Do i really have to be blind to enjoy this ?

Do i really have to be blind to enjoy this ?

Attached: 2B4CC63B-A539-448D-BD1D-30CA98F9BFCB.jpg (600x600, 35K)


Nah not really, just close your eyes to simulate the feeling of being blind

Yes. And your corneas has to be calcified just like the album art.

Well i gave it a listen again in the bus to my work, it was ok.
I still dont get the hype about the album tho

Do i really have to be deaf to enjoy this ?

Attached: Queens of the Stone Age - Songs for the Deaf.jpg (500x500, 23K)

This isn't an album you just throw on when you're on the commute, user. Give it some time. Actively listen to it.

Helpless Child is so fucking good

>just close your eyes to simulate the feeling of being blind
Holy shit this works

Yes im gonna give it a listen at least once per day until i get it
Its clearly a concept album but is thete any background story of the album?

to enjoy the pregap track - yes

Do i really have to be in trouble to enjoy this?

Attached: sundfor.jpg (1500x1500, 139K)


Do i really have to be jilted to enjoy this?

Attached: 61OBQeYhRDL.jpg (500x482, 82K)

yeah just gouge the bastards out. what do you really need em for, anyway?

Do i really have to be a computer to enjoy this ?

Attached: download (12).jpg (220x220, 10K)

Do I really have to never be one of them to enjoy this?

Attached: nails-you-will-never-be-one-of-us-2_1466063294_crop_560x550.0.jpg (560x550, 63K)

can I really listen to this exclusively on november nights?

Attached: november.jpg (600x586, 91K)

Your bus ride to work is over two hours long?

Closing your eyes legitimately helps, every song projects an image.

you would have to be deaf to enjoy it

Do I have to lift my skinny fists like antennas to heaven?

Attached: a3636119674_10_2000x.jpg (1200x1200, 346K)

Its like 40 minutes but then on my way back i listen the other side

If get a sex change and cut my legs of, is it possible to enjoy this even if I'm older than 18?

Attached: AXvNmfXrgJSNAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC.png (225x225, 10K)

Nope, just deaf.