Why isn't rap-rock more popular?

Why isn't rap-rock more popular?

Attached: Death Grips - Exmilitary - Death-Grips-Exmilitary-Large.jpg (1200x1200, 563K)

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I dont know

Who knows, it's like a straight upgrade from rap.

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this isnt limp bizkit

RATM, Limp Bizkit, Kid Rock, Hollywood Undead....all quite popular in the grand scheme of things

Limp Bizkit's first album is pretty rad. Not nearly as good as RATM though

numetal isn't rap-rock

RATM is rap metal not numetal

Trap metal is garbage, let's just get that out of the way

Rap is popular, rock isn’t, therefore the rock brings down the popularity of the rap.

>rock isn't popular

Attached: mp,550x550,gloss,ffffff,t.3u2.jpg (550x549, 39K)

>I listen to everything except for country and screamo

you'd be surprise how many people unironically think this

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It's hard to pull off without coming off as cringy

This is true. Black people on average have no interest in what they consider whiteboy shiznit, and white people on average seem mega cringey and out of their element when they try to be "down"

why would anyone want to act like that either way?

>Thread about rap-rock
>Posts experimental post modern oldschool group
literally garbage.

Exmilitary is rap rock

Exmilitary [Third Worlds download, 2011]
Death-metal hip-hop for El-P fans who secretly wish the Insane Clown Posse wasn't so dumb ("Blood Creepin," "Klink") ***

Attached: christgau1med.jpg (400x266, 17K)


He really is such a hack lmao. What does that even mean?

What a silly guy

Why does “death-metal hip-hop” sound like the way a suburban fundie soccer mom would describe Death Grips?

because the fag has the taste of your standard suburban soccer mom

t. 36 year old nu metal fan

Trap metal is just the next evolution of numetal
It's still marketed at the same edgy kids


>actually listening to ICP unironically
That's apex cringe

I don't but I was providing examples.

ICP is based

I have a theory that they are an ultimate pleb filter, you don't have to absolutely love them but a level of respect for them is what separates the people who truly are counter cultural while total disdain for them shows the people who aren't actually "different" or rebellious but merely normalfags trying to be cool and hip

Attached: InsaneClownPosseDS-2.jpg (1024x683, 172K)

Recommend a good album from them, I'm curious now

Well...I mean...
Riddle Box is usually the "Juggalo" favorite, Great Milenko is their most popular. I say either is good for what they do.

A sample from both

Attached: greatm.jpg (355x355, 17K)

you retard did you ever heard trap-metal

yeah it's shit

woop wop

zillakami old 6ix9ine try those