunity? because you can't even see what they have without being registered and proving yourself by spamming shitty "he was innocent" memes on at least a dozen separate websites.

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i've never heard of sgt pepper, are they a band?

unironically kys

It does matter because he's innocent. Even if his music was shit, that people smear people like this is unacceptable

I remember when the moniker 'king of pop' came about. He insisted on being called it. No one said MJ is the king of pop, except him

imagine being 40 something and still posting in here

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I'd feel worse being young here, shouldn't you be making something of yourself

Guess a court judgment and 10yrs of fbi investigation aint enough for the average american brainlet lmao

Yes, no, no
>b-but they swore under oath
Why do Amerifats have such faith in their justice system? Especially after OJ was acquitted. Michael Jackson even had the same lawyer as OJ, Johnny Cochrane.
Where there's smoke, there's usually fire.
If a non-celebrity was blamed for pedophilia, no one would raise an eyebrow, but when their childhood hero turns out to be a child rapists, everyone loses their mind and goes on a twitter rampage to defend him. Most of the drones didn't even bother to watch the documentary.
btw, Culkin was most likely molested as well

>shouldn't you be making something of yourself
you sure didn't practice what you preach if you're here

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No not really.

>Both kids admitted out their own will that they were indeed coached by their greedy parents
>10 years of FBI searching your ass and still find nothing
Time for your daily Alex Jones podcast, senpai

He probably paid them off, too.

I'm semi retired

He was something of a pop genius, to give him his due.

>Most of the drones didn't even bother to watch the documentary.
man I'm sure this hbo documentary did a better job finding shit than the fucking federal bureau of investigation did in a decade

Online hate crime.

You ain't heard Billie Jean? He earned those kids.

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no proofs, clutching at straws, classic brainlet attempt at making an argument out their own personal opinion

I don't even understand that sentence.

A maid had seen him showering with the kids. She had no incentive to lie.
>coached by their greedy parents
Safechuck and Robsons' parents had no clue of it ever happening
>b-but 10 year of FBI searching
300 pages released out of 600 total. hmmm
MJ was a pedo

WHy are idiots so shook up and against that MJ's a pedo? I mean its so fucking obvious its incredible people are pushing the innocent angle, that MJ just like horsing around with different young boys and have them sleep in his bed because he liked sleepovers in a kid sense, as a 30 year old man.

Man, if ever MJ was a multi-billionaire who was good at covering his tracks and having celebrities witnessing in his defense

Lol. You’re doing the same thing. You weren’t there. You don’t know shit.

The documentary doesn't try and put forward all the evidence because others have already tried that, instead they actually were clever and made it about the guy's lives and how the abuse has affected them. Throughout their stories a lot of the stuff adds up to evidence that was already available like that vid of Michael in disguise buying wedding rings with James

>you weren't there you don't know shit
shouldn't have dropped outta highschool, bucko.
>FBI caring about your celeb status when they can literally lock you up and seize everything you own
this board is filled with delusional underage kids

You seem to not know the power of money.

>*puts on any A+++ name from the 70s and 80s*
Americans are truly the dumbest people in the world

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>life or death situation
>"you aint gimme your cash you die honkie"
>"i don't understand"
>*gets shot*

You do understand, you're just being snobby. If not you're autistic and incapable of thinking flexibly.

How was Jordan Chandler able to correctly identify a discoloration on MJ's penis that was only visible when erect? hmm
>b-but he might have seen it by accident
up close?

They’re just going to use the circumcision excuse.

You're jive talking.

I'm not American, dumb ass. People say it in the UK and it has nothing to do with African Americans or American culture.

No one will ever know if it happened. Except for the kids in his bedrooms and his own dead self. Documentaries, interviews and witnesses are all unreliable information sources. It'll all be speculation untill real evidence comes up.
It's a very uninteresting discussion because of this. It all comes down to people shouting yes or no.

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Or you could just watch the documentary and find out instead of equivocating like a bitch

Did watch it. It's still no evidence. It's still two guys telling a story.
Please note I'm not saying they're lying. They tell a very convincing story. But it's still a story. And it only takes those two persons to lie about it.
So no. The documentary is not evidence.

i always find it disgusting when people go so out of their ways to spill the name of someone without even providing proofs

especially when its easy to accuse the dead one since he cant roll out moonwalk and bitchslap them

Why are people in denial about micheal being an obvious pedo creep

Just his mannerism, the fact that he always was surrounded by children, neverland being obviously sketchy and weird, his porn collection that was found, the fact that he slept with kids etc....

Jesus you sound like some toff with his arms crossed, 'that evidence is not enough for me' You probably wear underpants in the shower too.

>why don't people believe circumstantial evidence??

>a work of fiction is evidence

He was a pedo deal with it

Its 2 compelling testimonies that are good enough for the majority of the western world to arrive at MJs guilt.


Why don't you explain how spoken word is undisputed evidence.
You use no arguments, you only attack me as a person.

Also, wearing underwear in the shower is very comfy thank you very much.

You rock my world

Testimonies aren't evidence.

You know one day you might be called up to serve in a jury of an alleged rape and all you'll have to go on is her word against his. And then there'll be a mistrial because you'll be the only ones to be against what the rest decide and they'll have to have another trial because you two are both such fucking homos. ANd like now your opinions will be just as irrelevant except for just being annoying. Are you stooges? Russian plants, come clean

>except the kids in his bedrooms
>witnesses are unreliable information sources

Any worthwhile human would be able to recognize that their emotional responses and rationalization of the events are genuine.

>You know one day you might be called up to serve in a jury of an alleged rape and all you'll have to go on is her word against his.
If it makes it to trial, then there is actual forensic evidence you dummy

Not necessarily, in my country a guy got convicted of murder recently and they never found the body, all it was was a witness saw him driving a certain direction and maybe a shovel or something

I hate his music so I couldn't care less. It seems pretty obvious to someone who isnt attached to his music that he was a pedo. But yea fuck mj his music was ass.

Sounds like america

Your courtroom thing is irrelevant since by definition I'm not saying they are lying. You're misinterpreting my words.
All I'm saying is it's not evidence. I'm not saying it did or did not happen. I'm not calling them liars, I'm not calling them truthers.
I'm only saying that a documentary is not evidence. Testimonies aren't evidence.
You may WANT this to be evidence, and it's tragic it isn't. But you can't change this. And yes. In court this is hard and tragic.

I agree. They seem sincere. But acting is a thing.

he was so handsome bros
imo he hit his peak right when thriller came out
afaik, at this point he only had his nose down
no homo but he looked phenomenal
in the bad picture in the op he looked really good too and if he had stopped there he still would've looked great
too bad he never knew how to quit
also: would've been amazing if he had embraced his vitiligo

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down = done

They aren’t actors.

Its semantics, whatever the doco is, it doesn't matter that it isn't your definition of 'evidence.' You seem to be free wheel arguing, absurdly.

Not likely.

You're right. My definition doesn't matter. I was stranded in semantics.
I'll get back to the original statement I made.
I agree in that they make a compelling and very believable story. If it'd be my guess I would believe them.
But there's just too many factors playing outside of the documentary to just go and outright believe them. They still could be lying for money and fame or whatever other reasons.

Only those kids and Michael himself know the outright truth. And we will be none the wiser untill there will be real evidence. So the discussion about it isn't interesting. It's a yes/no story.

He's overrated af and he's a pederast

bro he is not a fucking pedophile

he called out the jew and they have been after him ever since

zoomers will pretend MJ was bad

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Neverland Abusement Park

How can anyone believe he's a pedophile when this exists?

It's true pedos know what kids like, but only for the purpose of grooming. MJ was a manchild 24/7.

In what world of shit taste is PYT filler? Only meh song off thriller is girl is mine.

the only thing more shocking than the opinionated and primitive westerners in this thread still locked in a causal view of matter and the resultant qualitative phenomenology of art is the fact that mj was somehow American too. is there no kinship? you have somehow divided yourselves internally rather than externally. this is only possible through the one sidedness of frontal egoic thinking.

>is there no kinship?
Kin is in the heart, not the blood

pyt is one of the greatest songs of all time. that and leave me alone are astonishing in that he never performed them live.

people here forget that he is their brother, their pride, and one of the things that made people admire America. invincible bombed mainly in America. he was still a hit all across the world.



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I agree. People need to be able to separate an artist from his work. Bruckner was a notorious pedophile but there is no denying he's one of the great romantic symphonists.

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>pop genius
no but he was a smooth criminal


Okay fuck the quotes...
I just want to know how much of his fame and fortune made him a freak with a weird personality to make the "pedophile accusation" stick.

I'm assuming you all watched this: