I answered honestly. For me, it's hard to like an entire album and I just happened to find the particular one I posted overall enjoyable. No need to be a prick.
Caleb Myers
*Husky NYC Italian exterminator voice* We-ah.. got the last of em', congratulations, you are cat power free
Or maybe I haven't listened to any of the albums the people before me have posted? This is a pretty short thread, I dont have a lot of albums to pick from. Doesnt mean I wont contribute if someone's posted something I know.
>Jackson C. Frank's Complete Recordings >reserved, introverted, but thinks way to much >ideally living in a small, but well furnished appartment or condo with a gf/bf of similar or shorter height >try Taking Tiger Mountain by Brian Eno, LC by The Durutti Column, and Lolita Nation by Game Theory >was the edgy kid in middle/early high school, but mellowed out by the end and has a few really good friends >ideally living in a nice condo with 1 to 2 kids with a domineering gf/bf >try Consumer Revolt by Cop Shoot Cop, Pilgramage by OM, and King of the Jews by Oxbow
>Not a stoner, but often confused for one. >Someone who's thoughtful and intelligent but also fun and silly. Should live in the Pacific Northwest. >The Who - The Who Sell Out
>Quiet, used to hang out by themselves in elementary school, drawing things in their notebook. >Should date an caring alpha male/bossy girl type. You know, someone to dust off the cobwebs now and then. Should live a nice, quiet life. >Flaming Lips - Clouds Taste Metallic
>Not a happy person, but would like to be. >Should move someone lively and fun, like Los Angeles or Tokyo. Should date an introspective, shy girl/guy with a lot to say. >Japanese Breakfast - Psychopomp