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is useless visual codeword for blasting material
post xiumin's ass or i'll kill this nugu
Terrible taste
update the greenbu for a better pic
probably but xiumin and sehun aren’t useless, they’re both great dancers
also i’d day that xiumin is the most well-rounded exo overall
>what does this mean
seola or bona?
that's her best green hair pic
The other members of Twice? Not a big fan.
bacon, pcy, egg
LMAO what is happening
This is from Theqoo, Korean forum
1. Aren't Big Bang fans the ones who originated all the fanwars with Bangtan when they debuted when accusing them of taking their concept? Now they want to meddle with Bangtan again
2. But you guys are the ones who started everything against Bangtan?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ We're all happy here and we don't care about your controversy, go blame your own oppa instead
3. ?? Now they're attacking other singers too? They lost their minds
4. Who's talking about education? Your idol should be in jail right now, if not the military jail could be a good place too
5. Did those I-roaches bugs lose their minds?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
6. Why do Kpop fans always blame everything on Bangtan everyday?
7. What crime did Bangtan commit...
8. Wow thanks to those Big bang fans, this issue has become international now ㅋㅋ
9. International fandoms have always been fundamentally different from domestic fandoms
10. Like singers like fandoms
he is cute don’t kill him
why is he giving the camera a bj
why do you hate Ryuchin?
even YG likes her
I'm going to miss them bros. What will YG do now that his money maker is done..
No one in EXO has ass except for Egg
i said xiumin not the balding egg
making out with Seola while Bona give me the succ
jimmy v2
post your results
i love yuna so much. i want to hold her in my arms and sniff her shampooey smelling hair
>most int vips are seamonkeys
>seamonkeys sperging as usual
i don't know what you expected user
send un, war in SEA impending
kookie on my d*ck and xiumin on my face
emma stone...
he lives to see another day
gonna have to give bp a comeback
1 - yoongi
2 - jungkook
3 - jin = namjoon = hoseok = taehyung
4 - jimin
any sharkman in
he likes to succ
Imagine if Mina did JAV...
imagine seeing her hairy pixelated pussy
>Did those I-roaches bugs lose their minds?
Karma is truly an army.
It's enjoyable watching this shit show
and cock on my mind
j-hope transcended kpop and bts when he released his 2018 magnum opus Hope World, and i think it's rather inhumane that he's still making music with that shitshow
jiho and yooa trying to ignore those clowns
i am used to seeing SEA chimping out
please no bully
thinking about her
based dyke
why are you so savage bruh
this makes the ratmys seethe
i’d use her pussy hair as toppings for my pizza
I like them all
But I like Jin the most
Rich man's Nayoung
freaking cute
do you threaten his lifespan every day
jeongbros have good taste
Side hoe
It's just Seungri and Top who are done. As long as the other members aren't revealed to be involved they should be fine.
we know you hate him you dirty polski
you don't deserve xiumin with that garbage taste
nice gowon
forgot your bacon
no need to be rude
I'm not polish...
somyi and jueun are only good for one thing
suga has so many bitches here
Exo rappers = gay and cringe
Bts rappers = based and talented
If you're talking about Polish Jimmyfag that's me
I hate BTS
jiu did it better
imagine gowon unbuckling my belt, undoing my hutton, unzipping my zipper, reaching into my underwear, pulling out my cock, and stroking it until she gets ice cream
yes, for every good xiumin post i see on kpg i give him a scrap of food
I hope bts is in the chat and they get fucked as well.
his name is xiumin
based as fuck
i thought you guys were the same person
Shh user
Don't start
i kinda like it
wish mroe idols had creative meme hair
>exo rappers = gay
does this mean i have a chance
meant to quote
Spank me daddy!!!
fuck bts fuck exo fuck all you gaytrash stop posting especially bang chaniggers
imagine jungkook doing that
ok kai
i think it's safe to assume that kpg's bts bias is suga
based kai
pcy is on grindr and likes hot twinks
nice 142 iq
where are the CUMcatcher anons?
i would do anything for a one night stand with yoongles
Did army forget that jungkook was inspired to be an idol from gdragon?
No big bang, no BTS
why are you starving your nugus? still seething at how much they suck bangtan cock?
*blocks path*
keep dreaming faggot
why? because of the 2 yoonlesbians?
i will apologise to the polish then
Imagine breaking into that practice room and shooting them one by one...
uggo pig
jungkook today would spit on gdragon
this but seulgi
>YG dying
>bts next
Bang chan and his crew gonna take over!
Stray kids everywhere around the world!
fuck bts fuck exo fuck all you gaytrash stop posting unless it's the boyz especially stray kidshitters
yuju had something similar
jungkook might have two or three dedicated posters but most people here prefer suga
new looks like a fat pig that squeals when a fat ceo is
It was in 2013
It's 2019
He listens to Ariana Grande now
Yuna'a yunas...
begone ugly shit
post ateez
Great taste
>2 yoonlesbians
oh, you're that user.
What a faggot
post that hottie from stray kids (hyunjin)
i've been seething ever since younghoon declared his undying love for the turbo autist who looks like a grape for the 12th time in a row
get with the times
it's our time now so kindly fuck off
credit card chop like karate chop chop
>most people
one lesbo (you) doesn't count
BTS Sucks AIDS, nigger dick
no girls allowed
>bts next
you wish
they look so cool here
SKZ 4ev
stray kids more like gay kids lmao
jueuggo = mogged
>turbo autist who looks like a grape
Brap monster?
giving him a paycheck
because he loves money
Lately I have been thinking about fighting them
I would probably take 3/7 down with my bare hands
can you not?
im kookies most dedicated poster
Get the fuck back to trash
bts has always been dead
nice try, wheels
lmao that chin
ok here he is
based baconfag xD
post more of this thottie
You must be proud of your accomplishment. What a great life you live.
Now post more stray kids
no, this stupid fucker
apparently i have a photo of him saved
dont call him that
oh, you're that lesbian
You are with BTS in a dark alley
What are you going to do
flovers everyone
you mean pcy
Lee know mogging
>unironically being into stray nugus
look at this fag
please post JiU.
lmao brap monster is a pretty good one
how is he grape like
i dropped them for the better nugu, ateez
Cripple one of them and cause enough trauma and ptsd to the others that they kill themselves of course...
Let's just celebrate the fact that BTS is going to dominate all charts again
his hair was bright pink at one point and it looked like shit
but theres already a BM...
cute cute
>come visit us in our room later okay?
post iu's tits
reminder that camarilla has full control over kpop
jimin always fucks up with cakes
more like flop and screech like hyenas again
what the fuck do you think
jklesbian and sugalesbian angry scissoring
wish basedeon would kick me in the face
John Young? Doesn’t do much for me. Sad!
why does that guy keep accusing everyone that likes suga as lesbians
did he do it Yea Forums?
What are we going to do?
Who would kill themselves first my money is on V
>those lips
He knows what he's doing.
imagine coming home from work and ksoo is there waiting for you with dinner prepared
which exos do the lesbians like
only if momo and her secret stash of snacks is there
slug mogging everyone
don't give jungkook a bad name here fag
the only people defending him are crazy and or in denial
Dubu? Doesn't do much for Twice. Sad!
How do you know
something illegal
I wanna hurt hitomi
Look at him.
That's the face of a degenerate.
imagine being this esl
xiumin looks like a girl
FUCK Chaewon
KILL Sakura
baekhyun is every man's wet dream
this is what i want
user wasn't talking about exo tho
probably chen or some shit
Yes but he's still being used as a fall guy. The real ones in charge will end up getting away with it.
xiumin looks very manly
Have you heard that Rapmon and Chimp went on a bike date? Pretty based
protecc omg from those degenerates
you have no one to blame but yourselves
these are my favorite retarded little kids
that didn't answer his question
what did she mean by this
I don't know. I must ask my mother first.
because that was when younghoon and his sunbaenim finally met and now he keeps dragging around the busted tata plushie he gave him
would you like me to get irrationally angry about anything else before i close the tab
yes it is known
there she is
she does it all
nice try bitch
Taking his hand in marriage
post those kaisoo pics
so this is what yein would look like without a huge nose
100% testosterone in that pic
why are jyp boygroups so shit ?
people either already like him or dont, im not going to affect that
yein's nose isnt huge
that busking vlive was one of the very best
cbx comeback PLEASE
daily reminder if jeong were to r4p3 me, there's literally nothing that i can do about it, it's just part of life you win some you lose some
This Jeongyeon poster is obsessed with me! Very scary behavior indeed from the boy who by the way is transitioning! Very sad!
Literally does nothing
jesus christ v is mogging them HARD
do not post chen’s dylann roof hair here please
wait didnt you say you think jk is ugly
We count that as hitting the jackpot
who are you calling a retard
why does this ugly rat has so many fags here?
no i said all of bts apart from V was but i wasnt including jungkook in that
What is his problem
the state of reddit
wtf this chick is fat
i love my boy john young
sorry michael chenson
Kyungsoo is a penguin
what is the point of nugu companies launching girl groups in 2019
literally destined to flop
I am so happy
Has anyone been to their concert before? How was that?
>Furthermore the hidden camera chat room where they would share hidden cameras and pictures was exposed after a fellow celebrity took their phone into be repaired and that worker served as the whistleblower on this whole thing.
talk about being fucking unlucky lmao
is this luda
nice legs
rape is not based user, i'm just giving a hypothetical scenario
unironically sex traffic
and without ugly eyes and weird lips and a fat face
Is it true that all those bands are basically fronts for an elite escort service?
he knows most of his fans are pervs
imagine if Jo Yuri sat right on your face.
the only thing between your nostrils & her brown asshole, is a layer of cotton
wtf superjunior have good songs?
Absolutely based
doesn’t ksoo also have a white dog
word but jungkook
how dumb do you have to be to keep that kind of shit on your phone if you're getting it repaired
it's like bringing your laptop with cp on it to best buy
nugu ggs ? Well it seems to be the case yeah
based worker
they should expose everyone involved
does chanyeol look like his dog or is it just me
What a dumbass.
i want to adopt xiumin and his cat
make it a ksoo thread
wasn't it 360p? I remember it being unwatchable on vlive
make it a thread dedicated to the worst group of all time, the boyz
baekhyun looks like his corgi
I live in bumfuck nowhere and work at McDonald's.
No chance, but it's my dream.
>xiumin only one to have a cat
me being esl still won't change the fact that all xiuminfags are blind or have shit tastes
taetae thread
maybe he couldn't delete it because the phone was broken
but if it was the case, then you just change your phone so the repairer doesn't see your shit
kpg aka thirstboys with streaming numbers
>siwon is from superjunior
ok but doesn't chanyeol look like his own dog
i literally have the best taste here
last year was very fun user, i managed to grab soundcheck for chicago this year. it gets very crowded so make sure you stay hydrated and alert