Post your favorite album and have others

Outwardly comes across as really cute and fashionable but is secretly super judgemental and spiteful when you get to know them better.

Honest person, not super interesting in any particular respect but there also isn’t anything especially wrong with you.

Cries easily, super nostalgic for childhood, you feel like your best artistic impulses have already been expended

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I answered honestly. For me, it's hard to like an entire album and I just happened to find the particular one I posted overall enjoyable. No need to be a prick.

*Husky NYC Italian exterminator voice*
We-ah.. got the last of em', congratulations, you are cat power free

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Couldnt be anything else

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Or maybe I haven't listened to any of the albums the people before me have posted? This is a pretty short thread, I dont have a lot of albums to pick from. Doesnt mean I wont contribute if someone's posted something I know.

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Lives on the streets and sucks dick for a dollar
Get tested for HIV faggot

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>Jackson C. Frank's Complete Recordings
>reserved, introverted, but thinks way to much
>ideally living in a small, but well furnished appartment or condo with a gf/bf of similar or shorter height
>try Taking Tiger Mountain by Brian Eno, LC by The Durutti Column, and Lolita Nation by Game Theory
>was the edgy kid in middle/early high school, but mellowed out by the end and has a few really good friends
>ideally living in a nice condo with 1 to 2 kids with a domineering gf/bf
>try Consumer Revolt by Cop Shoot Cop, Pilgramage by OM, and King of the Jews by Oxbow

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>Not a stoner, but often confused for one.
>Someone who's thoughtful and intelligent but also fun and silly. Should live in the Pacific Northwest.
>The Who - The Who Sell Out

>Quiet, used to hang out by themselves in elementary school, drawing things in their notebook.
>Should date an caring alpha male/bossy girl type. You know, someone to dust off the cobwebs now and then. Should live a nice, quiet life.
>Flaming Lips - Clouds Taste Metallic

>Not a happy person, but would like to be.
>Should move someone lively and fun, like Los Angeles or Tokyo. Should date an introspective, shy girl/guy with a lot to say.
>Japanese Breakfast - Psychopomp

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