Predictions for her debut album?
My guesses: it will sell around 100k units its first week then descend down the charts. Judging from what she's released so far, the songs will be mostly mediocre and Fantano will give it a 6/10.
Predictions for her debut album?
My guesses: it will sell around 100k units its first week then descend down the charts. Judging from what she's released so far, the songs will be mostly mediocre and Fantano will give it a 6/10.
kill yourself mainstreamer
Who gives a fuck. Apparently you for some reason.
No, (You).
No seriously, why the fuck did you post this?
Like it or not, Billie is becoming quite popular so it's worth discussing where her career will go in the next few months.
not this shit again
It will sell 3-400k easily. Don't underestimate the retarded teen demographic.
>it's worth discussing where her career will go in the next few months
I'd agree with you but from what I can tell her hype is starting to wither. Her latest single debuted at the bottom of the Top 100 and so far she's only had one Top 40 hit (and this is after two years of non-stop payola and shilling).
Her marketing team will come up with something atrocious to publicize this shit a couple days before the release date. They'll cook up some story and it will be all over Pitchfork and other shill outlets for a few weeks.
I mean, Billie did get a spot on Hot Ones (her interview seemed heavily scripted to be honest).
iTunes and Spotify are also shilling her to death.
I've said this in other threads but I wonder to what extent Billie is essentially the female Lil Pump, in that the basis of her popularity is social media rather than her music. She has 14 million followers on IG yet I doubt she's going to sell 14 million records. Her latest song barely got 14 million views within a week of it being posted to Youtube if that indicates anything.
nah she's fundimentally different than lil pump in that, like it or not, he was an authentically sourced "product" who built his fanbase through soundcloud/ig himself, whereas she VERY obviously got catapulted to fame through an industry-backed marketing complex.
Interesting take.
I agree with you, but what would you say are the telltale signs which expose how artificial Billie's rise to fame were?
>it's worth discussing where her career will go in the next few months
no, it's really not.
Wanted to add: I find it ironic how she's touring with Denzel, given at this point she basically is the clown from the Clout Cobain video.
Interscope: *throws money in her direction* "C'mon, make a hit!"
She kinda is.
there was no rise, no progression, she was just nowhere then EVERYWHERE, and especially in places that are specifically geared towards giving an artist exposure.
that kind of progression is literally impossible for someone without access to a lot of connections.
she just had a very effective marketing company behind her, and this is speaking as someone who works in the industry.
Agreed. She's even said in interviews that Ocean Eyes blew up because an "important" family friend shared it (if I recall correctly). That friend must have been someone in the industry.
Nice argument.
There was also that UCLAnon from a few threads ago who said she's for certain a plant. His teacher was an Interscope employee who got his students to come up with marketing schemes for rising artists, Billie being one.