/prod/ - Music Production General "disappointing our parents" Edition

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Still got questions? Please be specific with what you're trying to do, the better you explain the better people will be able to help you.

Post works in progress to instaud.io/ or clyp (which requires registration). Anything with your artist name should be posted in the soundcloud or bandcamp threads


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where'd everybody go?

At the party.
You weren't invited?

How useful is this kind of thing? If I want to buy or make one, what should it be able to do?

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can I get a source on this video?

You're fucking tone deaf, my dude. I told you about ear training. You really need to refine your ear.


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Have you ever tried making other genres? Try changing it up a bit.

Oh god please don't tell him that.
Delete this post before he starts saying that he wants to but can't because his brain is broken and he wants to die.

INB4 >Sigh

useful if you want to play by hand (very)


what do ya'll cowards think of this?

production wise it's complete shit. way too nasal singing, back off the mic a bit. good song though.

thanks for the honest feedback, man.
What do you think about the beat, is it shit mixed too, or is the big problem just that my stupid nasally voice is too in your face?

>What do you think about the beat, is it shit mixed too
yes it's muffled and just screams beginner honestly. part of that is sample selection though, i can hear what you're going for but it's really not doing the song justice atm-

Yeah you can go with big eq cuts or multiband compression on the vocals but i'd honestly just redo that take

Anyone use the Scarlett Solo 2nd gen to play guitar through amp sims? Does it have headroom issues, especially clean?

>Does it have headroom issues
all the scarletts have headroom issues. Every model without a pad is a headache to deal with and if you get one with a pad you might as well just be buying something without that issue to begin with

i'd go with an audient id4 solely based off the reputation the larger models have built (same pre's iirc) or literally any other beginner interface that doesn't have as many people with countless problems.

I've been making making music for a bit now as a hobby but I don't really get a lot of outside feedback on how to improve. Please give feedback so I can improve. instaud.io/3q56

yeah, I recorded the guitar before I got a humdebugger pedal so I had to eq out alot of the high end hiss.
I just hate re-recording a "finished" song, it takes the spontaneity and excitement out of the creation and replaces it with grind. + plus i'm a shit singer so i never know if I'll be able to replicate the melody as well.
Might just put the song on the back-burner for now, and if I ever want to to include it in a collection I'll just have to go through that grind of re-recording everything again.
thanks, man

Thanks, these behringer ones look good. I have a phono preamp from them so I hope these are good too. The one I'm looking at is UMC202HD but apparently this is mono only and the more expensive version is mono and stereo. Would this matter in my scenario (powering a mic for general use and using logic amp simulations, preferably hearing the sound as I play). Sorry I am new to all this.

>mono only
just googled and checked this: community.musictribe.com/t5/Recording/UMC202HD-input-L-R-question/td-p/143343

direct monitoring is listening to to what you're recording directly (not listening to the output of your daw, which will hit your ears with some latency (hardly noticeable or quite crippling if your pc is a potato))

i would consider that mildly annoying and look at a different interface honestly, but if that's what you're stuck at price wise it's not a dealbreaker

Ah I see, thanks. The next model up (UMC204HD) is not that much more expensive and supports mono out, so I might pick that one up.

drums are hitting late
vocals are too loud in the mix

I told him what he needs to do. Put 500 hours into ear interval training at musictheory.net. That's about what it took for me and I was 24 at the time, he's only 20. He has more neuroplasticity. On the other hand he's a stupid nigger :^)

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>That's about what it took for me
yeah but now you're just a pseud who trolls /prod/ of a places instead of actually trying to make decent music

I found a new place the "Academic Music" discord server. They like my music there and don't grief me about my sound design decisions. I think posting my music here is pointless because as I've said before I have no interest in actual production, just composition.

its not true its about her sons ashes being put in walmart bags which is still pretty funny

>They like my music there
i'm sure some people actually do but don't forget that it's discord and people are going to be nicer since they're not anonymous.

yes there really is no reason for you to be here unless you're just that hung up on making people enjoy the thread less

Anyone who gets butthurt by the notion that they need to be able to smell the ingredients to cook a meal is a fucking idiot with his head firmly planted in his ass.

>inb4 food analogy (like that's an argument)

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Fuck I miss old /prod/

My drum vst is trash and I can't swap samples. I'm trying to move on to something better. I got a new vst sampler that is pretty good and is a big step up. however, now my playback doesn't start instantaneously. it buffers for a couple seconds and then the playback is fine. Am I fucking up somehow or should I just get a new vst?

I can provide more info if it helps I'm not sure what is relevant.

>should I just get a new vst?
yeah no shit PROBABLY

what the fuck do people who don't use ableton use? NI Battery is similiar but no external inserts makes it a no go in my book.

you could try route the drums to separate outputs and then put your inserts

actually that anonymity thing is bullshit. Why? Some of the biggest assholes on Yea Forums are tripfags. Admittedly, the people there probably are nicer but that has nothing to do with anonymity,it just has to do with it not being Yea Forums. Also, I'm about as anonymous as anyone on that server in this context and I just finished calling someone a stupid nigger.

yes i'm aware of that but thew few kind of nice effects battery offers really aren't worth the extra hassle and interruption of work flow

you're being shunned stop trying to elicit responses

>yeah no shit
I don't know if the routing is fucked up or if sampling wav files is slowing it down or what is wrong. Why get a new vst right away if I don't know if I can fix this one? it's SoftDrum LTD and I'm using Reaper.

>Why get a new vst right away
honestly just assumed it would be shit. looks like a glorified sequencer to me as you'd need to fuck with routing.... again. Not too much trouble I suppose


I'm not being shunned at all.Listen, if the good people over at /classical/ -- who on a pound for pound basis obviously have higher IQs and therefore more emotional restraint than you stupid niggers -- and they can't help themselves from replying to Hans (aka Paragraph Autist) then I really doubt you lot can help yourselves from replying to me.

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>I really doubt you lot can help yourselves from replying to me

We fucking can oh shit noooo

And what did I do that was so bad anyway? Tell you from my own fucking experience that making the same shitty beat over and over again wont help you improve? Tell you that you need to do a few boring things to get more fulfillment from your hobby? Tell you that you need to be able to see the basic building blocks that constitute music at the cellular level in order to even make what you want? Offer words of encouragement? Oh yeah, I'm a fucking monster dude.

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thanks for the link. I guess I'm a lazy piece of shit because I didn't think of googling my specific problem. I'm still relatively new to home recording and come from a pretty low tech musical background.

I never am.

Dude we know you're samefagging lol

No, that's the hilarious thing. Hardly anybody on Yea Forums can stop replying to people that they hate. I'm one of the guys who replies to Hans all the fucking time. At one point I was just responding with various wikipedia articles to the most heinous methods of torture ever conceived. But shun the guy, I could not.

>Some of the biggest assholes on Yea Forums are tripfags
Tripfags are already universally hated so they're not trying to save reputation.
If anything, they're trying to get attention, which they get much more easily by being assholes.
This isn't the case on regular social media that's tied to your real name or username.

Nah dude.
>likes old slasher flicks
>wants to make girly pop music
>also wants to write a zombie musical
>it's based on a character from Le Mis
>terrible sense of rhythm
>baselines always suck

I don't know what he is but he can't be a nigger, the others'dve stomped him out for being a faggot before 18.

dude, you can literally set whatever name you want on a server and you can change your profile pic on a whim. There's virtually anonymity on discord.

All of you are as dumb as dirt.

Go practice

Yeah, I must admit I doubted he was black when he knew Les Miserables and planned a Zombie Musical (which is the most gay and white thing I've ever heard simultaneously). But then again Madthad was an weaboo pedophile, so anything's possible I suppose.

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I am practicing, practicing my internet rhetoric skills.

Yes, but if people want to be part of a "normie" community they have to be nice otherwise they'll be shunned by the other users.
So even if nobody knows their real name, they still want to preserve the reputation that their username holds.

And yes, they could log out and back in with a different username to shitpost and whatnot, but nobody is gonna do that just to give you feedback.

Based Douglas

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No, I mean you don't have to register a new account. On every discord server you can set your own name to be whatever you want it to be. The only other thing you need to do to remain anonymous is to change your profile pic which is also trivial.

He's one of those beta blacks with low testosterone and zero balls, so he gets to have all the downsides of being black (dumb, impulsive, and hard headed) without the pros (alpha and manly personality with a somewhat no bullshit attitude).
Literally the worst of both worlds.

However, I still believe the conspiracy theory that the Demarcus persona is all a ruse and he's really just fucking with us.

Do the people who are nice and are giving you feedback have a temporary account like that?
I'm willing to bet that if they're part of the community (like those who care enough to give you feedback most likely are), they have an actual account.

Layer some train track clacking on this and swap out the drums for more defined rhythmic train track clacking and you're golden.
watasitachi ha itsumo anata no kokoro de iru :3

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Its not a temporary account, its just a feature. I don't use it myself but it has nothing to do with the kind of account one has.

Yes unfortunately I cannot purge you all, my heart grows heavy

YO ACCOUNT 3???? Time to follow so I can actually get notifications for something

I grew up with Les Miserables because my mom would always play the 10th anniversary concert on VHS when I was a kid.

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>YO ACCOUNT 3???? Time to follow so I can actually get notifications for something
man I'm about to stop posting here

I enjoyed /prod/ but this shit is really starting to get to me.

These are actually sounding decent now. Your sound selection, arrangements and mixing are all sounding a lot better. Good job.

Why don't you like me? I didn't do anything to you :(

Don't give yourself a face and name and consistently post in a recognizable way if you want to be anonymous dude what the fuck

Oh, are you a halfrican?

Yeah, I'm down with that angle, both him and Sammy.

I'm not sure if you can actually change identity in a non-identifiable way, but even if you could, nobody is going to switch username and picture just to give harsh feedback and tell you that they don't like your music, then switch back.
I'm the single biggest asshole here in /prod/, doing most of the shitposting and shittalking, and I'm always super nice when I'm on other platforms, and in those cases I always have to hold back on what I really think.
Only here I can give my uncensored opinion and give actual helpful advice instead of trying not to offend people.

Pic related is a post I made about my experience with the /prod/ discord.
That user made Demarcus sound like J Dilla but everyone was too nice to say anything "rude".

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Actually, I'm wondering since you all post music here, how the fuck can ANY of your remain anonymous? Even if you're making the most basic generic shit, you'll have a tendency towards using certain samples and VSTs, right?

Nobody cares enough to pay attention to production styles unless you make insanely unique music that can't possibly go unnoticed.

hows this minimal wave joint sounding?


Thank you. I thought I did somewhat better with the drums this time, on the Trollberg track. But I guess not?

I don't dislike you, I don't know you. And I didn't mean to give myself a name and face and become sort of like a tripfag. No matter what I named my clyp account I probably would've become a meme anyway.

Both my dad and mom are just black.

NOOO dont leave, I'd have to come visit yoou ;)

>e insanely unique music that can't possibly go unnoticed.
or insanely shit music
am I right

like minimal effort went into it. Mix is all over the place.

Nah, that's gonna blend right in.

>Screencapping your own post
but yes, point made. it's awful. I copped some samples and that was basically it.

>Even if you're making the most basic generic shit
vast majority of music is completely nondescript dude
... but yes that's part of why I don't post, i'd instantly be recognized

>I don't dislike you
Awww I don't dislike you either (:

Yeah, but I'm one of like 3 Reasons users here so only a few of you cunts would recognize some of my usual tools.

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why would anyone begin to mix an obviously unfinished comp?

>>Screencapping your own post
I could write the same exact story from scratch, but why do that when I can pull it up and achieve the same goal in a fraction of the time and effort?
BTW, it's from the archive. I don't keep screencaps of my posts lol.

Pretty neat, but it needs some kind of dissasociative lyrics to contrast human frailty and imperfection with the looming age of machines.

Oh you wanted advice on the composition? Fuck you! There's your advice.

That's why I left. It became a hugbox, and all the admins are faggots except Tesh. It just goes to show you how little talent there is in the world. Trust yourself, fuck the losers asking for "feedback"

>Trust yourself, fuck the losers asking for "feedback"

What is the point of /prod/ then?

they are just butthurt cause i banned them

Thinking of doing high qualities rips a la siIvagunner. Is FL studio sufficient for the job?

A variety of studies show that there are four principles (that Dr. Anders Ericsson calls "deliberate practice") to follow in order to improve more effectively:
1- Focus the attention on the work, with the intention to improve.
2- Target practice to your current level of skill. Practice should be difficult enough to be challenging but not so difficult that it's impossible to achieve regular success.
3- Seek immediate feedback following performance. Seek an expert to guide you and help you from the start by telling you when you've done things correctly (so you don't build bad habits by reinforcing incorrect practice).
4- Repeat step 3 multiple times per practice session until you master what you're trying to learn, then move on to the next task.

Even if in some cases it might seem that you don't need external help, having a mentor to give you feedback and to teach you the correct way of doing things (by discussing not just the outcomes but also the thought processes involved in the work) is always useful at any level of performance, but it's especially important when you're a beginner.

As we get better at solving similar problems that require a similar thought process, our brain picks up the underlying mechanism and will apply the "trick" more easily to solve the problem with less effort.
When a new type of problem is presented, those who were experts at the previous one will be initially terrible at solving the new one, even worse than those who never mastered any problem at all, because by getting used to one thought process we "solidify" it into our brain, making it much harder to change at a later time compared to someone who's still flexible because they haven't yet solidified anything. Because of this, it's important to learn to do things corectly from the very beginning (possibly with the help of an experienced teacher) as to not solidify any wrong practice into our mind.

Source: episode 8 of thepiratebay.org/torrent/16501543/

I haven't posted often enough for that.

You're supposed to mix as you add elements you div.

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If you wanna be one of the soulless writers inside the music industry, then yeah, feedback is great. If you're trying to pursue an artistic vision, then feedback is cancer that kills ideas.

/prod/ could be a place to discuss plugins, techniques, building a database of information to help artist, instead though, it's just losers in their bedrooms who are going nowhere who fantasize about playing their horrible EDM in front of their highschool crushes. When it comes to that discussion, it's consistently derailed though by the attention seekers of the group. Very little discussion actually occurs in /prod/. In actuality, if the acceptance of feedback is so highly regarded, /prod/ should actually be renamed the Songwriters group, at least it would make sense then that people producing are within their proper social circle, but the amount of actual production and discussion that takes place is laughable, and once again an embarrassment to the talent out there in the world.


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Let me tell you right now. I was instantly hooked by the beat and the melody.
Please add one more switchup in the song - even something minor - and a bit of mixing.

I promise you've got the sauce. Don't listen to the guy saying you're tone-deaf, he's absolutely incorrect, this is the development in the industry I've been looking for.

This is 100% something I would rap over. Good shit

Would it be possible for me to download this so I can put some vocals on it? I'll do the production for that part and send it back if it's not trash.

You can use your laptop keyboard for drum hits and 'mouse keys' to press and hold while you toggle knobs

The point is to finish tracks, otherwise you're effectively doing nothing

>leading him on like this

This is just cruel.

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>If you wanna be one of the soulless writers inside the music industry, then yeah, feedback is great. If you're trying to pursue an artistic vision, then feedback is cancer that kills ideas.
This implies that feedback can only ever be on subjective things, when in reality it can have a pretty high degree of objectivity if given properly.

Of course, if someone disagrees with your artistic choices you take that into account and don't follow that part of the advice, but many things can be good or bad (not to mention straight up right or wrong) regardless of artistic choice.

I often get feedback on things that I did on purpose and I just tell them that, while considering the rest of what they tell me.
Just because some things in music are subjective it doesn't mean people can't give you tips to improve.
Especially in something like music, where having a second pair of ears can make you notice things that you totally missed, even if said ears are less experienced than yours.

Whether you like it or not, he is and you are too probably tone deaf. This kind of music demonstrates a fundamental lack of understanding of dissonance.

how do i learn theory\?

Don't bother, because its boring and you can tell yourself that it isn't useful anyway.

>If I don't like it and other people like it they're the ones who are tone-deaf

Ok bud

>Would it be possible for me to download this so I can put some vocals on it?
Straight from my Demarcus folder:

I listen to much more sophisticated and much more dissonant music than this. Don't even try to pull that shit with me, buckeroo.

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buy a guitar and beginner book and figure out the chords, scales then nirvana songs

Not him, but liking or not liking something has nothing to do with this.
There's tons of music I don't like but it doesn't make me think the person who made it is tone deaf.
It being made in a way that a non-tonedeaf person would never make it, is the reason why we think he's tonedeaf.

>people like it so it must be good
is one of the dumbest logical phallacies (agumentum ad populum).
Learn to think FFS.

are you joking
and I guess I don't know how to do switchups
I suppose I should go back and look at the tutorials I've been putting off

>It being made in a way that a non-tonedeaf person would never make it, is the reason why we think he's tonedeaf.

when I first came to /prod I marvelled at how free everyone's tonality was and how people would come up with crazy progressions and melodies. It took me a while to figure out they don't know what they're doing and are really just mashing the notes like chimpanzees, randomly playing melodies and crossing their fingers it's decent because they have no idea.

It means that "a tonedeaf person made it" is the only plausible explanation for your music sounding the way it sounds.

Based. Pretty much what I've been saying.

Study, either guided or self.
Look up Michael New and 12tone on the youtubes.

what about the way I made it makes it sound "tonedeaf"

Dude, you should know that double-negatives are like negative feedback loops for niggerbrains, and also that both demarcus and the mysterious rapper are of the melanined persuasion.

>Never attribute to competence that which is adequately explained by stupidity
- Hanlon's Razor.

I don't know, I haven't listened to it.
I'm just explaining what the guy means.

Bless you, stay strong against this undeserved hate

I'm on vacation atm, but hopefully I'll be back here in a week with a rough draft w/ lyrics.

You misunderstand my greentext.

Don't listen to this guy. Here's what you actually want.


12tone is an SJW faggot who mostly does videos on popular songs and obscure techniques of particular composers. MichaelNew is pretty much theory 101 but its watered down crap for songwriting. The lessons above will give you a fundamental understanding of how music works even at the most sophisticated level.

Explain yourself then.

Do you guys have any book recs? I learn best by watching and doing, followed closely by reading and copying texts so that I internalize the information

I'm not Demarcus.
I just have all his music on my computer.
Well, the music that he uploaded, that is.

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>t. faggot boomers that want you to learn how to play ragtime piano like an octogenarian

Look up Busy Works Beats, he really knows what's up and focuses on MODERN music production and theory using DAWs.

Should a beginner start with the easy basic stuff first (then move on to the more sophisticated stuff) or should he go straight for your links?

Anybody here consider themselves good at FM? If so, what resources did you use? I’m looking to expand my capabilities as a synthesist.

Yes, books are of course even preferable since they are written by distinguished composers. I would not recommend Paul Hindemith's book unless you have an IQ of over 150 (t. guy with IQ well below that). Schoenberg's is probably a good fit. Also don't bother reading Vincent Persichetti's book as it basically doesn't prescribe or proscribe anything, so you're really no better off than before you read it.


>Busy Works Beats

Anyone who uses a "cheat sheet" or "chord codes" doesn't know fuck all about music theory and is additionally a lazy sack of shit.

Buy the 100 dollar photocopies of Schillinger.

What happened to him? (Is he in this thread?)

I know this is a joke, but even as a joke, please don't tell people to watch Busy Works Beats.

There is definitely more complicated theory. I listed these channels because of their accessibility and their universality.

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>what resources did you use
Random YouTube video to explain the basic idea. Manual. Trial and error. It's honestly not that hard, you just have to understand/test what ratios sound like and what each wave will do

He's literally the first post, and is visibly posting throughout the thread.

He died bro, that crazy stalker poster went and found him.
He tied DeMarcus up, laid on top of him, and then put a plastic bag over both their heads.
Left a creepy obsessive note too, it was all over reddit.

Thanks for calling me a boomer, like its a bad thing or something. I guess I can't deny it at any level since I make 12 Tone Lounge Music and Bossanova with Fairlight CMI soundfonts.

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I'm right here
looking through wsg

How long have you been producing?

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7 months, I think.

Wrong, he's been producing since at least the 17th of May 2018.

Well that one guy that shills The Dance Music Manual isn't here so I'll take his place.
Mine just came in the mail today, haven't started reading because the lights in this room don't work, but it's reassuringly beefy, with lots of (black and white) pictures.

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Pretty based old man, you're alright in my docx.

I started at the end of the March. My laptop broke mid-June or early July. Then I got a new laptop in December. I'm not good at math, but I think that's 7 months.

A study found that procrastinators often come up with more creative solutions to problems because while procrastinating they spend time thinking them. You can take advantage of this notion by deliberately spending some time thinking about your problem without actually procrastinating, to boost your creativity.

Several studies have found that stopping in the midst of solving a problem to take a break where you engage in some other activity, then going back to it, will significantly increase the ability to find a solution to the problem, compared to the control group who spent the same time working on it, but without the break in the middle. This is known as the "Incubation Effect", and consists in letting a problem "incubate" for a while in our head while we do or think of something else. Many think that this works because our brain unconsciously keeps working at it during this incubation period.

So, technically, even if you weren't actively working on production, you still improved more than you would if you had started 7 months ago with no gap.

I thought he wanted music theory books so I didn't say anything.
Here's a PDF anyway:
The resource files aren't available online yet, but as soon as they'll be I'll upload them here.

Do you use Ableton or something else?
Pretty good development in 7 months!

Bass kicks very well in this one, especially compared to the oldest clyp.it song you have.

we got any singer/producers? if so, how did you learn to sing? been trying, even with right techniques, but still sound like ass. will post clip of me singing in a bit.

We have one, but you're better off not asking him anything desu.

I mean, yeah, maybe you're right. When I started again in December it did feel like I was better than I was before. Even just taking a small break like I did recently, opting to draw and listen (Benny Sings, Akiko Yano, Earl Sweatshirt, Pharell, etc) for a night instead or producing, I felt like I was putting more effort in and doing better when I came back. I need help with writing lyrics though.

I use FL Studio. If I don't wake up at a ridiculous time tomorrow I'm finally going to sit down and learn Ableton.

how bad is this performance-wise

I learned to sing when I was a kid, in school and church and whatnot.
My favorites to sing along to at that age were The Everly Brothers and Mott The Hoople.
I think I sound good, but not "classically" good, more like rockish good.
I learned by singing a shitload, all through school and in the car pretty much every day.

Bad. Work on that accent and keep the growl out of your voice, it's a ballad ffs.

Throw some autotune on that bad boi

there anons, saved you a click
You know the answer already

Youtube and way too much time trying to distinguish good, bad, and useless advice from reddit/random ass websites. If you're familiar with how much misinformation/shitty teaching there is on "production" in general online it might shock you to realizing information on singing is actually just as bad if not worse.

Best advice is to get a teacher, at the very least for fundamentals. Next advice is to practice and record yourself to consistently be very, very brutally honest with yourself about your singing and be analytical. Do you miss the same note every time? Are you sliding into it? Is the tone of your voice better or worse in a certain area? Ask yourself why, isolate parts you mess up and correct them. Etc.

How do I start making deconstructed club? Has anybody on here had any success in recreating sounds like those of AS, MESH, etc?
What resources or plugins could I use to achieve similar sounds? Thanks


Sounds like distortion, reverb + stereoising / double tracking / chorus. Various amounts on drums. Prolly have to learn how to make a decent sub / kick sound. Type it into google.

>deconstructed club
was interested till I peeped m-e-s-h on soundcloud... or I mean it's cool but i thought it was going to be experimental shit lol

basically copy techno and house. sample pop singers. resample (okay just chop) "Classic" rave sounds. copy witch house synths. (synthwave and or detuned pwm/saws with too much chorus and possibly distortion).

None of those things is hard individually but if you're not already familiar with those genres you're gonna have a tough time from what I gather just skimming the last couple years of his tracks.

alright bros we need to settle this once and for all

which DAW is the best?

>my vote is for logic pro, it can literally do it all
>ableton live and FL studio is for kiddies who can't a DAW

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More rack videos for you soon friends!

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can anyone help me write better lyrics


started this a few years ago as part of an album i was working on. all sampled from records i collected over a long period of crate digging with a close friend. probably best described as samplephonics. the mix itself is muddier than i'd like -- there are definitely some things i need to clean up and fix. like the idea so far though.

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The real debate is tape-like daws (Logic, Cubase, Reaper, etc.) vs. loop-based daws (Renoise, FLStudio, Ableton, etc.).

>playing with toys

>especially you

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It was boring as usual but I love your tittles man, you could probably make some pretty based meme-rap.

great thanks thats exactly what I wanted to hear thank you


Cakewalk (Sonar) cause am poor and needed free daw.

what scale is this

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Jamming over this in Eb Lydian works.

what growl? elvis and rick astley didnt sing it with a breathy voice. just check it out.

i cant, theres guitar on the same mic
how bad is the intonation?

beware, im around

Attached: Screenshot_10.jpg (284x30, 4K)

it's not too bad, it's just extremely mediocre.
the accent and singing are not too good, but you could probably turn that into an advantage if you focus on original stuff.


I don't know about the particular model, but pads are great. I use them for (almost) all my drums. you could probably get a midi keyboard with pads and reduce the cost.

I guess that applies to me then


not gonna sugar coat it. this is straight up dubstep. do i need to make it sound even harder?


does this song give off "lizards taking over the government" vibes enough? if that's too abstract a question r8 my drums pls?
sorry if the mix is shite i don't really have a good setup for mixing.

maybe have the bass and or snare do some of the synth's rhythm too?

ok ill try another take and report back when i get it
how do i improve the singing

it definitely sounds nefarious
I'm getting 8bit sneaky lizards raping my mental faculties with their devious eyes... they are wearing suits, too.

It's all right. You'll be able to sing well in a few months with some practice. You're hitting the notes well enough.

Once you're more sure of your voice and yourself, you'll start sounding more confident and powerful. The only way is practice. Sing and record yourself.

>even harder?
No and you probably sucked some of the life out of the growl thinking that. There's not enough space in the movement to really make the impact, which reduces the clarity of the rhythm.... not "tight" enough. Probably overplaying a few notes too.

>You'll be able to sing well in a few months with some practice
Oh god I'm so sorry, you appear to be new. welcome to /prod/ :(

>Oh god I'm so sorry, you appear to be new. welcome to /prod/ :(
don't get it

Not the poster of that clip but if you've been to any dubstep concerts in the past year what that guy posted is basically the hot shit right now and all the big dubstep releases just sound like who can make an even more fattened and distorted sound

You responded to a universally hated poster who consistently ignores or refutes advice given to him and spams the same covers over and over again.

Huh? Are you telling me the time I spent learning to make good growls were wasted???

No for real like... his exactly? I know actual wubs got thrown out like a decads ago but his sounded like shit (sorry man)... I get flat and over distorted but I imagine something else. Also idk dubstep past 2005 lol I just like the synths

i wouldn't call what he posted very fat

Are UAD mastering plugins snake oil?

What program do the EDM artists use for production? Also, any links to said program that's cracked so I dont have to pay for it?

fuck off

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yes use OTT to bring out the mids

Bit of a weird question but am I a half decent singer?


yeah sure, sounds kinda yawny though

cheers, I'm trying to do it without alerting any of my housemates

>actually recommending Rick Beato

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What is wrong with Rick Beato? He covers everything from classical to incidental music, to jazz and rock/pop.

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You definitely got the garage moshpit sound.

the fuck is this motivational self help bullshat

It's all true, and considering the posts ITT, it's also very needed.


did a little tweaking on this track, as per suggestions.
What do ya think?

Pls work on mixing at the beginning of the song

just before the vocals come in? or the first verse included?

why the FUCK are some of you wasting production time NOT producing in Ableton??? speak up and justify this shit now

Just the moment before the music really comes in.
From 0:00 to 0:02 is far to quiet relative to the rest of the mix, I had to turn down my volume because the intro hurt my ears.

Otherwise, you're singing is alright, def has a unique sound to it

i just don't like it

>I'm more of a Fruity Loops kind of guy

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How do I finish songs? How do I learn to structure the music?

all you have to do is fade out the percussion and bass for the chorus part.

What about verse, intro, outro? Bridges, breaks?
I don't know how many elements should be in a song, and how to spread them.

Oh, I thought you were just asking how to end a song. That is the most easy thing in the world thanks to fade-outs. But that stuff you ask about is pretty complicated. Generally you want the bridge to happen in the dominant or subdominant key. Intros and outros are not strictly necessary.

analyze songs you like. you should be analyzing your favorite songs heavily regardless, but go ahead and listen to them and take notes on the structure and the each bar

Thanks. I really have a problem with this, I can make great drums, great melodies, but the end result always sounds bad, boring or disconnected.

>I can make great drums, great melodies

post something


how's this? easier on your ears?

>he thinks a pedal is something you depress with your foot
>he thinks a line is a cable you plug into your synthesizer
>he thinks modulation is something you do by turning some knobs

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Maybe later if I make something new I like.

how does this sound my family?


For total noobs, the simplest way to start songs is by choosing a key and then making a chord progression with it, then building your song upon that. Starting with a melody or a rhythm section requires a lot more initial knowledge.

All of you niggas is wack

It sounds alright. There's no point posting something this minimalistic.

What? A rhythm can be accompanied in any key in any mode. A rhythm is the easiest place to start. If I don't have any ideas I lay down some drums and see what my brain comes up with.

That's true, but I was implying that a bass line was also being included with the drums, which would exponentially increase the difficulty of harmonizing it with the assumption of zero background knowledge of music.

Also not terribly difficult. Most of the time you'll accompany the bass on the dominant key.

what if i add a crazy synth intro????

Now it sounds like somebody slapped a Miami Vice sting onto a mediocre beat.

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You sound overconfident, considering it seems you're confusing the dominant chord for a key.

so jealous of my epic beats

new tune in the works

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it is a key tho


Also, I don't even understand people who want to make music if they can listen to a bassline with drums and literally have no ideas how to accompany it.

sounds good dude.

Your initial statement does not sound as though you meant key as in note but key as in scale. But never mind, the point is that a total noob should not start anywhere except with a settled musical scale if he wants to make intelligible music with no music theory knowledge or experience with an instrument.

>Also, I don't even understand people who want to make music if they can listen to a bassline with drums and literally have no ideas how to accompany it.
It's not really the accompany part that is difficult, but more the development part.

proper development is a bit formal for the kind of music being made by /prod/ites.

No one is talking about proper development, whatever that means. We're talking about being stuck with random loops of music. Starting with a scale will help people with that.

what do you think it means to accompany something in the dominant key? It means to play notes from a scale built on the V. And proper development means transforming a motive through operations like repetition, tutti, inversion etc...

how would someone go about trainning their ear

That's the classical shitposter dude lol

There's that game where it plays intervals and you have to recognize it... I think it's that musictheory website. That's still important but you need to get a sense of melody in general for that to even be useful; theory is more to recognize and facilitate bringing out what's in your head rather than telling you what to play.... well unless you're academic about it

Like I said, intervals aren't that useful on their own but you need to know those to identify the constituents in chords (particularly common chords). There is also chord ear-training on musictheory.net.


how's the mix on this one? pls

>weeb song


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As many as it sounds good to have, and ditto on the spread.
Just bee yourself :)

ive been doing that for 3 years now

>Huh? Are you telling me the time I spent learning to make good growls were wasted???
kek look what you doing

>kek look what you doing
there are people here who sing and also don't make dadrock covers samilam

i commented on your sam behaviour

how do I contact phaser user?


split your frequencies with eq3 on your master then go into the bathroom and say his name three times while staring into a mirror

... if you mention him and ask a question you'll probably get a response. i'm pretty sure he said he seaches his name in the archive for mentions or something

Good musicians post in soundcloud or bandcamp general

Shitters post ANONYMOUS LINKS ONLY! in /prod/

does this have dynamics

>does this have dynamics
Already knew who
Sammy, no need to check guys

fuck off of my way

What do you want to ask him?
Maybe we can help.

he wants to talk to phaser, not ask you bullshit.

No way, phaser is more wise than 99.9% of anons


having to follow rules and submit to others has destroyed and smashed my creativity and joy of experimenting crazily with music and other stuff. what do?

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fuck shit up, also hanging around people devoid of creativity


boys i got a question about sampling

can i recreate a piano progression with a different piano sound or a synth and it will not infringe any copyright?

you can't copyright a progression lol
you can get fucked for plagiarism still, which is much harder to prove... but likely nobody will give a shit

im making genre covers of a soundtrack but i dont want to get fucked over any infringement so im just thinking about recreating the rather simple sounds i want to use

cant be too sure and im pretty new to production

>im pretty new to production
not to be mean but if you're a nobody, and even more so if you're a nobody that that is new to this, i promise nobody is going to care.

i know lol
what if i make something really good or i eventually make something good and this old sample becomes popular and then i get fucked over

You mention him in the thread.

>split your frequencies with eq3 on your master then go into the bathroom and say his name three times while staring into a mirror
This also works, but I'm more often here than behind your bathroom mirror, so YMMV.
I don't recommend this procedure though, because some times the system messes up and you get another random user. A few months ago I got Demarcus and it took me three weeks to be able to make something that wasn't trap beats, so be careful.

>i'm pretty sure he said he seaches his name in the archive for mentions or something
I only do that when I need to retreive my old posts.
I usually skim the threads that took place while I wasn't online just to catch up or see if something interesting has been posted, so if the thread I'm mentioned in is still online I'll respond (like I'm doing now), otherwise I probably won't.

This but ironically.

if you're on that path you'll know it and have wanted to delete your old shit that you're embarrassed of anyway....

Dude seriously this isn't worth worrying about for you right now

i appreciate the honesty
im not as new as i maybe portrayed it but i agree with you still
what im intending on making is genre cover of some pretty popular songs so if i actually deliver quality (which i probably won't) i just dont want to get fucked

i started making music on my shit 2.4ghz 64 bit 8 gig ram PC a while ago and ended up getting a better PC recently 3.5ghz 64bit 32 gigs of ram but the projects that would take forever to load on the old PC dont load at all on the new one
wat do

What do you mean they don't load at all?
What happens when you try to load them?

>just now trying out sidechain function in massive

Helpful to get into weirder territory but I thought it would be more drastic..........

on the old one they would take a while to load (if i click the program before it loaded it would crash)

on the new i just does the same thing but instead of taking a few minutes to load it never loads at all.

no clue what ive done here i hate going through with things only to have everything fall apart. life shouldnt be this hard imo

What program is it?
Can you at least load an empty project?

>>no clue what ive done here i hate going through with things only to have everything fall apart. life shouldnt be this hard imo
Life is only gonna get harder as you go through life. Get used to it motherfucker.

Maybe my previous post wasn't too clear, but I'm here.
If you're still online we can talk right now.

>What program is it?
>Can you at least load an empty project?
yes fl studio works fine it makes no sense because on the shit pc the project loads in a minute on the new pc it doesnt load at all

makes no sense

>Life is only gonna get harder as you go through life. Get used to it motherfucker
wow i bet you wear Big Dog T shirts and think fucking twinks isnt gay

Just wanted to say hi, we should get together and have a secret /prod/ meeting to determine the fate of the general with all the namefags.

>yes fl studio works fine it makes no sense because on the shit pc the project loads in a minute on the new pc it doesnt load at all
Try loading FL Studio (empty project), then saving that project as a new file on your desktop (or wherever you want), then try opening that.
What happens?

>wow i bet you wear Big Dog T shirts and think fucking twinks isnt gay
Wow, that's scary accurate.

Hi user.
How's life?

Yeah, it would probably be fun, as long as we don't invite any of the namefags (me included).

But in all seriousness, I'd be willing to discuss potential countermeasures to whatever is happening to this thread.
Do you have any idea?


Rate my song. It`s not actually a song it`s just a bunch of patterns thrown together because my shit pc won`t load

How did you make this without a PC?

you think youre funny faggot im not laughing

Not too great today, just doing some sound design stuff.

>But in all seriousness, I'd be willing to discuss potential countermeasures to whatever is happening to this thread.

Honestly the only thing I can think of is more actively encouraging people to report the trolling as i'm assuming it takes multiple people. If you've witnessed it it's quite obvious that it really only takes 1 or 2 serial shitposters being banned to drastically improve the thread.

... we can't do much about the on-topic baiting obviously, though I suspect there's a significant overlap with the few who just post non-sense and flame etc.

Last resort is getting bad publicity for Yea Forums and forcing mod attention lol

You seemed to imply the quality of the music was effected by your PC's ability to load. I'm not joking and I'm genuinely perplexed. It sounds pretty good btw.

thanks i was expecting you to call me a nigger or something. new beat will rise again.

I will call you a nigger because you still haven't answered the question.

Does reporting trolls help?
As you said a lot of it is on-topic, but even if it's off-topic, do the mods/janitors do anything about that?
I thought they only banned things that go heavily against the rules (like NSFW content or starting huge unrelated discussions).
Also, this being Yea Forums, evading bans is way too easy.
We could definitely try to counteract the bad posts, but I don't think that would be enough.
I think we should also promote the good ones somehow, becaus I'm afraid that without the shitposting we still wouldn't be left with much good discussions.
But maybe I'm just being pessimistic, IDK, we'd have to try.

>Not too great today, just doing some sound design stuff.
You'll see better days user.

How the fuck did Deak turn this comparatively barebones loop into the best psychedelic song of the decade? It's really interesting and inspiring to see it in such an early stage like this.


Just got back to check it out and it 404'd :^(

>Does reporting trolls help?
Yes, i've seen at least 3 bans in the past month or so.... not a lot but only one of them was a clear ban (endless barely related shitposting and borderline spamming). There's no clear guideline being followed.

Yes evading is easy but it would be extra pathetic to really be that committed to evading over and over just to troll lol.... That would be a fringe case.

>I think we should also promote the good ones somehow
Just responding to them more? I suppose.

>You'll see better days user.
Fuck I hope so, might kms before then lol :(

I'm sorry pretentious losers of /prod/ EQing your snare doesn't trick anyone into thinking you know what you're doing. If you actually arrange your song well you'd hardly have to touch an EQ

You DO have knowledge of theory and composition right? Otherwise you wouldn't be trying to COMPOSE music. right?

i ain't composing shit, retard. i'm making beats

>Yes, i've seen at least 3 bans in the past month or so.... not a lot but only one of them was a clear ban (endless barely related shitposting and borderline spamming). There's no clear guideline being followed.
>Yes evading is easy but it would be extra pathetic to really be that committed to evading over and over just to troll lol.... That would be a fringe case.
If that's the case, then sure, I can try that for a while and see if it makes a difference.

>Just responding to them more? I suppose.
Yes, but also something along the lines of starting conversations, like the themed threads we used to have.
Maybe some sort of activity we can engage in as a group (I tried the sample roulette thing but I guess it required too much effort, so perhaps we could find something easier that can ideally spark some discussions in the threads as well, but I can't think of anything).

>Fuck I hope so, might kms before then lol :(
What the fuck dude, no!
We need you here.
I know things can seem like an uphill climb, but as long as you keep walking in the right direction there's no way wou won't make it to the top.
It's only a matter of time. Keep working on your goals and before you realize it you'll find yourself thinking about how glad you are that you didn't quit.
This life is the only one you get. Might as well just stick with it for the short time it lasts and see where it goes anyway.
Also, mom would be sad.

>he doesn't want to produce the least natural sounds possible.
Go to sleep Gramps, real instruments are obsolete.

>taking suicide threats seriously on 4channel

Attached: 1537245837246.png (657x527, 30K)

>something easier
Set a tempo, time signature, and chord progression and see what people do with it; compare, contrast, and collaborate.

tesh is a faggot and so are you

I'm sorry.
It will never happen again, I promise.

We could try it in the next thread.
Is there an easy way to collaborate online?
Did anyone here try Splice? How is it?

We could also try making sample packs where for each thread we make one type of sound (kick, bass, lead) and we roll for the the type/genre.

>We need you here.
I've already decided that if I do i'll upload the samples i've made and do an in depth tutorial of how to do all the secret sounds since that's all I have to contribute to the world
>Might as well just stick with it for the short time it lasts and see where it goes anyway.
only reason i'm still here

I hope it's obvious that this was half in jest but thank you for the encouragement regardless.

I made this picture and the suicide thread, feels like a weird coincidence for some reason

The biggest problem I see with these kinds of "challenges" is that since it's Yea Forums there's practically no reason to participate; on reddit at least somebody might get curious and click your profile or something after a post gets made about you winning.

I don't care for the few books i've seen but I think we should be encouraging sharing more samples, books and masterclasses etc. I realize a lot of it is easily accessible but plenty of people don't always know what they're looking or how to distinguish quality

Why are there so many passive-aggressive drama-queens on /prod/? For fuck's sake grow some balls. Also, remember you're on Yea Forums. People will be assholes and try to cut you down even if you're good.

Attached: 827.gif (500x378, 1.03M)

it's a general on a blue board with frequently returning posters and a consequently tighter sense of "community" than is found elsewhere on Yea Forums.

It's not Yea Forums dude. Being honest with people is one thing but flaming and trolling is different

>The biggest problem I see with these kinds of "challenges" is that since it's Yea Forums there's practically no reason to participate; on reddit at least somebody might get curious and click your profile or something after a post gets made about you winning.
I'm not thinking of them as challenges but more as little moments of inspiration and collaboration -- like jamming with the band in your basement, it's just we're on the internet and all over the world.
Post clips and if someone gets inspired by what they hear, then they can build on it and just have fun with it. It would be nice if we had an easy way to share stems though.

>hurrr i dont know theory
>lets just plug random knobs into this resonator
Yeah sorry, If you don't understand what the 5th order harmonics mean to a sound you're just an idiot dialing knobs, and are therefore a knob yourself.

>I've already decided that if I do i'll upload the samples i've made and do an in depth tutorial of how to do all the secret sounds since that's all I have to contribute to the world
Hope I never get to see your secret weapons then lol

>I hope it's obvious that this was half in jest but thank you for the encouragement regardless.
Np. I realize it's normal to say such things here, but I just posted that just in case.

>The biggest problem I see with these kinds of "challenges" is that since it's Yea Forums there's practically no reason to participate; on reddit at least somebody might get curious and click your profile or something after a post gets made about you winning.
People barely care about posting or answering questions, let alone actually partecipating.
We need another incentive. Either we do something that's fun enough that people want to partecipate just for the hell of it, or we do something that ends up in the promotion of the partecipant's SoundCloud or something.
Maybe a weekly contest where the winner gets linked in the OP or something.
Didn't Yea Forums make a bunch of albums? Why can't we do something similar?

>I don't care for the few books i've seen but I think we should be encouraging sharing more samples, books and masterclasses etc. I realize a lot of it is easily accessible but plenty of people don't always know what they're looking or how to distinguish quality
Maybe a more comprehensive resource section (like in the Pastebin) with download links to popular stuff.
I'm definitely willing to upload some of my stuff, but I won't be doing reuploads every time something goes down.
Any way you think we can encourage the sharing of useful links and files?

That's no excuse. Even great composers composed beats.


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>Why can't we do something similar?
You just need to have the right people posting at the right time. I remember some legit collaboration albums that came out of the soundcloud threads back around 2011/2012.

Sorry if this is a stupid question but English isn't my first language.
That sentence you posted is synonymous with "it's completely impossible to do that on current /prod/", correct?

don't sweat the bullshit remarks, mate. it's not perfect but there's no denying the fact that you're improving. my guess is all the bitter anons plateau'd long ago and resent seeing anyone climb this quickly. keep it up

This is just Demarcus replying to himself at this point. Anyone who thinks Demarcus is improving at any significant rate is up on top of mount stupid with him.

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Just downloaded FL studio yesterday and already managed to shit out a pretty good beat. Why is this so easy?

Boo, we all know knobs are more fun than stuffy old books pops. It's about the feel and the sound, not the math.

Mt. Stupid. That's why.

Could do a weekly challenge thing like the [spoiler]discord[/spoiler], but without woms ruining everything.

If people partecipate then it would be great, but I'm afraid that that's not gonna happen for any challenge that requires any significant effort.
It has to be something super easy.

I'm pretty sure other forms of production are difficult, but making a beat so far seems super easy. I am having a little bit of trouble with reggaeton since I didn't want to use a loop but I'm getting there.

Not trying to trivialize the art, I'm just saying that it doesn't seem very difficult to make something half listenable that you could hear in the radio.

Well I promise to participate (barring significant IRL issues) because I like playing games.
I'm a beginner though, and a wagie hobbyist so don't expect much

We all suck, don't worry about it.
Any partecipation is great.

Post it here. Its probably not even very good.

As much as I like the guy, he has the boomerest of opinions

I do sound design in patcher in fl studio and then route it into ableton for arranging.

Isn't Patcher also available as a VST that you can use inside of Ableton?

I thought it was tied to the internals of fl studio because of the routing to mixer feature

Yeah, I imagine it would probably lack some of the more integrated features, but I thought that if you routed it into Live you probably didn't make much use of those.

Here's the link btw:
You'll probably find a download for it on torrent trackers.

The way I have it set up is I use fl studio as a plugin in ableton which gives you 16 channels you can set up with varying instruments. I really like how fpc and patcher work so I just load them up into the channels in the fl studio plugin. Apparently you can use patcher in ableton but it is lacking in the mixer and channel integration

That's neat. If the workflow works, then no need to change it.
I never get Rewire to work well with FL Studio and Ableton.
Every time I tried it it worked once then the rewire plugin disappeared from Live until I reinstalled lol